Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1931, p. 47

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ýveek, rereent l *. t- nian and Romance ianguaage depart- ments. About half of them took ac- tive part in the program as chair- nien of sections or by reading papers. Prof. James Taft Hatfield of the German departmeflt read a paper on Longfellow ini the American litera-T ture group, and Prof. Werner Leo- poki, bi.s associate, served as secre- tar-v of two German recesses and also .attended the meeting of. the 7Linguistic SocietY of Amnerica. Seven delegates from tbe English 4epartnlent wbo were on the program wvere: Prof. William Frank, Bryan, head of the'department, Who served as chairman of, the section on Mid- die -English at the convention; Dr. Frederick Henry Heidbrink,ý who spoke on thé relation between artii- tic and criticai theory of French and English art; Prof. Nelson Sherwin Bushnell, who read a paper on Chian- cer; Dr. Arthur Nethercot, who took part in the discussion of the dramna Prof. Walter Pnnin1gton, who spoke on the Arthurian romance; Prof. Vir- *z gil B. Heitzel, who servred as chair- man of the section on the Anglô- r French iiterary relation, 'and Prof ApusW. Smith, who served afs cbairman of the section 'on prose fiction. Other representatives of the Eng- lish department were Arthur Ellicott Case, Hamilton Cottier and Freder- ick E. Faverty. 77 WlroiNtEM ORT ANNOUNC1EMENT Do' you plan to winter in Miami this Season?. Let us arrange for your ac- commodations. You will flnd our Rent- ing Department can assist you In: Iôcating Pleasant livable quarters dur- ing your stay. We represent the -Bureau, of Rentais of the,.City or Miami and hâve some of the choioeât property In Miamii. We believe lt may be tq your interest t(o communicate wlth us at once. R. -B. Whitaker Company 841 EIm St., Wlnnetka Wlnnetka 3250, 77LTN-ltc photo by Carko:', The enggemaent of Miss Martha Crossle y, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prederic Beers Grossie y, 602 Wash- inagton avenue, Wilmette, ta Mar- tin Kellogg Barlow, son of Dr. and Mrs. T. Marvin Barlow of Bellingham, Wash., wpas' madle knoum last Saturday after!soon at a bridge Part y at the Crossiey- home.' Miss Crossley is' a graduiate of. Northwestern' university where she Was aff iliated u>ith Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Mr. Barlow attendd the University of Washinjgton, where he wa a mtember of Phai Gamma Delta fratermity.~ Funeral ,of- Mary Keenati HeId Tuesday Morning MisMary Keenan, wvho for the past twenty-five years had live at the Kenilworth sanitarium, died on. Wed- nesday, December 24. Thle Funeral services were held at 8:;30 o'clock Tuesday morning of this week f rom a chapel at 1158 N. Clark street, Chi- - 1d... I f'%me i*ahedral. urial, physical structures tmat setr ni family life. It is setting up a mach- inery 'new to. American life for this specific purpose. It is planning to draw from the various great business groups concerned with bornerbuying whatever facts and, ideas they can suggest that will open, home owner- ship as widely as possible to..its peo-1 pie. This is the meaning of the meeting in Washington early, in October. of the planning committeefor the Con- ference on Home Building and Home Owership wbich President Hoover bas, set up. Simuitaneousiy the ablest businessý minds of the cointry, .tbe financiai leaders, the men Who are conceiving new, co-ordinations of bus iness and bringing new econom es into exi:it- ence in production and consumption, 'are looking in .a new. way into the field of home production, and tbe con junction -cf 'these two' factors shouid mean much' for the future of the faniily that wants to own its-own home,, and for the future of real estate activity, Leonard P. Reaumer, president of' the 'National Association of Real Es-ate boards, states in re-' porting the work of the recent Wash- ington meeting, wbich he attended as a member of the planning 'committee. Robert P. Lamont, chairman of the Conference, in announcing its pro- combined, with the current 10w costs of building materials, mean that -for. the man who wants to own a 'home$ now is a good time to build. Mrs. Wil-liam Hoalmes, 622 Centra ave .nue, was hostess at a farewell luncheon and bridge party Tuesday for Mrs. Tom' Knox and Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, wbo are leaving soon for Florida. o- years. JFurthermore, prevaiing eco- nomic conditions are 'certain to makce control 'of the disease unusualiy diffi- cùit in the next few years. "If you haven't sent your check for t he Christmas health seals," said Mrs, '1heodore B. Sachs, superin- tendent of the..Chicago Tubercuilosis Institute, "please' don't think it is too late now., "Returns f rom the sale of Christ- mas- seals have been encouraging,., considering the stress of the timesi but the sale this year wiIl not be, equivaient to that of 1929. "Thi S naturally '4is a matter of grave, concern to us' because our efforts this year must be redoubled té hold down the anticipated increase in the. White Plague. Tuberculosis bas long been known as a poverty disease, rising and falling with the. changes of economic. prosperity. "In the control of tuberciilosis, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure and eur preventwê' effarts this year' must be greatly extended. For exampie, the sum of $10,000 bas been given by the Institute to provide free lunches in approxiniately seventy of the public schools of Chicago. In' some cases breakfasts also wjli be served to the 'children. This money will probably be expended' in the course of the next tbree months, but we fear the need will continue even after thîs period. easy.'victims.ot tuberculosis, the great ene*my of cbildhood. Infections Iodged in scbool cbildren today mean an increasing number of tuberculosiâ, patients during the next ten or fifteen yëars." Beware Over Choking, Advice Prom Packard at the Brouevard notel, miaula a i n a . 'e. FOR SAIuE-4 PR. OP' SJOE SKATES,--o0 Size 7%. Cmii Winnetka 1346.'-- ' 814tp jack Rathbone, who has been at Miss Barbara Oleson entertained s WUD. 'O au Y--MlCLLANKO h is home on Abbéttsford road for a twelve girls at the Inclian Hill1 club WANT»D -CEN rather extended vac ation, w111 return last Sundair evening. After a buffet liCperlb. îifl WHITE. RAGSt issuis.a rnceton Univer- supper, the guests 'enjoye4 'an eve-, mette. Cnr 89LTN1-ttp' ýtY feXt Monday. ' ning of skating and tôhog#aniàg.ý CODY TRUST COMPANY 105So.u d. eStect Ra.d1ph 6600 CHICAGO

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