Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jan 1931, p. 30

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Catb.lic Cl1u bDepartmnent -Cff.n cok Reviews, Music and Reading as Program The january meeting ýof thé fine arts departie nt of, the Woman's Catholie club of Wilmette ýwi!l don holiday. at- tire and becoine a fine. arts tea- this afternoon. in the Wontan's club at Tenth. .Street and *Greenleaf ,avenue. The proçrm wilI consist. of, tbe third of a series, of delightful book reviews 'y. Miss Anne Whitmiack of the ivil- mete Public Iibraryr, a group of -cello, selections by Mrs. Ralpb Horween,, andi a reading of Léo Dtibsensroman- tic comedy. "Thé Great Lover," by Mrs. ,Marshall Kearney. Mrs. Hor- tvee wilI conclude the program with a second igroup of cello. selections. In planninig this tea it has been the desire of the, chairmati to. give ,the méembers of the club a chance to, be- corne better acquaintet witb- the coin- mlttee which bas guideti the destinies and çarried outth plans of thée fine arts department during the past year. To accomplish this end, the committee will receive lthe guests anti serve as hostesses. Those receiving will be Mrs. Frank Thale, president; Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney, fine arts chair- Inan; Mrs. Louis Crush, literature chairman; Mrs. Arthur Adiams, art chairman; Mrs. P. W. McKay, music chairman; Mrs. A. W. Boylston, Mrs. Charles Broati, and Mrs. Edwin Georger. Thme programf will begin at 2 o clock anti will be followed by a social hour. Evening Garden Club. to Hear Practical Talks Thme Eveninq Garden club of Wil- mette will bolti the first meeting of. the new year Tuesday, January 13, at 8 o'clock, aI the Woman's club. New oficers ý'will be'installeti. Mrs. Gor- don Wilson is the in-coming vice- president, Mrs. Nathaniel Webb the ~idjn secrtary, and Charles M. 'linaniethetreasurer. ý_Y euae for the evepng will J c Tite Northridge Wornat's. club apinountres as its speaker for Jan- uary 12, Mrs. Anna Wilrnarth Ickes of HuIbbard Woods, state representative. The club f ees/ise- cial/y >roud 'ta be able ta ha Mfrs. Icees at this tinte, as from iwze' or nutil'Jsune Mrs. Ickes u411 be acting in her officiai capatity in. Sprinqficld. The ta pic of her lec- titre u411llbe "Adventures in Legis- lation. >rfhe meeting iwill take place: at 8 o'clock at the borne of Mrs.' H. B. Tngersoîl, .2001 Tbornwood avenue. Méembers have the privilege of iniviting' guests to hear Mrs. Ickes' talk 4it 9 O'clovk. ery wbich is being given at the Woman's club on Mondays in Jan- uary is meeting with an enthusiastic response. Mrs. Floyd McGrath, chairman of the.committee in charge, reports that a large group bas en- irolleti for thé entire course, and that mnany who intendeti to corne on ly for a few, lessons were so pleaseti *witb the, work. directed ,by' Mrs. * Sbanks that tbey registereti for the wbole course. It is-be!ing conductei like! any .well -establisbed .class, in that papers in answers to questionsý are to be prepare'd at home and are to be graded> .and laboratory work is to be done, consisting of cooking at hoMe -what bas-been taugbt and reporting on results. A ceriicate is issuet to those who enroîl for the entire course, are près- ent at four ofe the six sessi ons, and meet the requirenlents for îndiVi&i- ual work. A few miemberships still may be had. The next session is scbeduledl for Monday January 12, at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be served -it nloon to those desiring it. The iourth session' follows in the afternoon at one. Infant Welf are to Profit bg Philanthropç, Sewing The pbhilanthropy departinent of the Woman's club) of Wilmette an-i nounces that duringy the nionth of Ianuary three sewing days will be held on.Ieriday, january 16,. 23, and .30, Ail wômen of the village are invited to attend these sessions either for alil or part of the Sewing hours which1 are from 10 until 4:30, with luncheoa 1 sèrved at 12:;30., The work on Janaarv 16, -is ar- rangeti and planneti for-infant wel fare. The chairman, is, Mrs., Stavcr Moulding, ber assistants are Mrs.s George Redding, Mrs. Leonard Star- kel, Mrs. -Alvin Beirnes,. Mrs. James Shetiden, Mrs. Knight Blanchard and Mrs. H. J. Smith. Mrs. John Welton Fisher is luncheon chairman. Prominent Girl' Scout Speaker on Morning Program;, Floyd Starr Afternoon Speaker The New Year openis for the Wonl- an's, club of, Wilmette next Wednes- tday with an ail-dayý program. A woman distinguisheti in tbe Girl ,Scout movement, Mes. Charles Lindi- say. of Fort Wayne, Ind.e,.is ýthe speaker at.the mornins session coi- mencing: at. 101:30 o'clock., Mrs. Lindsay, who has. been act ive in Girl Scout work almçst from the tune of. its origin-in this country i rgonal director of District number >i and is one of. the vice-presidents of the National, Girl, Scout organization. Followiiagglber 'talk Mrs. Lillian Northam, social service w.orker,. will spend' d fteen minutes in a' short -ex- pression of appreciation for the sup- port give n ber, and the local charities' by the Woman% s club. during, this faIt' andi winter. At 12:15 Mrs. George N. Lam2b will lead a disçussion of current plays with special referencp to "Berkeley Square,"~ now running in Chicago. As usual, luincheon .will be serv-ed at 1, and ini the afternoon at 2 Floyd Starr,:- founder and heati of Starlr Common- wealth for Boys at Albion, Mich., will speak.' Mr. Starr is considered a splendid speaker. In his school-home'in' Mich- igan he is realizing a dream of bis youth, tliat at some time he would have a plgce where he could take the supposedly bad boy and malte him a tiseful, honest citizen. It is bis theory that there is no such thing as a bad boy, and in.bis school he takes the boy so-called and turns him into new peths. After Mr. Starr's lecture, the New rrier- G!eeý clubs wil1 bring the prot- gram to a close. The morning and. afternoon ses-, sions are in charge of the child- and home.department, whose chairpian is, Mrs.- Ernest Freeman. Kenilworth Club Has SOLOIST FOR SISTEROOD Mrs. Albert Pický Jr. of Winnetka Infant is to be soloist at -a, meeting of the s next Sisterhooti of the North Shore Con- ,at the gregation Israel at 2 -o'cIock Wednesý- >n, 1103. day, aflernoon, January 2. Mrs. Pick Wlllgie the entireujp~ Inep'Uy i Dbe venà urday Moming, -janutarj oclcrk; Saturday afler, 1,at 2 ocIoclaiMo JanuarY 12,'ati2 oclck.' Francihs ith Mrs. rd street 19, at 11 %,.janpary fternoon,

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