Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1931, p. 46

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VUEUSI dýAve., WiuMeroe, 561Lindcoln AVe., W iDROet, or. 341, Park &, GluO. 4Co'nrat'rates may b. bil upon roquest. Deadlitte for Ineg u -lmfe a rmet ilbe fortueWumWWT Lin -or ail three. pipera;, Thuraday .9 oeiok for the Wmw TAa I" andl Friday 5 o'clook for the GLâeXoOSNIwu. Telephonea: Wllmtte, 4800. Winnetk&, OQ, Wiuuetka. 600 or Glenooe 1484, Greenleaf 4900 or .lrk56. LOB? AND POUND Z.STINVICINITY OF NEW TRIER aloH 8CaSL TUESDAY AFTER- N<00N, WiEE HAIRUD TER)UER. WHITE WITH 2 BLACK '8Y'OTS ýON BACK ND BROWN NOSDFE. E- SCALM ANSWERS.TO NAME 0F "pLWpY.", PH. WINNECTKA 1003. 2LT36-ite. LOOTl-PAIR OXFORD GL&.SSES AND chair on llmtette or Park Ave., noar llbr&ry. Ph. WIlmette 749. 2L3-lte 1,00T - »OrS RANFER BCYCE. neward for return. Phono Winnetk 21.4N6-te S AUTIOU» AZOIUAL CLEARANCE SALE 0F antiquies. Come whle bargains are to be ha& Most every article belng sol4 at or below cost. 808 Washington St., Evanston 1 block south of Mfain St. 6LTN86-ltc AU KInda <of arpenter Work Dlone Dîessraking - Remodelinix, COLLETTE BOEURS-Winnetka 1011. lU IMMUCTU@N. GRACE MeCONNAUGHET. B. blUSTC, X_.W. Uaniv. Piano and Theory. Ox- ford PialaoClame Method- 1606 14ake Ave. ph. Wilmette 1823 .Pauline's Emp., Agency 748 l~ t. -P. Wlanetka 241U6. PRE TOEMLO R.»PLICANTiS registered t thim office htve réerenco as to oAractor 'and ability to por- form sucli duties as ap9liild tor. May we asBist lu securing that partici*Iar kind of help for you?, 41L4TN,36-tfc WANTED-ýLAUNDRY WOItK BY Ex- perienceil laundrese to do 'at. home. Ail clothés dried our aide. WI]l ceau and deliver. Ph. Wilrntt 2623 HXGH SOHOOL GIRL WANTS JOB aftornoons as mothers helper. WflI care for childron evenings.. A-il5 Box 40, Wilmette. 4l-LTN36rltp GRAD. NURSE TAR-ES ELDERLY and conv. people ln lier pleasant home, exo. care. Ph. W'Ilnitte 4299. 41LTN36-lte COOKING OR SECOND WORK. Miglit consider general. Experienced. Ref. Roberts, WInnetka 2963. * 41LTN36-ltp EXPERIENCED NURSE WILL TAKE any kind of nursing by day or hour- ly nursing. Ph. Wilmette 2157, *41L3-tp SITUATION[ WANTED: SECOND maid or cook, Coiored, Cligo. refer- onces. Stay nights. Phone Cedarcrest 2480.' 41LTN36-ltc GENERAL AND COOKING, NORWEG- lan girl, 30 yrs. o14. Good ref. Paul- Ine's Agency. Ph. Winnetka 2662. 41LTNX36-ltc GRADUATe2 NURSE WISHES POSI- tion by day or week, go homie niglits. E»p. ln office or private duty. Ph. Wilpiotte 3007. 41LTN36rlrie SECOND MAID.: SCOTCIIo 25 YRS. old, A-i ref Fauline's AgenoY. 'Ph. Winiieka 2662. 4iLTX3f-ltcý 49 SITUATION WANTrED-MALE SITUATION WANTED MALE ENCY- lieli Valet, ýCpmpanion Seo"Y',Engllsh ýCollogo Graduate, Unquo.tionablo English, Chicago reforencos. WIfling travel Phono Baier, Greenleaf 3787. 42LTt86-ltc EXPERIENCED, PAINTER W'OULD welcome any kind of work-hecan Calaomine, dleani walls, wax floors; and paint anything. Fr further.Informa- tionphn Gre eleaf (Evanston> 3691. 42LTN36-4tp EXPERIENCED -CHAUFFEUR AND Gardener, German, married man. No chldren, would like to livo on prom- ises. 14. S., References. Write A-114 Box 40, Wilmnette. 