Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jan 1931, p. 14

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This novel iu translat<ed f rom the Germait by Roberts Tapley, It lsaa etrong presentation of the 1f e of a OQersnan wonman of culture and ability. who is left to guide and support two daughters, and an orphaned niece through the-period of the war and its. aftermath. Dorothea's first daughter, Petra, tüadé,' an unsuitable, war, marriage, with a chezâist from a rustic family. Numerous, sto rms arise to show that thé marrage is inpossible, ào Petra o"tains a' divorce. She- then enters a business care er and- bas a -lover who swlndles, Dorothea out ý of. the smell inheritance.which is ber finan- éàl sta ndbyý. Helge is taken to the cÔéuitry for ber bealth and bas ber ilrst' love affair witb a forester's son hibends it disaster. First one thing thexi another happens to frits- trate the hopes of -thee mother. Throuigh it*.al she is courageous, neyer vindictive, always optimistic. She is a fine mother-type in àny langatae. A great <fraitof -the i- terest in, the book is in seeing how the Germait family faced the saine 'esituation of changing times and man-; itors. [t i18 primarily a character study, though the plot 'has. a trong secondary ixterest. *If you want something a 1ttIe seri- ôms to read, a book nfot too deprçs- snone which will hold interest, let qs recommnend "Daughters." ABOUT RALPH W. TRINE .When Ralph Waldo Trine, now ini New York, was reminded through a fommunicatioai froni a featitre writer -in a Pacific Coast paper, that his book, "In Tune With the Infinite" was first published a 'third of a cen-, tùry ago, lie replied: "Yes, I didn't realize, it, it's true-but- I don't. be- lieve ik." Thtis world-famnous' book-still strong lit its sales ,throughout, the. world-wias ýfirst pub1ishied in Novem- ber 1897. Mr. Trine -was then, 31 years1 of age. That is probhably one reason why it bas always -been s0 preemninently a young people's bookc, -and why it still remains so-appealing «s vitally to the generation jusx con-, mhat it 18 ofly tht. Imiss5 ude LaJLAIcn that nost elusive of authors, whose work has always been so objective that,. except for the fact that lier characters were so real you knew they, must have lived somewhere, you knew nothing ;about ber, has -re- vealed a, great deal of, herseif in, this flot, very long, book. In turning the- spot-light on ber small dog she has stood-in its reflected, light, and 1f e in that reflected light is often, more intriguing, more appealing than wben it is directlyrevealed. High Finance This is a Gluyas Williams' drawing of Robert Benchley listen- ing to his radio. Mr. Williams illustratedï' Mr. Besschle y:,ç ew book, «'Tise -lreasure?: Rep~ort and Other Aspects of Conmumity Sing- ing'> pbished by Harper and brothers. Sé snoy requests for '<TheT r4surers Report'> have been' received by tihe business de- part ment of Harpers that the pub- lishers announce that this is not a business book but that reading it t411 relieve de pression. But it is the character of the dog' with wbich the book rmost faithfully deals; his courage, bis indomitable cbeerfulness which was almôst-unfail- seventeen different Russians into a book entitled "These Russians." The men and womnen say exactly what they think of it ail. C. Leonard Woolley, -the brilliant leader of the British Museum-Uni- versity. of Pennsylvania expeditiosg to Ur, bas written a brief and cbarm- ing book wbicb tells bow cities disap- pear,>;bow tbey are rediscovered, un- covered, and bow a knowledgc ôof tbe life oneived i n> tem is retrieved. It is called "DiggingUp tbe Past" and will be publisbed on January.23. John C. Van Dyke, wbo leads a double- life, will'bave a new ýbook publisbed; late in January. Fre- quently be hbas kept bis two interests -ýart cri ticismn and the natural world, --apart,wben writing bookcs.- This time be combines tbein a volume enti.tleLl 1w, Egypt." TOOTM-MMKE Mr. Lo.ck continues to CURE thse TOOTH-ACHE by fumigation or steamt from foreign herbs, «'hicis has tise tifect of destroying thse uerve ztith- out causing any Pain to the patient. The cure is efected in three seconds> the toth remoains .irn in thse socket, and temli not decay any furtiser. The patient wvill, after this operation be able to draw into the mouth tise exter- nal air, stikie tht teetis together. or kaki cold water in thse mouth ztho ut any pain. Tise advertiser has a tootis cured 15 years, therefore he can upar- rant thse cure- tisis lenglis of ltime.- 362 Oxford Street, three doors below tise Pantheon. Letters Postpaid. Refer- en<çe given if required. Charges mode,'- att, according to the circumstance of thse patients. This metisod is flot ins- jurions to tht healtis or teetis. This is one of tbe advertisements wbicb appearedoriginally in the blue- green montbly "'parts" in wbicb Dick- ens' novels were first issued. In "The Dickens Advertiser" Bernard IbarWin bas collected the most amus- inkr of these advertiqpnipnts. andIillus- luide:; Wanderer of LivOrpool-Masefteld. A unique and etifrring biogra.phY of a ship. Four Months Afoot in Spain-Fra-nek. Disillusioned India-Mukerji. Inte-riewswlth ail classes of, people In India. resultlng In hie belféf that If independence 1e net gaifled, revolution ls Inevitable. Go North, Young Man !-Cooper. Child Liie In Colonial Days--Barle. And This 19 Boston !-Barliy. Bits. of gossip, atoies, informa tioit and history of*,interest to the tournt. Includes Plymonuth, Nantucket and the cape. George Washington's. Country-An- drews. 'Weillillu strated account of old nianor houses and their occupants.. Cattie-Raine. History of the lndustry of the: old West. Roadé to Roathn-Birney. Casual and amnusing record of aný states, iùtly over 'unfrequented paths. A dellghtful incentive to Western travel. N by E-Rockwell Kent. The artist's experiences in Greenland. Little America-Byrd. Record told from notes a.nd diary of human endeavor under extraordinary endeavor. 1 Married a Ranger--Snuith. Insight lnto National Park life as the rangers aee it. Three Virgins. of Haworth-Romieu. The thrge Bronte abtera. Second TÊweilty Years at Hull Houa. Addas. Mr. and Mrs. Johin Quincy Adam- - Bobbe. A. very revea.ing and Intimate biog- raph3r whlch shows the important part Played by the women In the Adams tamlly. Daughter of the Seine-Eaton. Madame Roland's lite told most dis-' cernlngly. Sailor's Log-Evans. Autobography-FrankIln. Father Marquette-Reppiler. With a magic touch,- the time, the scene and the motive' of the holy' father's travels are here reconstruc-ted. Life o! Sir Walter Scott--Lockhart, Age o! the Reforrnation--Smith. Sea Devil's Po'c'stlE.--Thomnan$. 11- wIiJVKI fessor of philosophy at Dartmtoutb. "rooms. I This imiportant book will be published ratiOu Of January 9. îwO"& T~he &cribners will publish I Jin- in bis decorations, both. color and black and 'white, wbich illustrate ang- 1ling for different-species of fisb. 'A new set, of initial letters bas been especially designed 'for is edition. 130Y wlth the0 Parrot--Coatswo rti Pool Oft Stars--Melg.. Red H!Orse Hili-Meader. B3lacksmith of!1Vflno-Keîîy., Lupe Goes to SchOO-Brann. A.irrait Book for Boys-Vernîîî. Mountains Are Free-Âdama. Red da:n's Luck-Skiner -Albert. th.

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