Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1931, p. 45

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Gary, Cooper, Moraii and Mack, E.ddie Quillan,. Rose Hobart, Charles S Farrell, William Haines and Maurice Chevalier aill contribute.their talent.s to the living screen at the WVilmette tlieatre' for this week's outstanding Proffrarn. One of' te specate tat, will .coax laughs from everyone is the all-do'g comedy featùring Phido \Jance .in ."Who Killed, Rover?" These dogs sound human and act 1even *funnier Tucsday and Wednesday, January 6, and 7, will be the nights of this dog, comnedy at the Wilmettetheatr.e.The main'picture on these evenings is to I>e "Remote Çointrol," presentinig XViýi- .........liam Haines, )Charles. King;, Mary Doran, John Miljan and Polly Mo-, ra'This film, is regarded as the, rh:StsVited vehicle in. which the ver-, satile star bas been seen since "Alias, hit; "Remote Control" combines a mystery plot -with cornedy'situations. llowever, the new talkie is particu- larly of interest in affording Haines an hitherto unrevealed outlet for his talents as a coméedian, '-namely, that. of an impersonaàto-r of well known. radio stars. Tonight (Friday, january )Gr * Cooper and William ýBoyd: battie in "The Spoîlers," smashing mnovie ver- sion of Rec Beach's gripping story, at the Wilmette theatre. Lust of gold and love for wômen are forces -under which mien are powerless ini this great play., Persons unable to at- tend the evening- performance inay see this epic of the Alaskan gold rush at the 'spécial matiniee ;this af- ternoon. Two Black Crows Appear * Moran and Mack,: tbe Two Black * Crows, join the army >with amusing results ý>in "Anybody's Wtr" on Sat- urdayw, January 3, at tbe 'Wilmette theatre. Neil Hamilton and -Joan * . Peers supply the romance,. and the (ldog act.or, Deep, Stuif, won't fail to, win the sympathy of the audience. "The Indians Are Coming" and "Son of Tazn are~ the twseias Williamn Haines as the one-man staff of a defuptct radio station and Pollj Moran as the' radio beauty expert are picturcd iet a scene front "Rentote Control," lim.ystèry-coiiedyl thriller, to be shozmi aithde Wilmette theatre on uedvapid.Weditesday, Ian uâry 6aid7 Arien and to Colla Hackett Plan iborate onPl don, bacic to tnis country. According to Louella O., Pargons, motion ilpicturé editor for Universal Service, Ur- Goldwyn was suppyosed to be on *a vacation in London, but he just couldn't take a holiday when there was anybody on hanld who woutld.dis-, cusmotion pictures. More Than Year Spent on Teatro del Lago Film grand comecly. Gleckçr are the othef pla On Saturday, january . 10, Richard Arlen yvill be at the Wilmette in 'The DONAHUE MAKI Sea God."' Eddie Cantor' "Il be Jee Donahue will play featured in "Whopee,", technicolor' lead in !'Party Husband.' miusical show, on, Sundayr, Monday "man made a*.g.ood and .'Iuesàdy, NoveniSer 11,12 and 13. "Sùinny." .S FUIN the comedy The young ,.ihowing in lovablc old crab, makes his screen debut in " Grumpy" te open the Jan- uary motion picture programn at Communîty lieuse today (Friday) and tomorrow, Saturday, January 3. There will be the usual Saturday matinee at 2.:30. Critics agree that Maude gives one, of the finest per- formances of screen! history. Not only does he offer 'a delight- fui characterization of an -old inan, but he takes ýa peppery part in a plot that packsa kick like a mnule.. This picture, which is perfectly, cast, is a, .grand piece cf entertainmeni, witbl Phillips Hohnes, takinig second hono rs. A Community House. moviç expert givces the following, slant on the film: "Testar 1s the renowned Cyril Maude lu one of b.is greatest charac- ter' roles. 'Grumpy' bas bis. fits of tiemhper,.but he is, in reality, a- lovable old man, 'witty,'generous aiiid exceed- ingly clever.. There is plenty of ex- citement to keep you on your toes and a cofipicated romance te ,ini- trigue you. But the best of it al remains in the subtlety of charac- terization." On Friday .and Saturday, january 9 %and 10, Community House will pre- sent Rin-Tin-Tin, canine action star, i"Rough Waters." * MÀTINEE TODAY "The Spoilers," mighty action pic- turc featuring Gary Cooper, will be. READY FOR TALKIES Mary Alden, one of the screen's fnest. actresses whç, is rememibered, by niany persons for lier perforni- auce iii -Tlhe Old 'Nest" several years ago, plans to return te the movies.' Rose Iýoba rt and John Boles will be co-starIred in the jnove version of John Norris' novel. "Seed." upumwn.- EUÇ4ATIO1!AL SCILEEli lYSE FIXBSTREET EXTRANCE TO CONXIJNITY ROUSE Malin.. Tday NOW PLAYING GARY COOPER in Témorrow î- S.furday MORAN and MACK in., 2 Serials ai Matinse Onlyl Indiens Are Coming" and "Son cf 'Tarzan"ý Sun.è MoiN., Jan. 4-e EDDIE QUILLAN JIiýMY:GLEASON Mao s.. Tinee gave this picturoi three stars*** ibis delightful coaiedy Tues.. We. Jan.. 6-7 .Thur., Fri., Jan. 8-9 MAURICE CHEVALIER ~1~YbY with FRANCES DEEý "Vu the Miuv. ."Tý)miSawyer" *'Mn and 1IY

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