appearecl 50 suddenly tnat even, the children, who were called to the stage to assist Reno, were baffled. Que boy broke an egg for the genial i agician, stirred the egg in a vessel, and then watched Reno light a fireè. The resuits wasneta scrambled egg npr an omelIet-ý-but, Io, Reno lifted out a live duck. The children were just, asý atten-" tive and in terested When * Reno told them bhow to work several tricks that he'>had!learned during lhis thirty-five, years. as. a magician and during, his travels -over the. world, to India, Syria and Egypt. While springing one surprise after an- other- on his. audience,, Reno, kept ýup a running ire of comment. that en- hivened everything- he. did. Some of his tricks were inventions of his own. After the last of the bowls and flowers and doves had been co.njured, f rom "out of the everywhere into the hère" taffy apples were served to the I ebjîdren. *Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 7Oî Central avenue, ivas hostess this week to the Tuésday club. past 27 years. She was a member of' St. John's Lutheran church. Besides her husband, Mrs. Eber is survived by two, sons, Arthur and George Jr.,ý both of' Wilmette, one daughter., Mrs..Lorraine GilwoPcl of Chicago, two sisters,. Mrs.1 Elizabeth Reinke. of Chica go and Mrs. Clara Carlson. of Mercedes, Texi. and. one brother, Louis Handschu of Chicago., The funeral. servicés were held Monday afternoon of this week at- St. John's Lutheran cëhurch at. 1 o'clock. The Rev. Herman W. Meyer, pastor of that church, officiatei.. Burial took place at Eden cemetery on.West Irving Park boulevard,' Chi- cago. Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Scott of Kan- kakee II.,, have beeni the- holiday guests of Mrs. Scott's sister,, Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721, Greenwood ave-1 nue. Fred Brunning of the Qld People's home, Arlington Heights' 'Chic~ago, is the holiday guest of the Paul Nai- zigs, on Ridge road. an automobile tire tnat adiouîy slight damage. '.fhe car belonged to an Oak Park resident. .An overheated stove was respon- sible for a blaze at the San Pedro Tea room, 918 Spanish:coôurt, Mon- cday m orning. Wilmetté' firemnen were called t put out thé ire about 8:25 o'clock. Trhe damage was slight. At 3 'clock on1 Tuesday afternoon the firemeën-extinguisbed a blaze ini ,a clothes closet, in roomns at the, rear of 905 -Ridge road occupied by John Strite. Spontaneous combustion is believed to have béeen responsible lor the fire., The damage amounted. to Bush ConsevatorY Teachèret of elen-Curtis Glass Piano Private Instruiion Stuadio: 1183 central Ave. willniotte 3051 IU~ -J Our evev ImpeovIns methods of modem distribution coeate NEW ECONOMIES uhit .dd to Our "vins$ et Our nearest store.Te accumulatedsavlhgspurçlsmfadded luxurles or protection for your Sain- ily d..t y.. may live better <l.rlng 1931. Exb Foi ..Prunes- Lr Qulcd Kosto Ail 3 li. 25 c' 3 pkgS. 22c 2 «m 23e Cof.. Siors Reidèes., Wilmette & Central Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-,401 Ope, SoIndays Uaitil 1P.M 4 'i PhneWilmette .400-40,1 SAFEwSU RE ýpPOIMPT S.rplisg 26 Yars Nul IMATIO TEA CO.. ROCERSI, ,UALITY 6 S'ý