tDoors Open 6:3o--Sbow $tarta 7 p. M.- PUCTURtE-FRIDAVI DEC. 5 DORtOTHY'MACICAILL md- LEWIS, STONE, SATUNDAY, DEC. S BENNY RURIN anid LOUISE FAZENDA LOVE A LA MODE-Comuedy. PAllIE REVIEW -Matine. Only- iauTlu-Tin ln «The loue Defeud erl - Last Eisode "Vindicateil» NKatluee Priees Baturdays to 1:00 P. M. Cblidren muder 12, 10 cents Adults, 10 cents "Theo Judimnu Are Comlng"ý-Eplsode No. S SUNDAY ANMD MONDAY. DEC. 7-8 Pure mud SuipI-Lou'se Faz Couifouuided intret-NoveJty> Universal Talkinews. Act TUiESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. DEC. 9-10 "A LADY SURRNDERS"Il ROSE HOBART anid CONRAD NAGEL CHESTER CONKLIN humo r and Irish gooc-heartedncss. But,' m1ore than alilthat, this "'four star fihin" brings >the. golden Ivoice of John McCormack, sngngî ndlaugh- ing bis waff through the story., His cvcry- mov nient is as natural and easy as the sound thiat pouùrs soý free- ly- fro m bis thmroat. *A critichbas proclaimed this "one of the.most-charming pictures ever, produced . . . a godscnd to music loyers'and a-bôon to those who no- whée, can* find a 'picture fit Âor hbidre n." Next week. Claudette Colbcrt, and Frcdric Mai-ch will be at§' Community House in "Mgnslaughter.. Picture. Planned, to Show. Rivais of Doctors' Wiveà Franlc ýBorzage, said 4e he one of- the best directors in the picture busi- ness, bas been sclected by John Con- sidine, Jr.,, producer, to make a suc-. cessfiil taikie of "Doctors' Wives," a novel by Henry and Sylvia Lieferant. The tbeme of the book is that physi. cians' and surgeons' wîves bave the most. dangerous rivais in the world in their husbands' patients. Any doc- toi- will léave any wife anty time pro- viding he is needed at the bedside of some sick persoxi, the novel demon- JJAMES -HALL HAS LEAD James Hall is to, have, the maie lead in "Mothcr's Millions," opposite May Robson. M. H. Hoffman, who is making the picture, is promising to do right by "Mother's Millions," which was Miss Robson'sstage play. NOVEL TO ACQUIRE, VOICE "Seed," Chai-les Norris' novel which is now in its sixth printing, will go into immediate production. on the] Eoeoing. Duwing -ACCIDENTS HAPPEN"' ' Comedy -BARNACLE BILL"--Cartoon Metrotpne News. plirey Bogart and i.,uana Alcaniz por- tray the leading supporting i-oies. Irving Cummings directed. One smile from Victor McLaglen and the sen- oritas melt . . -., one kiss and -tbey leave theirhappy.haciepadas,* John oarrymôre, Ltcwïsbtone, othy Mac.kajll, Benny Rubin, Louise Fazenda, Conrad Nagel, Rose Hobart and Victor McLaglen are among filmdom's luminaries who bring their talents to the talking sci-cen of the Teatro dc l Lago this week. Today '(Frzday) Dorothy Mackail * ad LwisStone head an impressive cast in "The Office Wife," feature pic- turc among several other superb en- tertaifiment high lights at the Teatro del, Lago., "Tbe Office Wife" .con- cerns a new angle in the triangle, and thé story',is portrayed, vividly as if e. A busy man is tbrown. continuously into the society of a pretty and intel- lient young secrctary, a woman w he undtrstands, his business-and him- scîf-better than his wife does. ý- There'1l be a riot, of laughs at the Teatro del Lago, Saturday,, Decem- ber 6,, during the. showing cof "Leath- cruecking." Marines are on. a rain- page in the, grass-skirt !belt, -and everytbing 'gocs laugh-ward. This is- ain -al-star comedy bornbshell, with Benny Rub in, Louise Fazenda, Ned Sparks, Ken Murray, Lilyan Tash- man, Eddy Foy, jr., and Irene Dunn. E~ddie Clime directs. Indianma .Am Comiug Saturday aftei-noon will be matinee time at the Teatro del Lago, with Rin-Tin-Tin helping to solve difficu!l- tics in the final episode of the serial, "The Loue Defender." IEpisode Thi-ce of "The Indians Are Coming" will coritain mnany surprises. John Barrymore' 15 at his hest ini 'M oby *Dck," whaling epic presented Sunday and Monday,, December '7 and 8, at the Teatro de Lago. The tender romance, the swagger, the fights, the suffering and the crusbing action of. Herman Melville's classic have been:',Preserved and, even cm- phasized in the talking picture. Joan B3ennett ,port.rayvs Faith, New ]Bedford minister's daughter,_ who. fallsis l' ove with Ahab, thechai-acter immortal- ized *by Barrymore. T he taikie ver- sion of "Moby Dick" ils simply great; and as for onc's missing it-why, j; just isn't being doue.. I