Eddie 'tntor. ravorting În techni- coler "Whr'oree" is one of the amusement Joys offered at the Wil- nette theatre this week. Then there are other luminaries. includigpg Maur-. ice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald, Edmund Lowe, Richard Arien, ýMary BRrian ýand Leon Errol -in a variety or. current successes. "Whootpee" wiIl be the laugh' riol athe-Wilmette on Sunday, Mondayj and Tuesday. january 119 12 and 13, witbEddie. Cantor as the hyp1ochon- driac, who was d"too sick to die?" Eddie capers tbrough. his, fevered romance of the wildestý west, an, un- wi ling, victim ôof love at the hands ofhis nurse, played byth co- shoutinig comnedienne,, Ethel Shutta. Paul Gregory, ' handsomne- Broadway songster.- shares thé singing honors with Chief: Caupolican, renowned opera and concert tenor.1 George ý01- Sen and his orchestra set the rhyth- mie undertone to the piece. Setting5' and girls are beautiful. Frôiti Broadway, Hollywood, the heauty contests of two continents, anid even the West Endof London. Samuel Goldwyn and Florenz Zieiz- feid assembled .105 of the worid's nxost attractive women for the spec- tacular scenes of "Whoopee." Chevalier la Frisky Today, Friday,. Januaryr 9, the Wil- mette presents Maurice Chevalier, nuerry and irresistible, in "Playbo3 of Paris." Fres5h and frisky, Maurice laugbs and lyrics bis way into thje heart of Paris. Frances Dee, a new- 17 - yanabaurday, Janu- ary9 and -10. There will be a mat- iP-el Saturday at 2:30. The eyes belong o i-Tin-Tin. *cahitle movie star, who wins the glory in. '<Rough Waters," his latest picture. As a companion Rkin-Tin-Tin is right on the job, lovang, resourcefu.' and understanding -going. through new trics for everYone's entertainment., This picture is good for the entire family declares the International edration, of Catholic Alomnae., Maàke *a family night of it, is a sug- gestion.'Community House extenda' an invitation to enjoy its talkinig pic-' ture equipment amid dignified and.1 beautiful: surroundings in the reno-1 vated Matz 'hall., .Said to be the strangest. story ever1 filmed,- "Africa Speaks" wiIl be the Comîmunity House attraction on, Fil- day -and Saturday, January 16 and 17.'j UP-TO-THE-MINUTE 1Now that New York is adopting miniature movie houses, the manage- ment of the Wilmette theatre sug- gests that it bas been, and stili does 'offer north shore residents an inti- mate and miniature haven for film thrills. One of the big shows that is expected to "pack" the cozy M'il-' mette is "What a. Widow," featuring Gloria Swanson Monday and Tues- day, january 19 and 20. --o augcçonwny raveiefi to Lioni Naitinal parlr,,t' Sequoima Park .,and to Palm Springs. for* exteriors. iCu- riously enough,. the first, Samuel- Goldwvyn.Florenz Ziegfeld pcture re- quired the services ,.of -a special elec-l trical istaff' properly to Iight. the out- door settings. Its 64 scenes are ail in technicolor. "White-Haired Boy" Hits Anew with ReduHead: Star in, two -succesve pictures,- "Love Among the Millionaires" and "Her Wedding Nightt," the..yo'ung, light- haired cômedian, Skeets. Gallagher, has supported -the red-headed Clara B)w, and both of -these pictures havre b een directed by Frank Tuttie, who also made. Miss Bôw's other recent success ."True to the. Navv»"The. a---S ýq46f iiorLwo Gays, Tuesday an ençsday, .janusiry 13 and ~14, as Pure farce comedy,. the kind in which Gallagher excels. PAT O'BRIEN TO STAR Howard Hughes and Lewis Mile- stone at last 'have selected Pat 'O'Brien, New York actor, to play the role of Hildy Johnson in "The Front Page," announces Louella O. Parsons, motion picture editor for Universal %puv 7tay, %Mn. U ' "1 RICHARD ARIEN in* .62M SUA 001" Geo rge Jessel-Piîcs 2SenrIls et Matie n Sùn., Mon-, TUo&-s J u.i,,1 wif h Edmauni LOWE Pleny-oiactiôn, some bumor and s;onie great situations are features of 'The Sea God," with Richard Arien and Fay Wray at tbe Wilmette on Saturday, January. 10. Richard Arien and Robert Cleckier are natural ene- mies ini the picture, with the result that there is .a, crashing last ree showing a free for ail battie with Arien, Gleckler and a tribe of canni- bals. There are sorne good scenic effects showing coral islands in the South seas and some nice shots of sail inoe vpel xt~, ~p nd, uItaly, form thle plot I of " Spy, wh' will feature Doro-j thy Mackaill. j bers of royalty who spend much of their tune :at the gamping tables in Monaco's farnous casino., Jeannette MacDonald, who was the romantic feminine lead in "The Love Parade" and ini "Let's Go Native," is here seen and heard as the sweet-voiced count- set maL t-, Evo, rou 7 P. ii. TODAY AND SATURDAY Jan. 9I 91Jo. Fri*co-"Bord.r Ptrol". 8IVMlIOIBSaturday, Jan. 17 RICHARD ARLEN- MVARY BRIAN I IJul AND TABLE3 OAK An Apartment Hotet et 1570 OAK< AVENUE' "M*er, àù '-uti th Avee-Iý rtVANS ON, '00