Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 72

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unit. Mliss Edith M Stryker's seventb -and eihth.,grade room, composed entirely of' bpys, sold the largest, numben, of' seals this year, àa total Of $M.S wortbh. This room.also had the largest per capita sale, $7.07.. * Mr. MolieX. Foreman's suixtb grade nanked. sec ond in thé total numben of, seals Éold and in tbe per capita sale. The total- sale for this room was $252.05 'and the per capita sale $700. The, tbréeeroms, whicb ranked n ext in'order for total sale of the Christmas seals. were: Miss Eliza- beth 0. Allens seventh and eightb grade girls, .$186.03; Miss Emma W Bitlingto)n's* fifth grade, $106.15, and, Miss -Lillie T. Bitting's fourth grade, Nor& Shor. Ard. I*aguw Plans Program for Vear At a board meeting of the North Shore Art league on Thursday of Iast week at the home of Mrs. J. W. F. Davies, 652 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, some interesting prograins for the coming year were planned and dis- cussed. *The present exhibit at the Win- netka Community House will be foli- lowed by a one man show by Tom Wilden who has spent the entire sum- mier in the west,$motorlig in ail about 60000 miles. He bas painted rnany beautifu1 thilags, and the publc is condlally invited ta attend bis ex- hibit. The league is planning to bave an auction sale of pictures sôon with Anita Willets Burnham as auctioneer, AT W&I)DING IN ýEUSt The Rev. Ç. R. Wheelaund and Mns. Wbeeland, former residents. of Wil- mette, but now of tbe Orrintgton: botel in Evanston, attended the mar- niv f their daughtçr,, Miriam, ta, *Until Rabbi Kopald's return rcgu- lar Sunday morning services will be cônducted 'by Dr. Israel: Bettan and Dr. Samuel ýS. Cohon on alternating Sundays.' Mrs. A. E. Beirnes Is.. Junior Welfare Head Mrs. W.: A. Bockius ofý 1307 ýAsb- land avenue entertained the junior auxiliary of the Infant Welf are. 'so- ciety aXt is annual -meeting Decem- ber 15. 1 Following, is the list- of those cbosen to guide auxiliary affairs for tbe new year: Mrs. A. E Beirnes, charmn;Mrs.. Murdo Ross, first vice-cthairman; Mrs. H. J. Smith, second. vice-chairman, Mrs.' Roger Jenness, cchairman, Mrs. . Harry ]3arnbill,,co-chairman; Mrs. Conrad Frylcman third vice-chairnan, wîtlV Mns. George Burke co-chairman; Mrs. H. T. Reiling, fourth vice-chair- man; Mrs. Bernard Bowen, social chairman; Mrs. F. L. McGrath, re- cording secretary; Miss Caroline Hughes, corresponding. secretary; Mrs. A. R. Maclean, treasurer; Mrs. E. M. Antrim, legisiative chairman. -Mrs. Ross is in cbarge of publicity. Reservations are being taken -for the luncbeon of the Infant Welf are Society of Chicago, which includes ail centers, at the Blackstone Wed- nesday, January 21, at 12:30 o'clock. The annual dinner dance of'the jun- iorn auxiliary will be held Saturday, January 24, at the Club Vista del Lago. RETURNING FOR HOLIDAYS Dr. and Mrs. George Louis Perusse, Jr., who were married recently and, bhave been in Europe since the miiddle of Noveniber on their wedding trip, have been delayed in France and are not going to return until the day befôre Christmas or. Christmas day. i D. Perusse and bis 1 bride. who is the ch wéee n The Christmas party for the men at Great Lakes hosîpital, Unit 8, is te be1 held Sunday,, December 21., Al Auxiliary and HuerterPost Members, Who ýwish te go to Great Lakeés bave been recouested te be a t the Ridge Avenue Pbarmnacy neot later than 1:30 o'clock. . Those baving cars are asked to assist in providing transporta.tion., A Christmas. stocking is to be ýfilled by each member., Information: con- cerning these is.:to be obtained from, Mrs. Helen !Pischer, president, phone Wilmette 3457. Trhe Huerter- Auxiliary bas beeti asked; by' the. Cook County council to bring home -made cookies te be dis- tributed'at tbe Red Cross Christmas party, at Great Lakes Tuesday eve- ning. These contribuitions are ýto be brougbt to the ýRidge Avenue Phar- macy Sunday afternorciî. Wednesday evening, January 14, is the tinle set for the second danice for the men~ at the North Chicago hos-, ptal, gven by Huerter Post and, Ailir.Joe Scbneider's orchestra will provide the music. Lionel E. Bush Claimed By Death on Wednesday Lionel E. Bush of 1200 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, died at Evanston, hospital on Wednesdlay morning of this week, following a brief illness. Funcral services will be held today (Frlday) at 2 p. m. from thé First 1Congregational cburch of Wilmette; .A resident of Wilmette for the past thirteen years, Lionel Busb was a member of Company A, Illinois Na- tional Guard, and of Myrtie,'Masonic Iodge, A. F. and A. M.' Lionel B. Bush was born in London, En* ' ad 0camé e t-Chicago in 1870. ,. - Mr. Bush is survived by bis widow ,Frances G. Bush, and by bis daugh- .ter, Flora M. Toeppen. L'uSrIA"A 1R USIaNESS TRIP Dame, and if they can keep up such a pace, tbey uili be hard to stop once the Big Ten title 1race gets tander- way. Coach Dutch Lonborg bas a number of accurate shots on hi. first string squaçl inclaaditag Joe. Reiff, sophomore- center, Bob Lockhart, geiard, and Bob McCarnàes, forward. Reif. especially, bas catapulted into. the limýelight in bis brief appearance as a varsity player. Against Bradley be sank- five baskets and two free throws and then-came ýback to w*m Notre Dame. with a deluge of ten baskets and six free throws thereby tying the Big Tren- scoring record for a single game held by Stretch- Murphy, formerly of, Purdue. Reif is the lone sophomore on the first string five. A' few weeks ago Coach Lonjborg was 'concerned over replacing Rut Walter, last year's cen:- ter, but theý lanky youngstier from Crane Tech of Chicago has already settled. whatevýer doubts ma" have: existed about his ability. He fits ini nicely witb the remainedr of the regular squad bis six feet two inches and 170 pounds giving hlm al the physical reqiuirements needed. In addition be has displayed a desire te mix into the hottest kind of contact,, a factor wbich will 'be« ail in 11i3 favor. Coach Lonborg evidejitly'bas setm- tieci the matter of bis first stringers wbich include" Riel and McCarnes, forwards; Reiff, centér, and Locl<- hart and Marshall, guards. This com- bination worked ail but a few minutes. of the Notre Dame game. New Trier Cagers Win, * Lose Against Hyde Park After the smoke ,.Of battie had. icleared awae from the. Leslie F. Gates gymnasium last Friday night, one found that the New Trier heavies, had been defeated 22-16, wbile the lIqhts were victornous over Hyde Park 26-13. The home ponies were neyer behind in the scoring and had a com- manding lead throiwh the entirety of Jr., Tr. i avcmUe. i In the final nalf Jonnson was [AIelti L one field goal, that a. a cieciding one, as it came in thé final seconds. A. J. Harding is visiting bis daugh~- 1ter, Mrs. Stanley Johnsoný of 1925 Thornwood avenue over the holidays.

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