$4.95 I. EI.ctrcal Clocks For the Living Room, Kifçtien or Boudoir. priced at $8.45 and, u p Electric. Porcolators 1-d in Chrome or Nickepl finish serves coffeeho want if. Prices roang9e pwadis $4.25, Bath Scales HeaIth 0O Meter. ln etiel the populor colora.. As i- Priced from . .. .. .... ..$1 Lw CAMELOT-The greaot new game...$1 .50 PING PONG-Sets from $8.50 ta...$ 1.50 HOWARD JONES FOOTBALL- thrillng ... . . . .. . .. ... $4.95' PU1T-IN-PL#4AY.GOLF GAME ....$ 1.39 5 WISE BIRDS-A shooting game $ 1.50 BOWLING GAME-m-Wood ýpins and alley .$ 1.00 MAC MYSTERYGUN-Watch the .eeroplines fait. $....0. JUNIOR COM4BINATION BOARD4--.. - Ptays 12 games .....$I.00 ELECTRIC QUESTIONER-instruetiive endý. armus!ng .$3.50o PITCH 'EM-Horseshoe game $..0 DOWN AND OUT-Bati-rollilng 5-sc EEG ROLLNG GAME-4ew an~d amusing . . . . . . .. . . . . .$ 1.25 DERBY DAY-Horse racing game .. $4.50 Hot many n.w foys for Ms friends. Industriel treh, - trucks -fec. A real quarlty flne of steel playfhlngs. JUNGLE- CAR The newest wolkefor liii. Bright colored elophant with and stirrups for rdng., $5.50 CONSTRUCTION SETS LINCOLN LQGS-Priced fron, $5.00 to EKECTOR SETS-Ail sizes, priced from' hAAKE-A-CLOCK-Maikes a reel cloctc $8.95 ~ wc tots. geai s, [-Makè cars for your riroad )OD-Maces artificial flowers, T IZ17olz1 leiuette Avenue