Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 6

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Gowns $5.95 to $9.95 Matching sots con b. had if d.sired H.sry., Gleves and. Undergarents, Wilmette 4370 I = i~ r Ny 4 De~ 5CI a t - 1- - - And as for the -entertaiflmeflt 1I Here it is: Art Young, Who wiIl demonstrate with bis bow and arrow how lie shot lions and other savage beasts in. the jungles of Af rica;- George. Moriarty, famous Anfierican league player and, umiefor 25 years, Who bas some baealthrillers and anecdotes to re- late;i Bob T.ownley of K<enilworthý Boy Scout and.scbool playground f ame, with Dal Marvil, Northwesteril football captainà-elect, and.Reb kussell,' North- westerni's AiI-American fullback,. Who will mak1e awards ofý football letters tg) J:osepb, Sears scliool grid players. Sounds like a. large eveing, eh wliat? 37 Fires Here' in:Month CauseLs o 49J772 Tbirty-seven fires iii Wilmette last, month, caused. a -total loss of $49,- 772.5 on bildigs and contents val- ued 'ai $202,500.00, according to the monthly repcrt--oif-ire Chef Walter ZAibbe. Thie mosft serious- damiage was done by a fire at the Wilmette Golf club, Lake avenue and Ilarms road, on -Thanksgiving day, where- Fire Chief Zibble reports a loss of $48ý000. Up to December 1 the wfî- mette Fire department bad received 117 calis tbis year and the total. loss fromn fire in the Village for the first eleven montbs of the year was esti- mated by Chief Zibble to be $67,- 222.50. eyes on Christmas day.. Its worth a lot, isn't it, te see those eyes brighten with joy at a gift from you. And yet it does flot require a large outlay te miale that gift the supreme one-a lovely diamond. Our jeweled rings, brooches and diamond-set Gruen wristlets are ail most You Knowv- Installation ceremonies were hiehi under the direction of Or. M. A\-cry, district dep>utSr grand mnaster of the Twentieth district (Illinois), whro '-as assisted in. the rites by Charles 1_ Hosken, chaplain; Clif toni L. Keith,ý .secretàry, and Fraik. Ç-Nasonl,:'tiar- sbal. Musical features of the evening werc provided by Orian A. Galitz, orgailist of the lodge, and the Imperia1 Quaîrtet. ..NewlY. elected. officers of the lr-dze who will serve tbrough the year 1931 are: J.E. Swift Teal;- master; AlherftNI Long, senior warden; James ýC. -Ainder- son, junior, warden; Eàr.1 E.,ý Ornier, treasurer;i Charles' J. Broughtoni, sec-ý reta'ry; Cordon Ê. Mordoif, chiaplain:; W. Edwin Richmond. senior deac-on: Orville G. Daily, junior deacon; Ra\ - mond B. Swigart, senior steward, R;iv-, mond W. Armstrong. junior steward; Albert «B. Tueker, mar*shal -, Orian A. Galitz, -organist, J. Egbert Compton, tyler.. J. Egbert Compton, is the retiri,lig master of the lodge. Recent Charity Dan' ce Pronounced Big Success The informai charity dance hceld at the Kenilworth club on Deceinier 13, by a group of New Trier IHighi school girls for a benefit of local. charity was claimed by aIl who at- tended to be an enormous sticceýss. The club gave the use of its roonis as its bit for charity. The hoste~ses were Betty Ketchum, Mary Jaine Rich, Margaret 'Lindstromr, N1ary Jeanne. Tanil, Jarriet Web)stcr. Barbara Crowe, Harriet 1Leach, Jarie Lindahi, - Beatrice Driver, Jalie, Erickson, SalIy Clarke, Mary Elleni Bopzer, Jean Lindstrom, Betty Dos- tai, Mary Fowler, Mary Kathryn'i Gleason, Ruth Offner, Sally Kriebal, Jane Hardwick ar,>d JaneSpne To Abandon Proceedings For Water Connections At a public hearing held 'at the i- .ige hall 'Iuesday nioehtthe Wl- -' from Denison unj:vrsty, Granillîîe, ! Ohio, forthe"Christmas vacation. 'William Idier will return this we from Colgate universify at larmiItOl,ý N. Y., to pgss the Christmas vacatiil, *Îth bis parenis,ý Mr. and Mrs. PercY ~.t.Idler, 932 Ashland4 avenue. central Ave. mm. 1167 phose ette Avé, atte 51

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