Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1930, p. 5

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Sthis. eto- ve'opmeurs were: The appolntrnaint of tihe l..gui's Political Action conuitte. hy the boar-d of directors on- Monday. Acton to publish a leugue bulletin l>y aMans of wMhhaU its membero will b. iaformnd of action talion or rcm'amendaàtionsmade on lo1cal4wie or political affaura., Discussionson' umulybytii Po- litical Action comiLite. o rgua- tisns for- a villag.-wide non-parisan caueus for nonminatiaig candidates for once, *Plans made te enisi COOPeration Of 'prnceipa women's organizations of Wilmette i the work Of the. baguel teatative date for January 30, &et for holding large eveaing dinner Meeting in, Wiýhaëtte, at which the. beague hopes to announce tih. compbe- tion of its election Plans. ýS.uhold la Ch.lrmnan The personnel of the Political Action commiittee was announced as follows: Arthur B. Se ibold, chairman; Lloyd C. Ayres, Hector Dodds, Herbert B. Mulford, and Enoch Steen. Upon this cemînittee, it was stated, will devolve the duty of bringing to completion 1a wo rkabie caucus organization whicli wiIl have the backing of the league. It has been previously announced that in addition to directors of the league. ,who will serve on the caucus, two caucus commritteemen will be ap- pointed f rom each of the tweive pre- cincts in in iette. The committee expressed the hope not only that when it comes tme to choose the precinct committeemen the personnel will appeal to alI voters as being ,a genuine cross section of al Wilmiétte, but that the principles to .be adopted by the caucus wvill be such as. to insure, thé support of the. public -in future years as a wortli. wbyJile, and rpeenaiebody of Wilmiette citizens. To Perpetuat. Plan Chairman Seibold, ini dîscussing the meeting of- the Political Action coni- mittee, said: Mendonhail Photo, J. E. Worthen, of Worthen's Depar.tment store,*was reeocted president of the Wilmette Cham- ber of Commerce at the annw.zl elect ion of officers Monday nigkt. During the:past yeor 11r..Worthen ha: won ýthe praise not only of members of the Chamber but of other citizen: as welI for hisý un- tiring efforts in behoif of pro jects for ciic improvemesst iii Wilnurtte. Village board Tuesday.night. Village President Earl E. Orner and Village- Clerk Lea J. Orr were authorized to enter into a .contract with the Illinois M1unicipal league to compile, revise- and index the general ordinances of the Village, to check theni for legali- ty, to recommend such additions, or changes as may be déemed advisable and to assist the Village board with légal advice concerning the considera- unemployeu, please feci iree to use our, Classified Advertisement col- unis ini looking for work. The only stipulation is that you reside.in New Trier township. This f ret serviceof course, doe flot apply to employmient agençies or toothers who place workers for, a commission. Wilffm ~T~Lie is eager to help you I Bring in*your ad today I To Give Poceeds. 0f Caslow Speech' TIo- Local Charityv Proceeds of the lecture to bc given, by Winfield H.- Caslow, the "Main Street Crusader," under the auspices of the Wilmette Chamiber of Com- merce on Mondày night., December 15, will bc turnetl over to the Wil- mette Community Chest association for local charity purposes. The public has been invited to at- tend the lecture, which will be given at 8:30 o'clock at the Wilmette .Masonic temple, 1010 Central avenue., A small admission will be charged. Mr. Cas.low, who came to Chicago f rom Grand .Rapids, Mich., bas been broadcasting over radio station WCHI and appearing before business înen's oroanizations in the Chicago area. !orceful, rapid-fire' manner of speak- ing. "The Main Street Crusader." con- tends that the present. trend of American business, and'ifie syndicate systemn of business in particular, wilil in the end, prove- disastrous Ito the country's economic balance. His' talk in Wilmette December 15 w ill deal with this subjeet. merce ny unaimous vote at its annuoL election Monday night, December 1, at the Masonic temple. AIl the other officers and directorsý recommended by the noniinatitig coin- mittee were chosen. unanimously by the same 'ballot that expre.ssed. approvI1 of Pres. Wortben's re-election. A. S. Van Deusen, Jr.. of the-A. S. Van Deusen Grocey company was chosen vric2-presideùt of the Chamiber- of Commerce, while W. D. -eairy, vicL-. president of the Wilmette State banc,. was selected to serve as treasurer.. The five directors, Who were elected unanimously for two-year. ternia re:, Leo- Mickel of, the Dutch Oven,: Jolu Hughes of 1<! Wen's Hardware store, R.M. Jontcôf tbe R. M. Johuston Realty company, E. G. Petry, north shore manager. of thç Illinois Bell Telephone company, and Ralph G. Blann of the BMann pharnmcy in Kenil- Worth. Wiilely R er..n"a*Ve In presenting the reommtendations. of the 'norninating conumittee, tloyd Hollister, chairman, stated that the ajua had been to list f or office or the board of direetors, men whose occupations were widely representative of Wil- mette business. E. B. Knudtson, Wil- liam Taylor and John Hughes are other- members of the noniinating couamittee. Directors of the Chaniber of Com- merce, wbo have served for two years and whose terins expire at the end of this year are: A. E. Nord of Schultz and Nord, tailors; Leo, Mickel and R. M. Johnston (both of whoni were re- elected), E. E. Griffis of the Wolf- Griffis Hardware store and C. T. Fish- leigh, formerly owner of the Fish- leigh Food Products store. The five directors who were elected a year ago and who will serve another year are: A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., John Schneider of Schneider's bootery, Mar- cus Mick of the Skokie *Valley Coal and Material company, Carl. C. Ren- neckar of the Ridge, Avenue Pbarmacy and Paul Rensch .of'the Rensch Fire- proof Warichouse. "Crusader -Conung *the caucus wnzchn ominates canaui- ot >anJvuJenVo,%-a.,,wvi a u ai dates, for the schooi board. Whether the Il o'clock services of the Firsi these' groups can take officiai action Preabyterian church of Wilmette to vitalize this work, I 'do not know. Sunday morning, December 7. His * But they are going to be invited to subject will be: "The First Students suggest means of cooperation. Wom- of Jesus." Services of the Presby- en will have 'definite places ýamong terian church are field in the Wil- te prci ct me'bers of the caucus."l mette Woman's clubilng WILMBTTE 4300 FOR SALE- DOLL HIOUSF3, new, hand built and decorated, completely furn.; Includlng doli tamit>', $20. Ph. 'Wflmette 1871. the meeting Mr.1 that this was the fi: years that he hadi at a mneeting of the ~1

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