Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1930, p. 5

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Returns bave not corne ini yet from the parochial scbools or from the Standard scbool, District 40, or the Avoca scbool. When these returns corne in they are expected to swel the Christi nas seal saletotal in Wil- mette consideraby. Upý to Wednersday of this week about $1,140- Worth of the Christmas seals, bad been, purcbased in Wil- mette, including the $950 Wortb sold by tbe public scbool cbildren and about two hundred'.dollars worth of additional seals sôld tbrough the mails or by donations.* * MIrs. William J. Flynn, 1515 Walnut avenue, is general chairman of the Cbristmas seal drive, in Minmette. Reduce Fee for Billiard Tables to $10 Per Year' Following tbe reading of .a comn- munication Tuesday night asking that the fee of, $1*5 per year for pool and billiard tables in Wilmette be reduced. the WiImettc Village board voted to instruct Village Attorney Charles H. Jackson to draw up the necessary ordinance amending the, present ordinance with reference to the f ee and providing that the fec in the future shaîl be ten dollars per year. However, on recommendation of Trustee Hans vonReinsperg, chair- man of the public service committee, the board denied a request that bowl- ing alîcys and pool or billiard tables be allowed to operate on Sunday-s. DOG TO AUTOGLA.PH BOOKS Visitors to the Evanston. store of Marshall Field and company have a tre.at in store forý them next Monday %when Ring, the great St, Bernard dog, who is the hero of Nena Wilson Badenocb's book "Ring, thje Story of- al St.. Bernard" will be ini tbe store to. greet bis many f riends. - I the, ,book section 'Ring, after, the manner of visiting celebrities, will, autograph copies*of, bis-book by _pressing bis paw .on the titie page. He also wilI appear in the toy section. PREPARE BOXES FOR HOME reading of a lew communications the board took a receàs at 8:50 o'clock wbich lasted two hours and ten m~in- utes, At Il o'clock the board con- vened again and adjourned at il1:10. "Christmas, Carol" Will ,be.Presented by Masons Dicken's "Christmas Carol" ls to be dr-amatized by a -cast selected f rom i Wil- mette Masonic bodies at the Wilmette Masonic temple this evenir at -8: 15 o'cçlock. The program is held under auspices of Wilmette Lodge No. 931 A. P. and A. M., of Which J. Egbert Compton is master. . Masons ot the village, tbeir failiies and friends have been invited to attend.. WINS CLAS9 NUMERALS Thomas E..Hiéks, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. John Hick .s, 241 Meirose ave-1 nue has been awarded the class numerals by the Dartmouth college Atbletic council for bis work on, the freshman football teamn this fal. 'rom was captain of the New Trier higb school football teamn last year. Miss Betty Mulford, 'wbo is in ber: senior year at Wellesley college, re- turns to Wilmette tôday to spend the Christmas holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford of 835 Elmwôod avenue. LAST MINUTE G 1FT S TRY THIS SHQP i ue Ulliris1.1103 , .iUL ai NUL "GIN/ES" Every IDay of the Yeair Nothing would qive more. pleasur. fo the entire family titan a new four scre.n-grid, R A D0I10 L A Sup.rhet.rodyne Radio. RADIOLA is, unqu*stionably, the outstanding value in radio toclay. bsénc?-r&erything' on the air. S.nitivity?ý-Hair lin. tunng Ton.?i.-RADIOIA bas .always been no.d for this quality. Ask. any owner. Your C.hrisimos Ràdio Shoppieng may b. greatly simpifed if you let us.assiot you. We,.are eonveuleutly iocated lnu your own village, ready- to, give you that extra measure of genulnely IntereÉted peraonal service that onlY. à usighbor can give. Ou r. pris are not> higher than 'Lýoop,, or Evauston strsank and our terma are. Jutasliberal. OurI' iterest In your pur- chase doee liot end wlth the RadioIàs Illustrated Rediola 80-$166.00 compIete Thie, lateat Radiola Super- heterodyne wlth nine tuned R DO A 8 circuits, Screen-GrId, Pre-Se- lection aud. Baud Pass Tuninif, remarkabie uew Local-Distance Switcli, Perfected Volume Control, Iiiuminated and Mag- nlfied Dal accurately oeil- brated lunKiiocycies, fluproved Electroa-Dynamic Speaker and ruany other refiuements te as- sure ýthe utuiost lu brilliaut performnce and thrilling, life- ilke tone. A handsome low- boy console flh4shed In haud- some Walnut veuser. Height, 43 luches. Radiola 82 - $203.00 complete Thsmoat attractive niodel ofesail thie features of Radi- oia Model 80 and, lu addition, TONE - COLOR CONTROJ. which enables the listener, by- the turu of a knob, to change the toue quality te suit thýe indivîduai taste and desire. Tlîe haudsome high-boy cabi- net, 48 luches high, is richiy finished lu thé finest of Walnut RADIOLA 82 veneers. The doors which en- HOFFM U09 c'e mette 131 or l L«N ROS. entral Ave. 188 WILXNTTE AVE. WILMETTE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CH4RISTMAS Carleton 1179 Wilmefte Avenue OPEN ÉEIG WiIm.tt 3006

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