of.he IN OUR EVANSTýON SHO0P T0, Male AGreat-Sale Greater We have added NEW SPRINGl SUITS It in L;* ladDrLSaes Announcement has ,becit made effective .Ianuary 1, after eight years' advertising and selling ex- perience iun -e' York'C(ty on the, Nrew York Timnes and agcncy copy, merchandising, radio and contact work, Robert H-. Rankin wlll make his headquarters in Chicago, under the direction of Hernuz» A. Groth," executive -wce-presidcntt, Williami H. Rankint company, 7' r i b u. » c 7Toier. ,ency work in New n servéd. first. initheý During bis York, Mr. Rai capacity of spa merchandising r% * v unipr an ndurnpany, s nomas J. Lipton, Itc., and bas had six years' intimate experience in the development of commercial radio broadcasting. At the Berlin Advertising convention, he was chairman of the Radio departmewnt,, and made the principal address, on "B réadcasting-Does It Pay ?" Biesides this, *Mr. Rankin bas bad wide experi- ence in selling and writing boih na- Mr. Zimmerman's story will be il- lustrated by his display of deep sea curios. He will bring with him the equipment he uses for deep sea div- ing and will explain hpw it works.,- The. School: Assembly association under wbose direction Mr. Zimmer- man lectures to school children ar- ranges miàny interesting progranis for school assemblies. It is a nation- wieorganization wbose board of advisors inclttdes school men in'manv states. Supt. E. L. Nygaard of' the" Ken- ilworth Public schools is elementary sc hool advisor> for the School, As - sembly association. . R. L.. Sandwici. of Highland Park is chairman of the a.dvisory board. Other members of this board are: William E. McVe v of 'Harvey, Ill., G. L. Baizer of Milwaàu- kee, W. A. Goodier of Bloomington, 11.1., M.-S. Hailman ýof Cedar Rapids, la., M. C. Darnail of Crawfo)rdsvilk.' mId., G. W. Gerwig -of Pittsburgh, E. E. Morley of Cleveland Height S, Ohio, L.-L. Forsythe -of Ann Arbor, Mich., Jlarry Keeler of. Chicago, G. H. Eckels of Ne'w. Rochelle,. N.. Y.,> H.* D. Weber 0of Batavia, N. Y., an(l Capt.. Herman Mayhew of the ýMor- gan Park, Military acaclemy, Chicago-., private scbool advisor., Resume Children's Story, Hour at Publie Library, The children's story hour at the Wilmette Public library, wbich was discontinued on account of the holi- days, is to be resumned this Saturday, morning, january 17, Miss Winifred Bright, children's librariari, ai- nôunved this week. The story hour starts at' 10:30 o'clock inthe. ch il- dren 's roon at the lbrary. tional and retail advertis ing copy for newspapers, magazines and trade pub- lications, including book and direct-hy - mail advertising. Robert H. Rankin was boi. ' n Indianapolis, but at an earlv aoee moved & SONS O..ingwp md Ch EVANSTON &m" 5s a 'e, mààylrs4 il Sa.rk &mvia Xcv chao t «iPb*om-ÇuII Winotka188: