The high pressure gate valves for the Hoover dam will be the largest valves ever built and wilI have to *withstand the greatest pressure ever put on a valve. There are 42,of them, thc, body of each about 10 feet high and the. opening eight feet across. Tbe bolevalv, wbich is. about 25 *feet high and iopened by hydraulic pressure. weighs tons. .These valves are ,down 'in the ground at the basé of the dam and control the flow of water out to the. power house. .Tbey are at a depth of 500 feet of .water, which, exerts a pres- sure of-more than 250 pounds* per square inch. The largest valves ever bujît were for 240, foot head only. The Hoover dam will be about 700' feet, bigbi andwill formn a lake 100 *miles long and 600 feet -deep, or, w!Il bave enough water to cover the whole stafe of Kentucky to tbe depth of one foot. It will* be the largest artificial body of water in the world. Miss Mary Farmer of 915 Rr-Et wood avenue wili. return this week-, end to spend the Christmas hofii4ays at ber home. suitaut orin JLMung poi>UWe anda group of other books of travel and biography which aduits *will enjoy: Here are,,the names of the books: For Young People Lorma, »ooa.--Bacçmore., A love- story of thie North Devonà coast bns o-BriÈa ..Arilk ing; tale >of the searéh for the spoil of. thie Spaniah galleon wrecked off ýthe coast of Ireland. EiÉlrans-Boer.A vital story of Norweglans ln the Red River valley. GreUuane-Buchan. A good adven- ture story of thé e uropean war, dealing wlth thé. English secret service ln Con- stautinople. Lauea girto-Brooks. A swashbuck- ling romance net In lfteenth century Paris lu ,tie. reign'0f Louis XI. :Thée book han a quaint phraseology full of color .and zmetaphôr. 0 Pio»eeru - Cather. A-story of emigrants on the Nebraska prairies. Besuty efthte Pitrile-Davis. Imperial Constantinople In the elghth. century. .Tale of Two. Cities -. Dickens. A powerful, 'melodramat.ic story of the ReiÉg of Terror.- Vitorla---Hamsun. A simple, touch- Ing ldyl of young love. .Maria Chapuelane-Hemon. Moving tale of French Canadians ln thie region, of ZpJke St. John». Ramonia - Jackson. A ronianceot Southern Callfornla and the desperate plight of the 'Indians. 014 Brlg's Cargo-PuIsford. Kldnap- Dutch Mill Home Madle-Candies await tion in 101 unusuai varieties and thev'pre your seiec- 8,10119- te beai coasts -of- Tieèrra del 1'eakso et ais - Lane. Interesting record of thie Journey of three women lnto the Mountains, of Alabania. SeXansd the JungIe-TOmlinson. A re- freshing Journey on a tramp-steanejr. . Dagtter oethSie Ssînurai-Sugimotb.» Api>ealing narrative of ayun Taa Mns, giril, brought lp Ili thie feudal tradition, iwho came to thie countrytéo mnarry a. Japanese merchant. .1 record of a wlnter splent with Shetland Ponies and a familir Of mont companion- able animale. 1M.Ilrbaeka-Lagerîof., Memnories of' the nOvelist's ehildhood, together wlth fam- Ily traditions. Par Away amd Long, Ag. - Hudson. The roMantic childhood of tRie EýngIIsh nIaturalist lu the Agenitine. Sonata ........... .PiMs SpigSong........... Mendelssohn ShdwDance........... Macflowell Will-o-the-Wisp............. Nevin Rondo Brilliant............ Weber This littie girl is a pupil of Mme. Boza Ouimeroif and is a very talented Young miusician already ,doing profèes- sional work. A well known opera star, Bragagnola, will sing, amon other thingi, two arias f romVri"s oea 1rai Th'le Bartere Bride.", Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. .4y and their son Robert, 'jr., of Vreeport, Ille will, spend the holiday sesson >wih rsEysprents, Mr. and Mrs. Rverett B. Wilson of 350 Green- leaf avenue. On New, Year's daýy Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. wilI entertain A Alarmn Clacks Founguis Peux Powder Pu#$ Auto oticGreetiug Carda Raxer Plades Penit air Bru shea Raxor Strops u tousebile Handherchiefs Rager Stroppers Chamoils Mot JFater Sachet Peuders A ateenebile BoUiles Score Pis Bath Bruses Ky KitÉ Sh<wiag Sots Batl<*h Sait, Kodaha Smo.king Sait S Bath, Spras s Manvicare Sels Soap BoxeS 51 Bill Poids Maicure sationer Bridge Sels Articles Tenenis Bala Candies Military Sets Thieru. set erig Candy Mo viug Picture Thermos Vacuum, Cigara Machines Boggies Cigar Cases$ Nail Brushes ýThermes Vac*an Cigarettes Pen-Penil Sets Carafe,. Cigarette Cases P> uns ThermosLuck Lmpor.Oa and 'rng Filmetie Sf,,>, 1197 limette Ave. Evanaton Shop Orrington aud Davis Sho>, Ail, Over ChicaN j" I Serving North Shore Residents fer More i a Laie Fret Sa>Wilmette ad Centrai Aveu. -Phones-: Wi ?S4R. eepat A ~.OPes Sundays Until 10 P. ~o0 26 Yars ril. 406-401 M. DUTCH MILL CANDIES ,ý.,Your First .Choiïce -for CH-,RISITMAS N X