atter tue ftolidays. TO MOTOR WEST Mrs. Charles 'Gilbert Davis, 615 Latrel avenue, and hér two datigh- ters, Miss Ann and' Miss Caroline *Daàvis, are leaving by môtor for Cali- fornia soon after the New Year. They wil .stop.efi route to visit friends and relatives, in Tennessee, New Orleans, and Texas. They will, pass the win- ter in Los Ange es. Mrs.. Eiba -L. vone Glahn of 60" Fifteenth street spent .'Christmas week- in 'Rock Island, Ill.,_ visiting-1 her sisters. F N.-Y s'for- u ti Mention will be 'made of products, places, and people, of which this cQmmnlm.ity is proud. Other entertainment will 'be by the Swif t Rangers. This 'broadcast is one. of a scries honoring, comniunities in the, Chicago area., MOTHER DIES Mrs. Hermann Katz-ha"--eturned. to her. home at1 515 Central -avenue from Atlanta, Ga., where she was called. recently by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Flora ,Fader. Hardini Van . Deursen.. who, is an instructor in voice at Huron college, Huron, S. D., spenît New Year's d"y with his -family atý 1101 Forest ave- nue. V.BEDEK& SONS, Rotait and Wkolesale FIrists 2246 Wilmette Avenue T elephone WiI. 1065 Mr*. Richard Gambrili, Jr. Mrs. Richard Gambrili, Jr. of Evanston and MViss Enmily Pope of Giucu -and Chicago 'are tuo of the north shore members of the Chicago Junior league who are appearing in the «Chauve-Sourisr," which, every Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, is givesi for' chil- dre». c» the Harris theater. The locale of production was changed from the Selwyn to its new one last Saturday morning. Mrs. Who mother s atinka in a little -iussian . skt, Lnurse in. the Musical Box, andl is one if the augels in. the Christmias tableau. 'Janet 'Fairbank, who returned re- ently f rôm a trip abroad is taking he part of master of ceremonies in lace of Gloria Chandiler. She is very lever in her role. Helen Pope, a provisional' junior ague member, is clever 'as the little fr1 in ,the Shadow Pantomime, is a ýorse in The Marioriettes and one of Mliss EumiIy Pope Baptist Women Plan Reciprocity Meeting An interesting day is planned by the Women's society of thé Wilmette Baptist church for Friday, January 9. A reciprocity meeting willbe held, the visitors being women of the Ev- anston Baptist church who' will arrive for luncheon at 12:45 o'clock. The program following lunch will be pre- sented by the Evanston grotzp,- the talk being "Know Our 'Caribbean Field.", The Wilmette wônlen are asked to meet at 10:30 -for' White Cross sew- ing ini the Guild room, followed by a business meeting at il :30. Other Baptist women of Wihnette, who wish to make reservations for luncheon 'are asked to phone the church offices not later than- Wed-. nesday, January 7. The luncheon is. in charge of Link R, Mrs. E. 0, An- derson leader. Spencer' 'Boo'z. who is a student at Ev~miston ençi t t MAY YOUR SHIPS COME IN THE NEW YEAR Start The New Year Right With Wieland's Butter