oefèiiéIy et t". linins, seunng. . . in .11tMI wor&manship tIîy show the. stitddng, the. l's f119 '.,points of 1t4ir supi4orily. Deav er, Badger, Caracultend Canadien Wolf. In pouch collars, shawl collars, huge cufFs, a 6*w border.. Ail in ail you'Ul say... "Lord's bas the. coat values of the town."' Lord's Ap P>rIScnFIor Youve always tlils quelity. h w.It, French h, shades, full fashIo.j Lords, H04 aile A -Penty 'n LQOR. $395Blomrsof. Crepe. de Chine or Geo rgette, Now Not af ail the. type of bloomer. you'd .xpect in a clearance .vent-beauifuI bloomers of finest $ .95 crepe or georgeit. in pink and white, trimmeéd. with rosebuds and petals. $3.95, Glove 511k Vests TaiIored vest of. superb glove 1 k with hem- stltolied bodice tops, flésh only. Quan*Ry ;. not lare.Lordf* Sil Undorwoor-Scoed Floor *Th.1 We. $2.95 $2.19 and w.mtly comfortabl. in ad- dition. They're 11usd with wool or fur. MASbuin ktht. sal.et Wo meI n $1 *~ 5 SsKn if Sports S.uib Wore $2750 Were $35.00 Iüý i7îrý ý Meeting with Semi-Annui ORIE * .Prices Shi As Muci Thaf North Shor e residents hw nomenal values is evidenced ' i sale. Ev.ry rug, has been persnl and repr esents thé peak in h value.. Just Look at oom Sizes ~s - mm mir v Ir lr!e.ww ir w x V m wirir'm