Rates-'6 entsa ine la euepapr, 25 cnts a fine lu any two pprs. 0cets a Uln uail tbree papers. NIINXCHARG*E 81.00. Averngl of five words to' the. lino. No black face type used.. 10% discount on al oaah w1th order adw-rtsements when brouglit to our office at 1232 Cntral, Ave., Wilmotte, 561 IÀncoln Ave., Wlnnetk», or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract retes may b. had uipon request. Deadine for Itisertions-Z ot-d up orttednesa w9i-lôbo for the Wn.xOT'rruLiu or al three papers; Thursday. 9 o'clock for the Wnnoerx TALUc and Friday 6 o'clock for theOZGLuNoou Nnww. Tôe . phonesî -Wlmette .4900, Winnetka 2000; ,WInnetka .500 or. Gleee'84, Groonloaf 4800 or Sheldrake $687. 8LOB? AND-FOUND 41 SITUATION WANTUD-FEMALE LOST-DA:RI RIMGLSE ON DEC. COMP>YrENT PART-TIME STENOG~- 24t.h tu front of Suider- Cazel Drug* raphier for offie Work., Secretarial store or, Davey 'Jowelry 'store.- Ph. experlence. Wintka 3010. Wilmette 1042. ' > 2LI1tp 41LTN1-lte AU Kinde of Carpeniter Work Doneý JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmùette 2165ý 9LTN1-tfcý Dressmaking - Remode'ling COLLETTE SOEUflS-Wlnnetka 1011 11LTN-ltp la INSTRUCTION MUSICAL KINDEEGARTUIN AT COM- uîunity House Winnetka for Childreu te Il 130. January termn begins Jan, 5. Tranporttionprovidod. alW- mette 1199. 15LTl1tc VIOLIN, VIOLA & CORNET LESSONS by experienced tewçher. Cal WII- mette 3073. 15LTN1-ltp .2 ADOus svIoE RADIO SERVICE CALL WILMETTE 984 Propor Attention on Ail Makos. 29L-ltp 30REPARRINO AND RUFINISNINS ZrF1YOU NEDA .CARPENTERI, taieplone Carl Bongaton 1,He does. aU lkimdaet carpenter work and re- Pairng.Winn. 2480.%, 3. OLTNI-tfc =1 WANTDD-WASHING OR CLEANIING Wod. &- Sat. by exporlenced German woman. Phono Wilmette 3ô!3. 41LTN1- lue EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR CHIL- dre;n aiso for Infants. N. Refer~ enco. Ph. 0ieenloaf 2650. .41- N-~t 42 SITUATION WANTED--MALE YOUNG MAN GOING TO SCHOOL 18 looklug for a Position lu private fam- lly. Will do any work before and atter school hours for room, board, and small wages. Phone Winnetka 3043. .42LTN1-lnc SIT. WTD.-MALE ENGLISH VALET L >mpanion, Secretary, Engligli Coliege Graduate. Unquestionable Engllsh. Chi- cago Ref. WIlling Trairel. Phono Sadior, Dlversey '2317. 42'LTN1-îtp NORWEGIAN YOUNG MAN WISHES genpral housecleanlng, a.nd. window wasffibg or any odd Job>s. Good .refer- ences. Ph., Winnetka W47. 421LTN1-1nc EXPERIENCED MAN -G A R D E work, wash windows, care for fur- naces, etc. Wlnnetka' 1552. 42LTN1-1tc, DRI VING, HOUSE WORK, WINiD)OW washlng and odd J obs of ail kiuds, by experlouiced and- rellable man., Ph. Wllmette 2345. 42LTN1-'lnc. DOWNSPOIM ANDTSTRM VRç EiW. 'oers 'ad other Zrpalrs.' -Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1288 :. ïn n tdons 110w open for eperevJutu ipq. Must giveworeing réf. SOPEN. SUNDÀY 2-5 P. 31. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 ELM ST. WINNETKA 2662, HIGHLAND PK. 2520, 44LTN1-ltc WHITE, PREF. GERMAN OR SWED- ish, gen. hswk. and cooking. Small hse.