IM Portenlaumer.i *~ 08 Pene ndDecoratog i K41L. TrHOMASWiL1 PERSQNALLY I SERVE YOU Hfr Dy. and Beuf if ul,,Ha*rcufs HObURS 9:oo to 6:30 OAS 30WASHIN4GTON ST. "EN %U N 9601 * innities have àdo pted thse outdoor Christmas Iighting idea; uin- tii today t/he 'irce of. Iight» is found in ail Parts of tihe zvorld. Many. North shore homes zvill >roclaim the ynletide With t/seanidof lighted ontdoor displays this year. Il us estimated that in the Chicago suburban Wrea alone more thaop 0 homes will observe tihe colorful and ch. rming eus tom of nIighuing, e for Christm~as." (Photos by courtesy Of Publie Service Comspany of Northera, Illinote) Wendell Keith will return to bis horne at 222 Ninth street tornorrow from the University of Illinois where he attends school.1 GO'eLDEN -DAYS le B VA? Drawii for Wilniette Coal & Material Yard TMFEZc-Air?l to 2MWn long il k Mrs. Martin Kalmes of 602 Ridge Mrs R. E. Herrrnann of 436 avenue was 'hostess to the members Prairie avenue was hostess to agroup of ber five-bundred club Thursday of her friends Saturday evening. at a luncheon and Christmnas party. There were three tables of cards. Rez~1 L O~JW Orirington at Davis Evanstosn, IlinIois */ 1 1 NS