.ette at Wilmette in the State of Illinois ag1dt thelose ef business on Deoember;31, RESOURCES $1 ,052.9 Loans. and discounts Overdrafts.............. United States Governmeent securities oyned.. O)ther bonds, stocks, and securities owned . Furniture and Eitxures ............ Réal estate* owned other than banking bous.. Reserve with Federal Réserve Bank.... Cash and due from banks............. Outsde cheks and othercash itemfs ........ Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and'due from U. S. Treasurer......... Other assets........................ >UTr chilaren ai riends. irpari 190 Mrs.post of the Martha Washing- Children wn'tes, to', ay'that if ontlY we cold have, seen the children .of the Homne on Christmas morning we would understand her'gratitude for ,455.99, the gifts of toys, home made Cook- ies and the supply 'of 'staples sent to 276»2 the Rome by.its varions iwell-wishers 71fl < iÜ WIn ltte T.~,539.30 58,480.71 103,372.43 271,M42.74 2,373.51 5,,000.00 33,385.01 ............$2,190,76759 LIABILITIES Captial stock paid in .....................$ Surplus.......... ................... U.ndivided profits-net ........ ..... Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. 1501000.00) The Baby'elinte conduicted, for the purpose of keeping a check on the baby's weight is open every Wednes- da from 2 to 4. Also the, Dental cinic, while caring for '"sick teeth" teaches the gospel of Preventive Dentlstry. This clinic is. open on -Tuesday in.rtuimg fromu 9,to 12. "MISS EUROPE" HEME Miss Alice t)iplakron of Athens, Greece, otherwise known as "Mies Europe," who wont the recent -Euro-. pean beauty contest, was the lunch- eon guest of Mrs. Tom Chamales of 512 Sheridan road, Wilmette on Thursday. Benjamin Marshall was host at a tea in,. his studio f rom 3 until 4 o'clock for Miss Diplakron. of Reserves for interest, taxes, and'other expenses accrued and unpaid...... Circulating notes,.,out standing....... Dpue to bànks, including ce rtified ami cashiers' checks outstanding............... Demand deposits . . . . . . . Time deposits.............. United States deposts............... Other liabilities..... 9,492.15 1()0,000.00 lO4i786.61 767e987.75 81,090.00 7,037.72 FIRSTGHURC 0F HRIST, SCIENTIST WILME3TTE, ILLINOIS. ANNOUNCES A FrRBE LECTURE Olt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Total.... ................................$2,190,767.59 WOLFF v LSONj, Directors MISS M. ETHEI S. B. A few seats will be resetved until 7-5 0 P. nm. for thooe ,wbo are flot familiar with Chistian Science. The ubers wilI be glad to direct you to these seata.. jt tiansen, high priest; i.ora Janssen, secretary ; Minnie. KUélzowtreas- urer; Gertrude. Melbye, chaplain;., Et4,el Compton, senior deacon; Pearl, Shiley, junior deacon.; W. William 1Winberg, advier; Paul Hoffmain, deputy. adviier; Alvah- 0. Callow, inner guard:- Carl Christiansen, outer guard; Anah KL. Post, lecturer; Inî Meyers, custodiani and Floret* Ha- gen, iistfructOr.ýI1 Musical entertaîiment for the in-e*' stallation will be«furnished by Prof. George 1Kampas"of the Balatica Aca- demy of Musical Art. and by Ernst H. C. Melbye, organist. Pre.School Circle to Meet Wednesdiay Jan. 1 The Logan - Howard Pre - Sc.hool group, will -have its. pext meeting' Wednesday, January 14, at 8 o'clock in the evening, in the Howard echool. .Mrs. Fetherston from the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial is to speak on "Applied Health Habits." Mrts.,.Feth- erston, who has addressed this group, before, makes a'foeceful talk on the gospel of positive health. Mrs. Edward Pothoif (jean Dray- er) of Champaign, Ill., was the holi- day guest. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E.' Drayer, 1034 Elm- Wood avenue. 4 't --2Dld'