Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1931, p. 3

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'vas ceivc oftheb H-oward school tomorrow atter- noon. The meet is scheduled to ýbe- gin at 1.30 o'cloc--nd wiiiàstrt promptly oôn tim, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation announces. The 'entries recorded on Tuesday,- with, a fuli day and:a -haif remaining for rlogistration, reacihed the total final . istration of lest' yea r. Since, three,ç4 the even.ts have been thrown open tq skaters outside of Wilmette, the reýjtration this year is expected to be larger than ,ever before, re-, A. slight, change bas- been made in the -oVÏper of events which 'vill be run as jollows: 220 y rd dash-Girlo under'12 years. 220 y:rd-dash-Boyo under 12 years. 220 *rd daah---Girla 12 yeaÈs of age. 220 yard .daah-Boya 12 years of age. Silver WIng Derby - One-haif mile. Wiimette me~n and bpya. 220 yÈ'rd ' aah--Girls 13 yes.re of age. 220 y4*Md das-Bêo's 13 eàr« of age. 440 ypird dash-Girla 14 yeara and over. 440 yard dash-Boys 14 and 1b years of age. Golden Skà4esq-Derby---One mile open. Boys 15 sud'toier. FS.ncy Skating contest-Open. Men and women. Unknown Distance Race-Boys 12 and 13 years of age. Blue Streak Derby-Two miles open. Boys 18 and over. The unknown distance race for bc-y» 12 and 13, vears of age is a, boy w befôre 0olie n ,il race an unspecitncu nîstance the gun is flred and after that ore lap of the pond must be te& before the winner can. be.l de termInecl. Mr. -avis reports that a thousand or, more people viewed the races last year and as large a crowd is expected this, yegr. Four. Persons jýumpTo It is proposed to install these sets to facilitate the work -of the police department here in apprehending robbers, gunmen and other violators of the Iaw. "eWlmette Police departmeîît has a direct :Wire to thW' Evanùston, police station, and . Evanston police have a direct wire to Chicago, A mes- sage could bie rlayed 'to Chicago by phone, put on the air by the Chicago police broadcasting station 'and be picked up by .the Wihnettè police squad car within three m inutes if the low' wave-radio receiving sets" are installed here, it is said:. The, same message, of course, would be picked up by Chicago squad -cars. M eSurveyof Sho Population in West Area î A survey is being prepar'ed for the Wilmette' board of. education of the school population in that portion of the Wîlmette school district.west of Ridge road. Several months ago tbe board purchased a five-acre tract of land1 west of Dartmouth avenue and south of Thornwood avenue as a site for a school to be erected when the number of children in the Indian Hlill Estates and Xenilworth Gardeni sections warrants such a building.i Children frorn these sections now at- tend the Howard school. The survey .ÇulaIUIn Ioi scliol ge tnere. "No Man's Land" Will Lose Fire Protection' NoMan'% Land," the smail piece of 14nd betWeen Wilmette and Ken- jlworth at the lake, which is not i ncorporated in the limits of any vil- lage, henceforth will be iÎthout fire protection froni the Village of WiI- mette.. The Wilmette Villagee board ,ecnnAic rea I to4I4W1 3 oA.flhIIliT'aJU Sehool lu Brookclyn. He is a member 4f he Americati Chemical societyr-;and %ias been president of the Chemùistry Teachers club of New York City, and ýlso, of ,the Physics club Wf New York. Mr., Darrow's most recent %iook, The Story of Chemistry," bas heen, enthusiastically wekomed by the readîng public. During the Pastl season he bas, addressed a- host . lecture. audiences. througliout, .the '-ountry, invariably, winning high oraise ifor'li§i tghtfo1evid,,ilIum-; .natingdisc!u;ïioeis of.relent scientific discoveries. 0f Mr. :Darrow, it. bas. been said "A man bas come t9 e e lecture plat- formn who can te l'i intelrestingly and entertainingly the story of chemistry in 'Its many marvelous aspects. He illustrates bis lectures wlth sucb ç.hêrical products as, rayon,, glàss,' rubber, oil sha1es and 'Dry Ice."' Incoirrect Addresses On 10,153 Wilmette Letters, Ten thousand, one hundred and fif-1 ty-three letters arriving at the Wil- m ette postoffice during the month of December were given directorv service, Postmaster joseph E. Shantz said this week. The importance of îVU.VAs 51ven UIirectoy sevAie wer delivered, but wýere dela.yed *rom twenty-four to seventy-two hours because of insufficient or incorrect addresses. Eîght percent went to the dead letter office and the' remainintg four percent were returned to- the seÜders. During-the Christmas rush Postinaster Shantz was ohliged to use two employees. who'spent their entire time, looking up the correct addresses of persons to whom miail 'vas addressed incorrectjy. ten days.-of this month., AnînÔu 1 - nient fromn the offiçe of John Api# Stewart, -manager of "the ,theater, i. that the play bas been in prodiactidi for several weeks, and, that its i-b* formnantes on 'the establishied cixr<U 'vill open. in Highland Park, on Jau- "Coming as ît does beýWeen C4 Miarious 'Nellie -the Beautiful,.Clol Mod4el' aud GalsworýthY's deiihtf*1 'Bit. 0' Love,' 'The. Racket' Wig beantlie8,»itnct unit ind-the 'vol. diversfiedNeason pr arn"tsay Stewart. "Hlere is a pl.ayhaisb d on the crime aud politics situation i Chicago, a:play written by a Chi., 3. newspaper: man. who wroté of 'w4 t hie saw, a play frankly purposeful a*I always pointed, honiest mnelodrarna, qf astonishing speed and effectivenesj George jean Nathan, wîitingî American Mercury, said, 'TherZT bas neyer been a draina that bas gt so close to the genuine Amnericaâu newspaperman and the geuue American cop 'as "Thei Racket.",-' Burns Mantde includes this play *l bis collection 'The Best Pîsys of 19v- 28,' and of it he says: '}Tere is aà honest a job as any playw;right lia turned into a Broadway theater this season. of 'The Rçacket' la te central. ro an Outlying olice station on Chloal West aide. Police Captain McQulgg the hero, and Gangeter Scarsi.v4es i Assistant States Attorney Welch the honora of villain. The time i.,ea Novemnber, mast before a mayors O'Sn far -Asn theav-a .r a'InonnerI TOMETMONPAY E.Orner and bis boardi TO MEETfor action taken in dci The Alumnae. association of Gami- southwcst corner of Centra ma Phi, Rota 's meeting Monday mette avçnues4. Wo at the home of Mrs. Lewis Ermel- that he had beaz4 many c< in, 1305 Greenwood avenue, ' Wil.- ary renzarks, regarding tl tu te, fo liqtjçpcenpd bri4g...tu.ddig.h~oias the lit *1. on... Th.y wiII guide. you to the. bout

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