plaque by- presenting threc outstaucling pictures during the week starting Fr1- day, january 9. On Friday, Satutday and Suinday, january 9, 10 and Ilî the Norshore wil offer. "Tom. Sawyer," ar Twaîn's immortalwane pic of childhoWd with jackie Çàogan, Mitzi Green and Juior D ikn. This great l, d- rected by John Cromwelli gvn pictire-lovers---a---romantic and, true scr -,en telling of one. of the best-loved of Ail stories. "Billy the Kid" -will feature Johnny, Mack Brown on Monday. and Tues- dayJanuary 12 and 13, in the roman- tic adventures of a .ovable desperado. Kay Johnson and> Wallace Beery also are outstanding. * Grace Moore's à gorious výoice wili be heard in ialits richness on'Wednesday *and Thursday, January 14. and .15, in "A Ladyý's Morals,.",a story based on incidents, in the, life of the fanious Jenny Lind. Wallace Beery and, Regi-, nald Denny are also fine. 1930 Building Permits Indicate Sharp Decline During the year 1930 a total of 185 permits was issued for new build- ings in Wilmette, the estimated co3t of which was $1,141,434, according t. the report of Stanley M. Peterson, building inspector. This figure is $432,990 -below that for 192% when a total of 224~ permits was issue fô cost 01 hese - nw residences was $77,000, while two new private ga- rages and two remodeling jobs in- creased the total to $78,320 for the month. The total estimated cost of -build- ings under construction at the end of 1930 was $349,320, while the esti- mated cost. of buildings completed last month was $58,4W0. Wilmette Fire Loss !_ d-N_ - Ir% . - . %%I% C................ Icelebrating the awaixd of the B. i A netra attt pinerater during De- 'bsh, 8935 ondai ol2, PusbUzooBDabau o and Kat%No muosE M M- beOite' tedrienrChcag jjo'si e? is the f irs ando dern ,~ij93l OUnd8% equipmeflthor tl1't iand'0' T. apaatusB embOis a]. dVn od des f thenatiÎOU' f~n for talk. r'd acousîa rrer ait al Uâti CIveaio' eret o' anid> pereCtpcieOLîOr's ü arO i.eef r ect. 801MyO. f i, ImOr8iOrethete pefec f0 Uere-vu gr8intardtht 8i b ejO e s eae r'ti to P fr it iin ua3.t o OU aditos ,#radTorfme' Wii ation' teaereifc o a hi Wsoe ~'18Utheaa baend thOho f tiPi ~cibtOB iIea3êO? paq Date in9.e axid foryOU? e' ioW 1i'l Il