* 2 iu famlly. Must roomn out in H. WdS. or *Inn. Wiunetka 3576. 44LTN1-ltp MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. NOT Young, plain cook. 3 iu famlily. Ref. req. Pbone Winnetka 2099. 44LTNI-lte WHITE -MATD FOR GEN. HSWK. 3 aduits. Muet have referouces for gen- éral work. Càli Winnetka 1705. fJOVERNESS WANTED OVIZR 30 Yro. of age. Protestant. Must have good rof., $95-30. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY WINNETKA 2662 44LTNl4tc WANTED-W-HITE. GIRL OR WOMAN fo'r general house work for family of 2 adultsanad 2 eilidren., Ph..Kenil-, worth 1558. 44LTN1-ltc MAID WHITE. GENERAL HOIJSE- work, sinail famnily. References. Glencoe 1220. , 44LTN1-ltc 45 HELP WANTED>-MALÇ WANTED- Five men, temporarily unemploy- ed, . for hous 'e-to-houise solicitation. Heads of families . preferred. Lib.. eral commission will be paid-, with $30,,a week gùiîàînteed. Earn- ings dcpend- upon abil- ity-.of solicitor. Wte will furnish names and ad- dresses' of prospects,. and- our preliminary_ 2 'chambiers, south exposure, elec. re- frig. Reas HOKANSON & ýJENKS 9à0 Spanlsh C t.- Ph. Wilniette 2920 56LTN41-ltc. IN HUBBARD WOODS AND 'GLEN- coe high class 2,, 3 a.nd' 4 roomsÉ, fur- nished, and unfurnlshed, $45, to $110. Miechanical retrgeration, 2 blocks tW tramsp. Mr. Thompsoo, Wlnnétka 3U98 56L[TNÎ-4U APT. KENILWORTH, MODERN brick building, liv. rm. din. rm; kit; 3 bed'hus. and t~t,$0., Inifled. poas. FRED'K B. THOMAS & CO. WIN. 66LTN435-te 2 APTS. 1 FURNK, OTHER UiNFURN. $65. Short lease. Apply 503 Chestnut St. Wlnnetka 1948 or 690. 56LTN1-fc 30 FOR RENT-HOUSES BUNGALOW, 5'ROOMS AND. FRONT, P orcli. Garage. 1035 Ash St.. Tel. Winnetka 910. OOLTN1-ltc CHOICE, NEUWLY DECORATD 5 rms., sun porch and garage, to Prots. Wlnn. 1630, oves. 6014-ltp FINE MIODERN 7 ROUIt HOME $80, ws$140. Owner on premnises. 1077 Cherry St., Wlnn. 2140. 6OLTN1-tfc es WAN4rz.TETo RENTr-HOUSES FAMILY 0P THREE ADULTS 18 looklng for a five or six room resi- douce or unfurnlshed apa!rtment for oceupancy May lst. Prefor location ln Wilmotte -or Wlnuetka, near C. &' N."W, depot. Would be lnterosted lu -one floor of a residence. Best Rot A-11, Box 40 Wilmette, Ili. 62LTNl-ltp 63 WTDO. TO RENT-PURN, NUES. SMALL HOUSPI IN OR NEAR KENIL- worth for remainder of school. year. Cozy and' reuMouable.- Winnetka. 2297. 63LTNi-ltp 64 FOR RENT-UGAW^a@E B»ST GARAGE IN TOWN. WINNET., ka. z248.,' 64LTNI-ltc Bs FOR RENTl-STORES a OFFICES WINNETKA OFFICE. TELEPHONE and part-tlmne Or full-time àptenog'ra- ~phic service If 'deslred. Winnetka 3010 .66LTN1-ltc Gleinpe taItË R2nL iig to bermn 16,000 fami- in by 5 p. m 3004~ instka2000 2 SUrN p UME FOR GENTLEMEIN, and deeP-194 feet--and overlooka a Board If deslred. Ae garage. 1204 golf course where winter a~nd suminer Gregory Ave. PIL. Wihratto '335k thore leu 'id nobmtructod vlew of roal 61LTN1-ltc boauty. ForRliT .- PU 13 RO QUINAN,& TYSOIç near tnsortatIon. Reasoônable. Ph. 1 N»aret'Winnetka 2198 Wilmette 2399. LN1tc4f'1-c 41 ' ITUATION 'WANTEE> -Pauline's Emp. 2 1