SA. * :80 CES e New Year a and sermon sobool and Bible 11:40 A. IL Second service-..and seyimn Sermon:- 4!Seeking to Excel for the 8difylng of the ChurchIl Monday at 7 :46 P. ML.: Choir rehearsal Tuaesday at 1li:48: Ch ureh coutnçil -Wed"*j&y et 4:' Classes for chidren WedneIY,ït '7:45: Bunday achoolset aff, Thureda7 at 3:00 P. MX: Ladies' Aid Thursda t 7:46: Senir Young People Fridai at 7-.'«: Junior Young People Tbi. new1y ly ietdolUcers of the con- grgton wiil '.benducted Int ooce dulgthe. rvce et il o1iock Sunday next. lu connectiorn wlti s oeremony the paétor wiil deliv+er a aeilmée sageon the workt of the ciiurch. The dadger oonfronting a tchiilà.that It wil become. materüiy minded, and that it wili concentrate is ene%,Zesý on mater- litbings. But the church la a spiritual orzuiatonmade up Of people whoare p-rofessdly bellevers ln .esus, Christ tie Sa.vlour. Ità great aime and objects are of a spiritual na.ture, thei. eing of the eIIu?0IIoutwardly t)u'ugh n e. laMA growt)i, but also tirough an ln- Wad growtii consisting ln the. deepen- Ing of the faitii of is professed mnem- bars. You are lnvlted te. attend our A comploe. ,eport on the Internai and, externail afalrs of t. Johin's will be readered b ythe. pastor next Sunday rnornlng. rt wili émbrace the present statua of the. cburcii as regards bap- tised, communicant and voting member- iip, the minlaterial acte perfcrmed wIthin the. pariaii, the services con- ducted and their attendance, t'he num- ber '0f publie an~d privat. communions,, sick 'vsit, pastoral callé, accessions. during the .year, and the contributions for horne and outaide piarposes. This re- port will b. pubhluIed later ln our ciiurcl a pper, the. WIlmette Lutheran., (3etting off on the, right foot. ise always a good tblng. The coming week ail tiie organisations witbin the churcii are iievlng their M*ist meetings of the,- year. We hope that ail ofet ii embers willl attend. Mun' f, jânuary 11, the new- !amai font, a gft and cildren of the churci, 1 t the service cf God, tol wiil take part ln grvices whicii yl h k. Tiie pastor wll de-' nemuxeon the *Idkoen ber of Important gannements whucn everyone will want to know about. In the mid-week service on Wednes- day at 8 o'elock we begin a new serez' of topiez entitled, 'Between the Testa- ments," a serez of Intenseiy Interest- ing stories, thie tirst on January 7 to be, «The.I-Heroism of the Maccabees.". -FrIday, January 9, wIll be Reciprocity Day. for the Woman's softety. The women of oufr church will be hostesses to the Baptist women of »vanston, who, will arrive for lunchieon at 12:45. Our women will nieet at 10:30 for sewing and a short business mieeting at il1:30 will precede the luncheon. The program topic le 'Know Our, Caribbean Field," and will be presented by thce vanston group. Link I. Mrs. E .O. Anderson, chairman, la In charge of the luncheon... On Thù'kadaY, Januiary 8, 'Link F Miss,.Anniie Beach, chaliman, will mfeet for luncheon at 1 o'clock ln the home of. Mrs. H. A. Bush, 721 GreeniwoOd avenue. Presbyter"an Ckuerck - Woman's cub Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue Rev. John, Sheridan Zelie, D. D.. $tàéd Sùpply Church offce-State Bank building c 1Phone Wilmctte 0064 l MoPning woiship ...........ilA.: Juioôr'church *..... ......... il A. Sunday school ............. 9:30 A. Y. P. S.C. B............... 5*30 P. Prayer meeting, Wednesday. .8 P. Strangers and visitors are cordiaily welcmedto ail the services of the church. Dr. Zelle will preaèh at' the regular il ô'rioek-inrnnnlng- worshlp. Junio'r churcli coincides 'with senior service te give orportunity for parents to bring their children. Sunday 'sciiol £t 9:30 A. 'M. meets the need of every. age for Christian Eduention joth in leadership and high standard of curriculum. One'.of the educational aime cf thile church is par- ticipation cf every chld, youth and aduit ln, a program cf study. Parents are invited te vîsit and see the work -of the Sunday scbool. Mrs. T. B. Gibson ls .s1uperitendent cf the Homne depart"« ment and wouid ho glad te enrol you ln thîs course cf etudy, if for a.ny rea- son you cannot attend the -regular' echool sessions, ospeclally sghut-ins. Phono Wllmette 271. Mid-week Prayer and Praise service Wednesday at 8 P. M._ln the leunge of The Young Marrled People's Group wIlI have its annual dinner Tuesday evening, January 13 at the Shawnee club. Please send lni your reservatiofle now. Tie Wih-nette and Winnetkoa.WW. C. T. U. will hold Its monthly meeting'in, the Womian's room cof this chiuchý on Mon- day, Janua'rflfth, at 2 ocIock. A very splendid meeting. has been planned, and' the publiecis' invited. The Girl Scout meeting s wili be. re- sumned next woek. Treep 4 on Tuesday at 3:45.. Troop 1 on Thursday at 7:-30, and Troop 2 on Thursday at 3:45., ý'English Lutheranz GQýeenleaf avenue. at .Seventh street Wilmette. CariL I.Empeeoni pastor 9:45 A. M. ............ Sunday secheL Mr. Walter ]Reisnnr, superintendent il A. M............Mofrnig Worship Sermon: "Sin: Its.Cause and ReMedr". The Women's Missionary socleoty will hoi4 Ils lirst meeting of the n.w year Thursda.y afternoon, January 8, 1931. At that tipie the new offlcers wili assume thefr offices. They a're: Mrs. Williami Melbye, president; Mrs. Fred W. Strube, vice-president; Mrs. Frank M. HS.yson, secrtary; Mrs. Charles Arquette, treasurer; Mrs. Geo!rge Lar- son, misisonary treasurer. The Chureh c6uncft will hold île rogu- lar January meeting Thursday evening, January S. The present counclilmen.wlli, serve untîl thefr successors are elected and Installed. The annual Congregational meeting wiliib h ld Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 14. Six new coiunllImen are te 'ho elected at thus meeting. 1* l Is uperative that every voting inenber of the congre- gation ho presont ah tuis meeting. 'We extend te ail who read these an- neuncements our heartiest wish for a- prosperous anid ha.ppy New' Year, ma-' herially and spfrltualiy. A good ireo- lution te make and keep would ho: 'IRosolvedl thatthus year 1 wlll net neg- lect the htgher* thîngs of >living., I willl endoavor te faithfully feed my seul as ivell as ny bojy." Worsi' Gdregu- lariy. If yen have ne church home,ý worship with us. St. A ugustinos. The Cbu'rch sehool will meet ln five lepartments as follows: .Primary departmcnt (grades,1, 2, a.nd 3):- 9:30 to .12 arn. l1 1Junior dopartmnift (grades 4, 5, and. 6): 9:30 to'10:*45 a.m. 1Intermediate dcpartmciit (grades 7. and 8): 9:430 to 10: ,45 a.m. Beginners dcpartment (pre-sehool):, t0 :45 tO 12 arn.« High School department (ail four yoars) . 12 to 1 p.m. With the new quarter begins new sub-' lects, n' leinterests,* ne* experiences ln Church ýsehool activities. During the new -year more opportuffities for lm- provemont ilb given to.parents and, teacliers intcrestcd ln the character de- velopment of our boys and girls., An ,ffectIve church Includes anefficienit ciiu'rch echool. The Camp Fire and.Blue 'Bird groups qWill resUmo ,their regular meetings at the uâual times next week. The. North Enfd Circle wiil meet for luncheon, at the home of Mrs, D. M. Gallie. 1115 Elmwood avenue,tat '12:30 Y'cloek on Monday,* January th. Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, Mms, W. 'H. flutson, and- Mrs. Hôpe Thompeon wiil be assisting hostesses -. The sowlng m'will be for Uls Island.- The , ast End Circle wiil have .a luncheon meeting aton o'clock Mon- day at the home Of 3M'r.Ralph Potter, U25, Chestnut avenue. The assistlng hostesses will be Mrs., A. W. Peake and Mrs. H. L. Fogg. The Board of Trustees will hold Its regular monthly meeting in the church parlor on Monday, January 5. Thec Old Timers' 'dinner of Roosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts, le to be held In the ciiurch dining 'room thus Prlday (January 2) at 6:30. The dlinner as well as lhe, program promi1ses to be unusuaUly fine.~ Everything wili be over In tîme for an3r other socia engagements pianned for the evening. Frlday, January 9, la the date set for, the next meeting of the, Womanà's Guld. Luncheon wiil be served aton o'clockç by the Crescent Circie. The programf aind scwing: ,forthie day 'wili ho provided by the NothEndilCircle and will relate, to -the> Elle Island project. Miss Wood- buryý 'wiil be thé speaker. Reservations: for the luncheon should ho made thrgugh the chureh offie., Evangelical Churck 886 Eim street, WlnnetIca Dov . Thm n "uf . .Diugle, Pesl- be' held by the~ District Buperitendent Thie Sunday sclieol, meets at 9:45 rooi, atIil O'clock in the morning, mti Initaton to ail Wedneulay nmlght ai 8 o'clock. This la a; m Mrs. Quincy Wright, who 'is well .w ouaueof tuv: e combined meeting wlth tiie Officiai l known in Keilworth as a speaker rtMy. fYOu re- Bad u ail members of the. churci The Women's Guild .wireme o retaplwilakatha v.AubreY, S. KWOore work on 'Itnday, January 5 at 1 diretapa iltl tta &vOl, yo wIll eny wlll open the. service, wlhh a. brief devo- c'cloek Luncheon will net be servedaet Meeting. audr ti. saersilptinsiaddees -t-he metng. - 'Luncheon will be served with ]Mts.ý Tii. Womau's Aid societywill bi its -There wll b.e WdodyeeîgB .MCodad Ms d ~ ~ ~ g sto guar moniiy metng )iusdy' t ectures ntlurtlier notice., Hedrick, in charge.,