1165 WlImette - ..u nau po UquDeL. Deadline for Insertion, tCl»ind. advertiselento,,will be for the WIm6wTULumi or ail thm ePapera; Thursday 9 Oolc for t he WUMM<wA, TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for -the QLrou 1(ugwa. Telephoues: Wilmette 4300" Winuetka 2000, WUnetka, f500 or Glencoe 1484, Gréenleaf 4300'or Shelirahe 5687. :1, <111I 11A"OBAND OUND [OST BROW» 1LEATHER TRAVEL- lag bag on Cherry St. or Sheridan roïd la Winnetka. Reward. Win- uetka 2904. 2LTNS-itp LOST 130METIMBE8114E uAUGF. 10TH, box -containing Jewelry 'valued as keepsake. Ph. Kenilworth 1865. 2LtN31-1tc LOST-CHILD'S TAN FABRIC MUFF With ZiPppr pocket. Please call Wil- mette 3933. 2L3l-ltc IOST-ONE PLAIN GOLD CUFYF button.' WIJI fiuder lsue phone Wti- netka 259. 2T31-1tip S ANT1IQUES Always ini Perfect Taste TH1E CHOICE 0F 5BILVER, ARTIS- ticaily deslgned, antique perlod pst- tèrna, superlor by virtue of Its beauty, worth and performance. Odd pleces reutored to original tinish. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 11465 Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 6 ÔJfLN J.-ue1 ANTIQUES -Why not give an antique for Xnias? A -rare old Curriet' & Ives or a cholce plece of alver, glass, furnitur,, rug etc. Visit 808 Washington St., Ev- anston, sud sec our special offering of old prints, etchings, etc. Open 9 :3G, a. -m. to 10 p. ni. Visîtors welcomne. Greenleaf 9839. 5LTN31-1te YVONNE SOHN te announcing thé remnoval of her col- lection of antique furniture to 12 E. Waiton Place, Chicagoý.. Uquidation ale continues until everything te soid. Ph. Whitehall 4786. SiLTN27-tfc PAIR OF MAPLE POST BEDna nîn T"Es TRI-M)MED ANi) TAKEN down. S.Lindberg1026 Pine St., Winnetica, Phono #'lnnetkâ 1793.: 14LTN28-dtc. là; YOUR GARIDEN REAXDYFOIR wlnter and, next sprlng? For eXpert work by experlenced, men cali Win- netka 329. 14L1!N22-stp MIIRGARJET BLTITHARDT, ACCbOM- panist, and Plauo eacher, 414 Wn htla Âve., Ph lnetka 2961. 16LTN29-3tp 17 INTERIOR DECOSATINC Likeuess guaranteed eut ln SILHOUETTES JANE JOHNSON THE LITTLE~ STUDIO 11&9 Wil. Ave. Homne Ph. Wilmette 1982 17LTN39-ltp as pK"S WIRE HAIR PUPPIES ALSO 130STON Bulle upoeexceptional pupples. Mak- ing.a fine glft. Also éther breeds. Schlidberg Bros, Mendotsa, 111 26LTN*1-2te F'OR SALE,-4flG PULL BLOODED Pekingese. Male, 6 Mo. oid. Prive Reasonable.. Pli. Keniworth 617. 26LTN31-ltc TWO CROSL] grapli combir discount. Ra, ton Bldg, « FOR RADIO. mette 984..- RADIOSI RADIO AND) PHONO- tion denionstrator's 25% oService Shop, 2 Carl- nnetka, '28LTN31-1tD POO SERVICE POSITIONS WANTED Cook, German, 4 yr. ref. Cook, Frenchi, 4% yr. ref. Second Ifai<, Scotch, 3 yr. ref., Second Maid, Gierman,. 