42LTN3-lne EMPLOYER WISHES TO P'LACE higbiy competent Filipino boy In Lper- manent position as goneral housonian. Good cook. Drives any auto. Toi. Winnotka 2673. 42LTN26-ite NORWEGIAN YOUNG MAN WISHE-S general houwiclea.ning, and, window washing or any odd jobs. Good refer- onces. Ph. Winnetica 2477. 42LTM36-1nd 2 YOUYNG MEN WANT WORIC AS private chauffeufrs, exp. ln mechanical work. 12 Srrs. exp. R~ef. Ph. UTniversity 8563. 42LTrN36-ltp EXPER. GERMÂN CHAUFFEUR. Can and will do houso and gardon work. N. S. ref. Phone Glencoe 210. 42LTN36-ltp CHAUFFEUR, GARDENER, HOUSE- man. White. Married. Exp. Ref. Permanent. Cap tako trips. Winý. netka 2359. 42LTN36-inc MARRIEID MAN WÂNTS WORK 0F any kind. Can drive Car or ruck.ý References. Ph. Wilmette 2770. 42LTN36-lnc SIT. WAN'rED-CHAUFFEUR AND' mecli., or caretaker. 15 yrs. exP. A-1 referorice. WillIing to tour. A-il7. Box 40, Wlimoette. 42LTN26-lte .Agoncy. Select help suplie& maie and feniale, free to employer. 421 Richmontd Rd.- Ph. lcenilworth 1847.* 43LWN3E-itc GEMNCOUPLE, 7 YR. LOCAL REF. Pa uline's A.gency. Ph. Winnetka 2662. 43LTN36-1tc- 44 HRELP WAtIED>--FEMALE NOTICE WANTED ATr ONCE GIRLS FOR GEN- oral hswk. *118-820 week, cooko, $20-125 week, nursemaide, $15-25. Over 80 pont- tions now open for experienced help Muet give . worlking ref. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P. M. PAULXNE'B EMP. AGENCY 749 ELM, ST. WINNETICA 20120 HIGHLAND PK 2520 44LTN3$-ltc WANTED-MOTHERS' -HELPEU1"-3o3 to 7:30 and 2 or 3 evenings weekly. Ligfht housework, .no washing.ý Ph. W~mette 2871. 44L36-itp WANTED - EXPERIENCED WHITE girl -for a.eeal, housework. No 1a4&a- dry. Own room and bath. 303 Pair- view avenue. Winnetka 862. 44LTN36-ltc MIDDLE AGED WOMAN AS IIOUSE- keeper for widower and son. Good home for right party. References re- .quired, Phono Wilmette 2e27.1 44LTN36-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Good cook. No laundry. References.Irequired. Winnetka. 1180. 44LTN36-ltc WANTED EXPERIE2NCED WHITE girl for gênerai housework. Must have refernces. Ph. Wiimette 4358. 44LTN36-lte EXPER. WHITE MA.&D FOR? DOWN- stairs work and cooking. Family of 5 No laundry. Ref. req. Phono Gion- c00 1676. 44LTN36-ltc EXPER. WHITE GIRL, PROT. GEN- erai housewôrk., Muet like. chldren. Rof. Phono Wlnnetka. 492. 44LTN36-iltp WANTED' EXP. WHITE- GIRL PC general houisework. Muet be >good pla cook. Ph. Wilmetto 1030. 44LTN3O-1 REFINED. EXPER. WHITE MAI for gen. hawk. 3 in famnily. Nowa ~p.m. 43Q0 rWimntka -2000 NORT'1H SHOE JIMP. AQENCYA- "The North Shore's Oldest .êgency'l A-106. Box 4,WTilý ÂAI< FOR MRS. HtLEN' CHRIMES 1614 Shermnan .4ve. GRE. 6130, UNI. 093 mette, Ill.. 4SI/rN36-lte 45LTN86-ltp YOUNG COUPLE, MAN EPERDII- 4F ouSAL*E-AUTOS enced Chauffeur, Gardener an~d hlie. m~an. Wife coupd coqk and general FORt SALE - 1931 MOD]ML DESO)TO) b.ougework, N. 8.. Beferences. Ad- _spoýrt roadfter drivelaonly 3,00 miles.. dreas A-113, Box 40, Wilmettei: 810(Yý,downbalnce l 0mnis l. $ . . 81itrN6.'inc 'Wilmete 1Q79. 8T O-t .

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