Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1931, p. 47

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&PI' 51lLTN36-ltc 2 UNFURNISHBD IO>MS -WITRI private bath,:.llght housekeepingit desired to 2 people employed. near Schools and Transportation, aise 1. furn. room. Ph., QIencoe 1719. Co FORTABLE AND MORHT"FRONT rooni, 1% blocks froni tranep. and retaurants. 710 Park Ave.. Ph. WiI- mette 2088. O1LTN36-îtc LARGE LIGHT, WELL FURNISHED room with or wlthout board near transportation. Garage. Ph. Wl-nnet-l ka 1543. 51lLTN8ý6-ltc LARGE FSOUTI- OOM ALSO FRONT rooni for .1 or 2 adulte. 731 lth St., Minmette. 51LT36-tfc FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOM near transportation. Reasonable. Ph. Wlimette 2399. S1LTN36-tfc FUTRNISHED ROOM FOR -RENT conv. tG tramp~. ph. Wulmette 2764. 51LTN36-ltp FOR RENT-LARGE WARM RO&M, 1096 Oak St., cali Wlnnetka 2690. blLTN36-ltc FOR RIiNT-2 NEWLY FURNISHED' and desirable rooms, east side, near. transportation. Ph. Wiimette 1940. 51LTÉN36-ltc FURNISHE~D, near tranqx Cal Wtlmetlg m Fo R RNNT, m. East Wilmette. 51LTN36-ltd PLN ILuOi «a WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE WANTED TORNT'APRIL 1ST 8 OR 9 roomn modern houge iWIT 1 or 2 bedrms. on flrst floor., Reasonable, long lease. A-l16, Box 40, Wilmette. 62LN36-îtp .66 mOt RENT-T, E 'OFIE Glencoe State Ba nk IN SUITES 0F 1-2 DR 3 ROOMS suitable for Doctor, Dentiet,'Archi-. tecd or, any bùuiness requiîing offce &pace. Low rentai. 66LT36-tfc 75 FOR SAgE-HOUBms A THREE M VILE 1111 W F OL? COURnSE, FOREST preserve, and Skokie, adds to the at- tractiveneus of this new brick. and shingie Colonial house. First floor has living roomn, dinIng rooni, breakfast rooni, kitchen, and siate - floored screened porch. overlooking the view. Second has 8 bedrooms, 2 baths. Hot water heat. 2-car attached garage. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2l9& 72LTN36-Ite TrHE FIRST Y Innu7 Of à Rd.. ,garage asJ FOR SALEI-A PIANO. PRICE 815S. PH. Wilmette 14. 8L1r36-te 57 WNTEDTO BY-NUHLO. t500Dm WANTED TO BUiT-SECOND 'iLND furniture and other housohold gooda. ture Store, 1004-6 Emlerson St., Evan- Mton, 111. Ph. Uni., 0189. I." -, a JJ.LIOIJL àB- FOiR AL-MIOU 9 ýMAGNETIC LOUD SPEAKERS, 1 -B bater eliminator, 1 radio cabinet, -X gmisfe, 1 Royal tffewrlter, 2 card files, 6 and 4 drawej. 6 four-drawer standard letter files, -1 antique love seat. Porch ruge. 1 dragon ash stand, 1 auto airway vacuum cleanei, lampe, complote set of golf clusand bag. Olornébe 985. 188LTNU6-ltp JUNIOR ELECTmIC LATHE, SAW, and drill, ail ln perfect condition, at fair price. Phone Winnetka 1660. 88LTN36-ltc FOR SALE-1ROWING MACHINE, A-i condition. Excellent for reducing. $10. 1709 Washngton Ave., ph. Wi- mette 3915. 8L'3-t ne WU'D. TO SUT-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-1 OR 2 LARGE WARD- robe trunks, good condition, reason- able. Pljope Winnetka 1577, __________89LTN36-ltc VUilageClerk; APPROVED by the ýpreaident of the Village of Wllmette, thia mnd day.,ef December, A. D. 1930. MARL 10. ORNER Preslident Of'.the* Village of Wllmette, iflhluols. ATTEST: LECA J. ORU, Village Clerk. ORDINllANCE No. 17 -MK.ORDINANCE REGULATING PARK-ýJNM, ON ONEC-WAY STIWE'!1'sANI)AUTHORIZING, THE CHIEF O0F POLIC» TO DEISIGNATE STANDS FOR 1.1j- CENlSIED'CARS, COACHES, CAR- RMAGES, OMNIBUEJS AND TAXI CABS IN THIE: VILL&AGE 0F o WILMETTE AND TO MAKE ANI) ENFORCE RULES AND> RURU- LATIONS- GOVERNIN(i ANI) CON- TUROLLINGTHE QWIRue AND DRIVERS 0F SUCH VEIHICLES AT SUCH STANDS. BE IT ORDAINE» >y the President aind the Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Wilnette: SECTION 1: The Chief of Police ln hiereby authorized and empowered te regulate and control ail traffic upon al streets and alle>vu ln the Village of Wil- mette, and .to make and enforce rules and regulations governing and control- 1kng the owners and* drivers of al vehicles standing or being operated unon such streets and allhwa. .t LUJEBKE ,BLDG., RAVINIA, I1L;1. Sinigle stéam hegted room with bath, $30 per moi 3. rtoin steani heated api., bath; inciud- ing elec. light and refrig., $70 per mo. Mcumire R& Opposite Ravinia $ta. Highland Park 131 Piret fnoor nas 'iiving iroom, aining room, breakfast roont. kitchen. Sec- ond floor bas 4 bedtooms, 2 iied baths. There la a recreation rooni with fireplace ln the basement. 2-car garage. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 72LTN36-ltc 74 FOR SALE-VAÇANT Q VAT TA1AXT'T' j.' A-4v V1Iê4~NJ WANTNt3 TO BUY-USI in good condition, SI: prefer krimmner, beaveýr, Hë P. 2522., Ize 40. WYuUAU or seal. Phone 89LTN36-ltp erected in suq parking zonej SECTION hereby authq designate st coaches, carr cabs In aaid enforce rules and eontrollli of sucli velu( 2 APTF3.,ON 8- ]Resaonablîy priced Prigidaire0 503 Che 841 ENu St., Wimi4' 79 WTD, TOUUY- AUl IN TIS M grave lot in -cal 1 i ý57 ates any of ,tion shah Ib ceed Two H Afly person e any vehle >ower or an3 Irive any Ib y strset, or nette.,1by 017, I-ltc rey o!t 1 Io gpena thi 4,nd parents, r, or any pi zone, and1 h zones, deis ultable W The ClIi rized and Lnds for aie. mi la 0

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