Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1931, p. 34

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Mrs ana uu unns oAD siame .,a- 0on athlctic competitive. sports, is being formulatedl by Daniel M. Davis, iupervisor of physical training in the. Wilmette schools, and'Wilmette di-' rector of récreation. Thesystcmi in i widest scope Will allow ever child ,passing through the ichools to learn how to ýperform -every position of the major sports common -= American Mie. , Me will be taught lov b et th e proper "take-off" in iuamng -races Of vi iiot4s distances in O=ak. Me will be taught the proper f4i n. jumping, vaulting, and throw- ing. He will be made1 to play in every #.9Sition in, football, .basketbaîl, and. élayground hall. He W*iil be taught the proper way.. to pass a football, re- .ceive it, puant and diôop kick it. lit batkctball Le wiil be taught guirding te wehI s basket-throwing and have the. opportunity to try bhis skill at bhpositions. In playgreund hall he will be taught the fundamentals of Pitching as well as playing ini the oatfield and infield. Pm«Pas'.for iigliSch.>l- "In shortô" Mr. Davis explains, "We *ïr. trying to perfect a ,system where- ina cbild, when he reaches high ochool and college age, will have a knowledge of bis oWn strength andl j*i11 that wilI give him confidenice to meet the stronger cotupetition await- ing hian. 1 "f the idea were widesnread I However, because the tests and practices are begun in the second grade does not mean that the second grade children are given instruction in football and basketball*and organized games too, strenuous for them.. Mr. Davis hâs outinedhis system in gra-1 dation- and the program. becomes. more complicated with each grade. Only the fundamental ski ls of run- ning with the modemn accompaniment of proper "takeoiff i used in the second grade. for, tests, although practice is given in throwing balls. jumping is added in the third grade and..in the. fourth 'grade throwing, running, and'jumping are used in connection with..various kinds, of balls. Football thr.ows. and kicks, soccer 'bail throws and kicks and volleyball throws *and kicks are used.. In the second, and third grades. the boys and girls take the 'same tests but separite tests are introduced in the fourth grades. Staatd atamd Already the standard of attain- nient over the first two years has risen niaterially and the following averages based on records of the past are being used as criteria for this year's tests: 1Boys: VoleybaJI kick, 48 feet; volley- bail throw, 39 feet; pull up, 2 ti,,es;ý 40 yard dash, 7 seconds; standing broad Jwnp, 4 feet 9 inches; 12-inch bail. throw, 71 feet; 30 yard hop, 9.4 seconde. Girls: Volleyball kick, 30 feet; volley- bail throW, 22 feet; pull up, 2 trnes; 40 yard dash, 7.3 seconds;, standing broad Jump, 4 feet 7 lnches; 12-inch -althrow, 37 feet; 10 yard -hop, .9.5 çuphasis to 'the strolg intrarnural Bys: FootbalIunt, 16 yards; foot- progÈam n w becoming vital fattors ball pesa, 14 yards ;'pull up, 3 times; in every college. When we have our 40 yard dash, 6.8. Seconds; standing qaten prfetedI wat eeryboybroad Jump, 5 feet 2 luches; 12-inch ,Vâtm prfeted wat eery oy ailthrow, 82 fot; 30-yard hop,8 sec- and girl coning under the supervis- onde. ion of our departanent, wbich încludes. Girls: Volleyball kick, 32 feet; volley- &0l of the enrolîment, to know HOW 1>011 throw;, 2,6 fet; pull up,'2 timeës;i 40 rd daàh, 7.1seconds;' standingý to perforan every tas.' required of a broad jup4 feet* 10, Inches; 12-inch gayr in evçry> Position in every baillthrow, 46 feet; 30 :Yard> hop, '8.2 ç0mpetitive sport, and I want bur seconds. St rd * Irnow QW kWEL, h erorms Boys: Football punt, 19 yards; foot- #bpc>t. After he koshw to bail pesa, 17 yards; football drop kick, I~frm th tak epeced)f each14 yards; soccer distance kick, 18 rae els -out or b tra is; bas-page ; Doting, 2- goals e ut ýot 5 drop I 3times; p sh up, :10 Seveni hihjump, ý 3 feet 5 lA:- rd dash, 7.8 seconds8; punt; yard dash, 8.1 seconds; Standinlg broad jurnp, 51 feet 9 Inches; 12-inch bail ttlow, 62 feet. -"0f course there is always an indi- vidual1 child who exceeds in the atb- leticl.,skillsý and- goes above the, re- quired standard or' av erage attain- ment, but, we were gratified to learn this yea.r that several children bave tied for the highest recorde in their rooma, and that. the outstanding indi- vidual