with the ali of dùiplicaring the comfçoitanid good taste of a representative modern home. For~ the funeral 'home is intended to b. just that-a second borne to the bereaved family, offering tbem the' sanie coif ort and privacy .. tat they would enjoy In their own residence With the additional facilities needed at thet ime. Our. Mortuary is'Equipped with a Pipe Organ The Oldeat >Eatablighed Undeatakera on the Immediate North Shbore WUNDEPRTAKER "The House of 'Personal Service" 118 GREEaNLEAF AVE. 554 CE-NTER ST.. Supenior Ambulance. Service Licensed Lady, Assistant WILMTTE654 WINNIETKA 404 Periodic Inspection' Service BEATS ýýTHERE S only a. small charge for thîs service-but what a lot of- worri ment itlfsfroin your shouiders. Ift not only keeg>s :your car "on its toes" through minor adjustmnets-but borestais many serious repairs and rePlâce ments. TROU BLE Drivé in for information. Çourteous attention. Modern~ equipment. Coma. plete stock of genuine Ford Parts and accessories. Anda real desire to serve you. Starfing Decem ber I st Day and Nigbt STORAGE Reasonable Rates 435 Main Streel KOIE MTRCo* SALES -SERVICE WiIm.ft. 955 - us te do it thoroughly GARAGÀrE Service WILMETTB 477 Our" ý tan trust