4 yir. ref. Waltress (Private> à yr. ref. N'ure-Governess, FPrenli, 2 yr., ref Practical nurse, A-i1ref. <eeral maldj3 wlth excellent ref. Couples, 2 Swedish and Germait, long ref. 8 tirât clam chauffeurs. PAULINE'SEMP. AGENCY [748 Eum St- 8NO. First St. [Winnetka -2662 HlhndP.20 41LTN31-ltc REPINED WOMAN 0F'OP 40., UNIN- cumbered,1 desires position as com- pAnion to clderly -lady---Cati act as secretary, underatand beauty .culture, A-i sewcr. Best references.,Phone WIl- mette 3521. 41LTN31-lnc AmIDlDLE-AGIED SPANISH WOMAN, 1 12 years experience on the nort!ý shore, would like day or part tume work. etthér-general woric or cookdig. Phonel Winnctka 292. 41LTN31-1ne POSITION AS COMPIANION, MAN- aging hiousekeeper,1 assistant lit gif c or book shop, or any position of trust or responsibililty. Best ref. V.rite A-94, Box 40, Wijnitte. 41LTN31-lnc SIT. WANTED: EXPEIRIENCED colorcd, girl, wishcs gencral work, no washIng North Shore reference, phone Drex. 1498. 41LTN31..lte EXP. LAUNDRESS, F'AST WORKER. wants work for Wedncsday and Thursday. Best of ref. Phone Ken- wood 0618. 41LTN3-ltp EXPER. FIRST CLASS LADIES MAID, or conibinatton girl. Can furnish best of rcf. Phone Wellington 2832. 41LTN3-ltp IST CLASS LA&UNDRESS WISIIES TO have laundry work, Monday, Wcdne s-. day and Thursday. Ph. Wiimtte 4220. GRAD. NURSE- TAXES PLDIPRLY and conv. people lu ber pleasant home. exe. care. Ph. Wllmctte 4299. 41LTN31-ltc COOK-ROUSEKEEPER, COL., A.1 thoroughly exp.; ucat and refiued, rcf. Ph. Keuwood 6856. 4J.TNý3î-ltp EXPERIENCED SORTER WISIoE$ position ln launery. Phi. Wilmette 3026 or. 3693 between 9 A. X.and 5 P. 11. 41LTN3I -ine WANTED>-DAY WORK 'WASI Ironing and cleanIng.ý Cali KenlWorth 4730. LT3-n WýANTJCD DRESSMAXING OR PLAIN slewing. Experionced. 'Ph., Xenhlworýth 1178. 41TN3i-îne, CALL OURSERVIdCE EPT. FOR windowwashing,,cleaning, tioor wax- fig -and'odd Jobs. PAULIN'S EMP. AGECNCY. 748 Eum St. Ph. Wlnnetka 2662 42LTN31-ite YOUJNG WINNETCA. HOUSEM 1AN- chauffeur là willing to do housework, drlvgng, Painting, repairlng, and odd: Jobs 50C. an1 hour. The beàt N. Shor-r references. For Interview caJl Wini- EXPER. GARI>ÈNER WISHES WORK. Can do any kind of work around house or yard. WiIi work by the day or week. Phone Wlnnetka 2359. 42LTÊNàl-lnc DRI VING, HOUSE WORK, WINDOW washing and aIl kinds of odd jobs b' experienced and reliableniait. BOY, 19, -WILLING WORKER, LOOK- Ing for garage work,, odd jobs, etc. Excellent 'references. -Tel. Winnctka 1404. 42LTN31-lue EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE COLOR- ed boy as houseman, table waiter or porterý Phone Oaklaind 2604.- 42LTN31-1te DOWNSPOUTS AND STORM SEW- ers and other repairs. 377 Provident Ave. Ph. Winnctka 1288 after 5 p.im.- YOUNG MAN WISHES ýANY KIND of work around the house or yard.. Can drive cars. Good ref. Phone Win- netka 698. 42LTN31-lnc YOUNG MARJIIED MAN WISHES work of any klnd. Can drive cars. Good ref. Phone Winnetka 698.- be run faiui- P."' or Wiuuetka 2000 ICAREi - ~ 4ILN 5-lUe -----cOLe OPE WIFE, CO OR; MAN,- 'CHILI), RYTUE ROUR op. ouean ail Taylor, Kenwood il Wnneka 920.41L1.4p 589. 8LT81itp