allow children to create accordîig to their own ideas. Toys should be chosen with the thought of well- rounded developnient and shouild be, suited to the age of the cbild. Toys which give opportunîty for develop- ment along the IÈolowin-àfines should ie. included in every chiid's play ma- teriais, if. possible: '(1) Toyswhich give pbysical, exercise.. (2) (toys Wbich' aid sense devýelopment, (3) c reative, tôys .and (4)'-toys for "make-believe"' play. Toys should be simple in construction and be able to stand wear and tear. The colors shouild be clear. and the toys artistic.. Often simple home-made tôys cgn be made which give cbildren more plea- sure than very çgpelisive ones; "In choosing toys.'try to select those that suggest the greatest num" ber of usages. "The followini list is suggestiveé oniy. There are many other toys whicb are equally good. Many of the toys Iisted helow mav bé used by "Toys whicb give exerci se: *"Toys WhIch Give Physical Exercime:- 2-3 years-A klddie car with Peda4s, a wagon, a wheelbarrow, large blocks, train or auto for.pushlng and pulllng, balle, uee-sa*'; 3-4 years-a velocipede,> a sled, a unow. shovel, Jump ropes, bean b..g swing, rings and trapeze, and îa4drs. *"Toya Whloh Aid Sense Develop- ment: 2-3 years-Sand, water toys, nest, of blocks; 3-4 yeqrs-.Sand, color cubes. and Zylophone. ",omhat 'i mrn, 2-3 veitr-Large Aeas, papy'er anapGains, t',.ay fana empty boxes. * 'Toys For Make-Believe Play:21b years-Large blocks- stufted or wooden animaislarge rag dol!, telephone. swëee, duat pan and other household toys (child's size);, 3-4 years-book>s, doelse, large doîl furniture, toy dîshes (unbreakable). satchels (semal>, small figures (for blocks. sand play, vil- lage building, etc.)"4 .W illiam A. avenue wauihc. of 2117 her five- The musical organizations at the high school, including the choruses, glee. clubs and orchestra, have been practicing for weelcs in preparation for the program. These organizations are directed by Mrs. MIariaiÏ,Cotton, head of the Ne* Trier music departmýent, Miss Winnifred ý Mickey and Miss Adelaide Jones. Fùllowinýg is the cëimplete program: Carol, ".0 Cone' Ail Ye Falt'hful"..............Reading Audience and chorus *'Out of the gilence"..Cyril Jenkins Combined glee clubs Adagio, third suite......... .Ries. Orchestra, "How Par Io It to Bethlehem'"......... Richard ýDonovàn Girls' glee club "In dulci Jubilo". . êncient (lerman carol -Song, cf Rest" ......... .......Bach -Les Anges. dans Nos Campagnes"....... Old French carol iBy octet.from boys' glee club composed of Frank Christian- sen, Paul Moore, Hugh Mid- ieton, Olin Sethness, Thomas 4li~hn, Victor Joyce. Robet Klrtland and John Chapman, directed by Winnifred Mickey. Carolsî "The 1First Nowell" .Traditional "H.ark, the Heraid Angels Sing"................. Mendelssohn Audience and chorus "O, My Deir Hert".............. Bach Boys' gleo club 'The Shepherd's $tory" .......... Clarence Dickinson Combined giee clubs and chorus assisted' by seml-chorus cgm- posed of Virginia Sprague, soloit, Jane Norman, Ernest- ne BehrensFrances Whitmn, 1 Twelftii Mass> .............Mozart Glee clubs, chorus and orchestra "Now the Day Is Over"... . . ..Barnby Audience and chorus WiIl Play Varied Programn on Sunday The En semble of Fourteen of the. Little Sympho.ny.ý Orchestra of Chi- cego, will play Mendelssohn's over- ture, "Fingal's Cave," at the operiing of its tWn, concertst on Sundav aîter- called to the conference oy rresi- dent Hloover, and will have a valua- ble message for parents. SET HEARING DATE Tuesday', December- 16, b as been set' as tht date of a public hearng 'on the proposed instalLitionof water service connections in Locu st, road south of Lake avenue and several other streets at an, estimated cost of .16,279.85. The hearing will bie held at 7:30 o'clock in the counicil rom at the Village hall. Lewis B. :Springer of. 430 Maple avenue, superintendent of forestry for theý state of Illinois, is, attending the Centrail.States 'Forestry congress at Clayport, Ind. The states. participat- îng areIllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ken- tuky, Missônri, Objop, and Tennessee. Mr. Sprînger is chairmnan of the Ilii- pois committee and a menîber of the general committee.. 