Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1930, p. 61

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WÂNTU» AT ONCE, COOKB, SEC- ond malds, chlldren nurses, rcia nurss. geijeral ma1ds. Over 50 -posi- tions now open. for exp. help. F PÂULINE'S EMP. AGENCY k748 EIm, Win. 8 N. First St.. Hy. Pk. 44LTrN3*1 -ltc- WANTED.- WOMAN WHO0 WOULD appreclate. good home, private room, end bath,.general housework, i chld, no wash.. $25 per me. A-95. Box 40, Wlhette. 44LT1-î1ýte ýWANTEDY-'ýMIDDLE AGED HOUSE- keeper. Miust be- able to anuwer tele- phone. Two adulte i n family. A+96, Box 40,ý Wilmette. 44LTN31-ltc LADY TO DO> MENDING AND DARk- ing who-hàn short time te spare. Can take wôrk home If desired.. Ph. Wl- mette 90&. 44LT31-lte <OIRL, WHITE, WANTED, FOR GEN- eral house*ork. Foreign faily. No washing,. 701 Linden Avo. Ph. Wil- mette 4069. .44LTN31-ite WANTD- EXPERIENCED GIRL for çpokig a iIrst floor work jc, M liy of fi veîteeen-es required. Ph.~ Giencoe 1676. 44LTN31-1tc EXPERIENiCED WHITE MAID UN- der 30 for general housework and cooklng. 4 ln family. Glencoe 1142. 44LTIN31-ltc MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. No laundry. $10 per week. Ref. re- quired. Phone Winnetka 616. 44LTN31-1tc 48 FOR AL6-A^UTrOU ]Fllire Y@u Aire 1929 studebaker sedan ...... ..... $295 1928 Chevroiet, coupe ...... ....... 185 1927 Pontiac coach .: ........ 150 1926 Packard sedan.......... .... 295 1929 Essex sedan ................. 295 1926 Nash sedan ................ ;.. 150 1928 Nash Conv. coupe........... 295 Compare these prices anywhere 30 moe cars to chooso from Evasi~Na"llTiC 1735 Benson Ave. Cor. Clark St. 4SL31-ltc z D4l' OOR FORD SÈDAI *Buyer and Seller have- found the Want-Ads of WILMEITE LIEof inestimable, value. 'Many a -deal involving -hundreds, of dol rs, lias been theresuit Of a- Classified ad which cost but, a few cents. Classified ads will: be accepted eve .ry evening until' 9p Phone WuIlmette,4300 Wed-nWsday befor. 9 K.-M. for the. Curréni Issu. 1 OR 2 ROOMS FOR LIGET HOUB1E- keeping. Steamn heat, near transporta- tion. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 51LTN3-ltp FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOM near transportation. Reasonable. Ph. Wilriette 2199. 51LTN29I-tfc LARGE SOUTH- ROOM FOR ONE OR two adults. 731 lth St., Wllmette. 51LTN2-7-tfc FOR REN',T-FUTRNISH-ED ROOM, Al*.- so garage at 344 South Ave. Ph. Glen- cee 1564. 5iLTN31-ltc eoS FOR RENT-AiPAiUTMENTS FOR RENT 3 room s4partmeflt.$30 * WALTER P. SMITII & CO. .REALTORS 337 Park Ave, Glencoe 702 56LTN31-1te 61FOR RENT-FI5RN. NousES 6 SUNNY ROOMS NEAR'V à steam traIns, eleiC. refrig.; gai 116 Sth St. Pli. Wilmnette 2q$1t 61LTNI 64 FOR RENTU-GAAS.. GARAGE AT 805 VERNON A~ Glencoe, near transpor. Phono coe 158. 64L.TN3' Fo SW 4-U AN IN A SECTION RAPIDLY BUILDING with desirable.homnes we offer vacant for, immediate improvements et $40 lier ft. Havé se veral other c hoice locations ln Winnetka,; riced under $5,000 per lot. Cail us for further détails. E, ES5tulltsReaRity 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1800 GRAND PIANO $369ý BEAUTIFUL BABY GRAND PIAN wlth bench- (pracjtilîbVlIýnew>. fullY guarantee& Psy oniy $12 per mno. Write us and-wo wi11 teli.youý where this pianio .can be soon. A-93, Box 40, Wiimette, 111. SLN1-1'te RlOùSEHÔLD (300DO, S UC H Ai$ k1tehen cabinet table, Stmmons b.d emiall tables; also beautiful soe. washing machines and other arils a8se, ainters' -ladders. To b ode great sacrifice. Phonoe lnta 39 84LTN31 -ltp 1,15 DOLARADAM SCRAAF ART- lot Gr Üdp - So 5ft. 6 Inclina. Brwn mahogany. almost new.. Wi#11 eil for $300 cash. ph. Briaigate. 7659 aturday atfterneon. or Sunday. FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD 000DB, reasonably pric.d for quick sale. Houae open -from 10 a. . m. to 4-p. m. mette. SOL1-ltc $40 LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN '$6, -beys' hockey skates on ahoe saie 4. Ph. Glencoe 1301.. 86LTN31-1te FOR SALE - ACORN OAS BTOVB used 6 weeks, cost $135, will oi for $5». Ph. Lôngbeach 9160. 86LTN31-Itp 87 WTD. TO BUT-HUgHES. 410& J'Os (esi, uffet, skates,.il ,dB, etc. Also clothes. Wlnnel 4..81N1 SALE-HAVE A RUT'T LARGE~ WAR)j ROOM, 1096 OAK AT. el FOR RENT-FUiNN. HOU9ES Gentlemen preferred., Caîl Winnetka, 26>0. .. 51LTN31-ltc 7 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, HOT WATER heat, electric refrig., ýfor Jan. and4 BOOM FOR RENT-REASONABLE. Feb. Reasonable rent. Phe flwin Phono .Wnnetka 9359. 5LTN31-ltp netka 393. 6LNl.t IV4L A L.v.LJ.------..S &l THE IDEAL WINTER RESORT, mkle your arrangements with us 3 RADIATORS, 1 BATH TI rooma; houses, apartments or hotel nilture, rus, and clothing. accommôodations by the day or season, lce skates. Cail at 1064 EI $100 te $1000, for entire gpauon. Wlnnetka. Oftfiil ropjesentatives of City of Miami.R Bureau oet-Rentais. 513 Fourth '1t. $6---FANCY ICE SICATUB, ,B Wilimette. Ph. -Wil. 192i 77LT31-lte 6. 'Gi0n<3o 1407.

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