ÀAS ma Mdby the Stm&drd 011 C.) Stand for Everything. Yon'd Aa'k for in Tres. QnIiy..SI.ras...GuraaeedService ...susraePrims S.. eh... tires et Ouar Service Station- .xmma. heuieskto rend eh.gurn toe-noeeh. Iow prac. You'I say ATLAS: TIES are te boat buy on the market. TE 0 WL Bob la M". Ph... Wilmoet.3M4 mentU. 6. 0:1: Inspect the. niotor oil level; use oil of correct Viscosit3r. 7. Brakes: Over-heating somietimes is caizsed by brakes draggng; inspect brake adjustment. & Carbon; Excessive carbon de- posits may cauise over-heating. Re- move carbon. 9. Retarded spark: Advance spark fa as possible without causing motor to knock. WINTER.AUTO STOItACE 8TOKl'RA.Gle l>N CQOL N P RE S E NITS ANEW MOTOýR CAR, born in, the Lincoin, Chamberlain, general sales manager of thePackard Motor Car cQmpany. Chamberlain recently completed a trip which covered practically ail of the territory .west of the Mississippi river. Duning this tri*p many persons; volufteered to him their opinons about motor cardesign and genera! business. MOut in the Pacific Northwest where, there is- much mountain driv- ing, people want cars with maximum accéleration and gear ratios that. will let them. take heavy grades easily;II, he said. "They ame fot fast drivers in that part of the country but tbey want. a -car that they can h.lI at about 55 miles an hour 'in the open country. "'Down in Texas they want a. car, that can easily cover the great dis- tances they travel ýiiit hat part of the country and do, it in quick timie. They ,want the higher gear ratios M hièh give maximum speed and they are much interested in comfort, for long hours are spent in cross country driving there. "The aesthètic side of automobile design ,bas a greater appeal in Cali- fornia. Particularly in Southern California are the cars with snappy appearance desired. Here too there is the biggest demand for open cars o>f the runabut and phaéton type andi ighter colors are wanted. "Sa-called freak design is not wa'nterl Pt al, at least tnt iii that ---b uli with- Lincoln precision - -andgivingi a fresh meaning to the Lincoin name. AVENUE, EVANSTON TH -: O R E DElER their motor cars that: tbey so much, desire i their homes.* "dSafety, 1 believe. is one of the most universallv desired features. Comments on this feature, in motor car' design brouight out the fiecessity for positive and yet easy control; the great need for- maximum vision and the. necesuity for adequate brakes, good road balance and safety glass.. "There is not the feeling of pessi-. Ruth Drayer, who has been nu the holldays witk her par-, Îr.and Mrs. Clarence E. Dray- 34 Elmwood avenue, has ire,. b sMWc-it--the Un*vriy MbSt. et Lied.. Ave. tradition