0o- Mr-. anid Mrs.*Herbert L. Will ett, 319 Richmond road, Kenilworth, siient last week, in Kansas City visiting Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Willett who have're- cently moved there. Mr. and. Mrs. Paul ÇViIett mnade their home, for. many years, with Dr. and Mrs. Wil" lett. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Kel y of 4,15 Cumnor road, Keniiwortb, have re-; turned to their home after spending Mrs. Sanford Holden and daughter,. Helen, 527 Warwick road, Kenil- wortb,. have returned f rom Nash-. ville, Ternn., Where they' spent last week with j ane Holden .who is at W'ard Belmont .sc-hool. Dr. and Mrs. James Burrill, 812, Greenwood avenue, went to Rock- ford over the liolidays to spend Thanksgiving %,lth their daughter,ý Jane, who is attending Rockford col- 155<, is perhaps as extensive a produc- tion as the Circuit theater bas attempted since "Henry IV," 'and has taxed the ini- genuity of the directors and manager to no smail extent. "ýNellie" is being. produce by the Circuit theater f aithi- f ully in keeping. with. the styles7 and modes of its daMd the four acts and ten scene s in which it is played and the old costumes with their busties and flat derbies, 'and the o obsoiete ,cbarac- teristics of acting will al combine witb the breath-taking tbrills of the melo- drama, to give the Nqorth Shore audi- ences ýan evening's entertainment that is unusual to say the 'least. Samluel S.* Otis of Winnetka, p resi- dent of the Circuit theater, and veteran of many- plays botb from the acting and directing angles, is director of this re- vival. As bis right-hand man is, John Allen Stewart of Evanston, business_ manager of- the organization,, who bas charge of all business détails for the year and f or the' individuai productions of tht comînittees to assist inpru- tion. Charles Zoeckler of Evafston, the technical director, is superintending the construction of settings, alI a la 1880. and ail built in the studio in Evanston with the assistance of volunteers and. unierstystudents. Miss Geneva Barry. of Winnâetka manages the' costuming end of the production, a phase of the work made very complete by ber abilitv and tbe assistance of Minna Schmidt, costumer of Chicago. As p ro p ert y chairman, collecting hand articles, etc., is Miss Priscilla Guthrie of Winnetka,. and Miss Evelyn Pardee of Evanston bas the part of assistant to the director, better knciwn as prompter. Auaousç. Çst The large cast contains some who are stars on the north shore and some who will be stars when the famne of "Nellie" bas spread. The cast is as f ollows: Nelile Qrey, the Beautiful Cloak Mode!, Mrs. O. T Eggieston of Evanston. Tom Bedforjd, her .Cousin, a Cripple, Helen Goldstein of High Park. William Roland Bedford, his Father,- a Fop, Donald Morrison, Winnetka." Mrs. Margaret Horton, a Woman with a History, Mis. Norman H. MacLelsh of Winnetka. Walter Hilton, her Nephew, Frank J. Morre of Glencoe. Jack Carroll, a Young Inventor, Joseph K. Shippen of Glencoe. Otto, a Porter a.t Fisher k Nèlsons,, Mil- ton Klee, of Glencoe. Hortense Drake, Flrewoman of the. Cloak Department, Maxine Garner Irom Wis ..<-2 ,< ts eeego Lgai. cans,Mran r.FW.Wybego faple Sugar W. N. Pomeroy of 116 Ninth Appleton, Wis. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tomn Dix of 236 Ox- street was host to the members of Mr. and Mrs. W., H. Siegel of 305 ford road, Kenilworth, are entertaining bis. bridge -whist club Monday eve- Seventeenth street for several days guests af the dinner dance' at the.. 91L T30-340 ing, Decemùber 1. Iast week. Kenilworth club this evening ROVTB 1,