leading-bis roorn in every event is beconiing, rarer. as each child is working,-to>increase bis own standard of attainment,',' Mr.. Davis explained. The higiiest. records froin the fourth grade up are a follows:, .Central BSool Fou.rth Grade Girs- Mrs.,Meyer's room; Harline Ward, 42 feet; volleyball kick,,Franeis Walliser, 26 feet, v'qiolleyball throw. Mrs. Giennons room: Nancy. Bercew., 45 feet ln volleybali kick; Nancy1 Ber- caw, 46 feet, volisybal throw. Miss Hardick's room: MarySwirles, 48 feet, volleyball kick; Edith Mendum, Evelyn Luokoff and Mary 3wrl , 7 feet, volieyball throw. Pourth Grade Boys- Ms. Meyer's room: Bernard Flood and Richiard Magner, 68 feet, volleyball kick; Frank Condit, 48 feet, volleyball throw. Mrs. Glennon's room:. Clinton .car- penter, 70 feet, vofleyball .kick; Bud lialliwell, 66 feet, volleyball throw. Miss Hardick's room: James Coster- Une, 75 feet, volleyball kick B1 illy Dieterich, 52 feet,, volleyball throW. Fifth Grade Girls- ýMiss Fox's room: Frances Akoley, 48 feet, volleyball kick; Frances Akeley, 40 feet, volleyball thyfow. ,Mss Evans' roorn: Mary Hewitt, 60) feet, volcyball kick; Petsy Lake, 49 Miss Brown'e room: Jane Trimmer, 49 feet, volleyball kick; Alice 'Varney, 44 feet, volleybaliltltrcw. hifth Grade Boy- SMiss Fox's room: David Geppert, 26 yards, football punt; Bil Woif, 19ý yards. football pssa. Miss Evans' room: Donald ]Berlinger, Rodman Joyce, 21 yards,' football' punt; Richard Ogilvie, football ýpâos, 19 yaàrds. Miss BrOwn's roorn:, Paul Lang, 22 yards, football puât; Edward Ives, 17 yards, football paso. Sxth Grade Gils: 6.A: Jean Finlayson, 55 feet, volley- bail kick; Doris Ma'hercy, 52 feet, vol- leybafl throw. 6B: Marie Galther, 56 feet, volleyball kick; M~arie Gaither, 40 feet, volleybal throw. ]Blgham, 25 yards, foot- put;. rk Folianobees 18 yards, bal . p George Bigham, 19 yards, footbal kick. 1c: Scarf, 27 yards, football punt; rihalt, 24 yards, -football pas;; eçarf, 19 ya?4ds, football bal di -Boys: David ankel, 27 yard,football David Scheaer, 22 yardfoot-kielet. A large number of entries bave been received for the chess tourna- ment to be conducted under the aus-. pices of the Playground and Recre- ation board at the Stolp school li- brary, beginning january 13. *An interesting feature of the tour-, nament has been -announced by Dud- ley C. Stone, recreation assistant in charge. of the tournament. One'of the contestants in the play will be George *Stone;. 619, Greenwood ave- nute, a well known c hess player whio has. won several medals in tourna- ment play, and who was colIlege.cham-- pion gt Dartmouth college during bis senior year and ,who- was at one time -Eastern Chess champion. Mr Stone bias in b is possession an imported set of cbëessmien, carved by a noted woodcarvýer near Oberam- mergau. The set won the firstprize in a wood-carving exhibit in' Munich last year and was presented to Mr. Stone as, a Christmas gift. This -set wili be displayed during the tourna- ment and will be used for the final matches tbrough the courtesy 'of its owner. bail pass; Robert, Edmonds, '33 yards, football drop kic., 7B: Gerald Spinner, 31 yards, football punt; Frank Koenan, 28 yards, football pass; PFrank Koe4ani, .33 yaYds,., football drop kick. Seventh Grade Qrî-' 7A: Jane' Brandt and Dorothy Hili,' 84 feet, volleybajl kick* Dorothy Mas- sig, 59 feet, volleyball throw. 7B. IDilene Weakly, 70 feet, volley- bail kick; Hielena Mickey, 54 feet, vol- leyball tlirow. Zlghth Grade Girls-. SA: ranoos Hakins and, Lillian Hoar, 76 feet, voleybail kick; Barbara Behr and Lillian Hoaâi-, 54 feet, volley- bail throw. 8B: Catheine Reynolds anid MarY Meaker, 72 feet, volleybaIl kick:- Maryr Gordon, 53 feet, -,'olleyball throw. Elht Grade Boy- SlIhA:- -d Sniider,. 36 yards, :footbal punt; BdA nider, '33 yards,. football pas; d Snider, 30 yards, football drop àB . Howard. Bail, 38 yards, football punit; William Waymnonville, 27 ya±ds, football pass ; Howard. Bail,. 27 yards, football. drop kick. Stolp Bekool Seventh Grade Girls-,- 2B: Doria Sauvage, volleyball kick, 72fet; Katlierine Shank, 50 feet, vol- .m jake,82yards, football "nB Cmseson, 35 yards, foot- Emil Aderson, 30 yardg, p kick. rt Reed, 32 yards, football rt Reed, 31 yards, football tGoodrlch, 34 yards, foot- e,. 32 yards, football-pun; r, 29 yards, football pase; r, '33 yards, football: drop

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