Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1930, p. 56

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Th'e programn opened with songs by the sixth grade followed by a violin solo by Warren Ruff. A clever littie play, "The Water Clock," depicting primitive methods of neasuring inie, was written. by the children. The picturesque s c ner y, planned and made by the cbildren, with Chinese costunmes and a dance by one of the girls, gave a tr*l oriental atmos-, phere,vwhich-:Waswell carried out in, the unehs andaeting. Miss Witcher's thirtd .grade childreni ini Indian and Piigi costumes sang Thanksgiving songs. -Fairy and Brow- nie dances, by Miss Ferris' first grade, were elftertaining as interpreted by the childClren, supplemented by songs. Mrs. Clegg's firsi grade'orchestria performned very well, and the Virginia reel by Miss Jones'.and Miss Petrie's second grades Miss Jones' second grade won the at- tendance prize, Miss Olthoff's third grade beimg second. It was announced that 'Mrs. Kinnear hbas been'appointed chairman in charge* of dancing classes, and any ,inf6oation desired may be obtained .f rom ber. Fifth. grade mnothers acted >as bost- esses during'.a social hour anid servmng of refreshments. Richard 'Scbuettge, who spent the Thanksgiving bolidays with bis par-, ents, Mr. and' Mrs. R. D. Schuettge, 804 Greenwood avenue, bas returned to bis classes atiCaeton collège at 1 orthfield, Minn. tain for Miss Thompson at a tea, and handkerchief shower. at her borne. On jDeceinher 10, Miss Charlotte Moody of Wil mette, who is attending Miss Thomp- son as bridesmaid, is giving . a buÎffet. supper for sixteen of the bride's friends and the members of thec wedding partyý at ber home in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Schwal of 804 Ridge avenue * spent Tbanksgiving with their son, Andrew Schwàll -of Souith Bend, Imd. They ,are also visiting, Mrs. Schwall's brother, Peter Heck, Of South Bend. Mr. and Mes. Scbwall1 are, expected home -Sunday., pai nier, iwho, wfrh Mrs. Zoir is <a guest of Mrs. Louis Bourgeois in her studio home at 536 Slaeridat& road, Wilnmette, is holding classes in moder nd advanced art. Prof essor Zoir, one of the leaders of the most advanced art in Europe, and honorary prof essor of the Milan Royail academy, awards certificates to advancd art students wbich entitle the holder to enter if e classes in any of the Italian Royal academies witbout charge. Emile Zoir is the holder of fourteen high medals and other recompenses f rom different parts of Europe, num- bering arnong tbem* the Grand Prix International. He is. teaching classes for women Monday, "ITûesday,, and Wednesday inornifngg and a class fur men and women Saturday afternoons. Ail classes include work f rom living models, water color painting, and,,lec-, tures. Prof essor Zoir,ý who was here lastý spring, spent ýthe summer in Sweden sailing and painting, and brought, back with hm iabout thirty water colors for diThe. Last Judgment" which lie ex- pects to paint bere this winter.. His work, "ThieCreation," was exhibited Ouir >rices inc, fand delivery cai tout bring, to your doër. -lude a Prompt cal service. A phone one of Our drivers -Mrs. Harold Smith of Lima, Ohio, visiing eràister, Mrs.* W.'I eam of 411 Sheridan..road. p Puy N,6 Mrre For Your HOLIDAY CLEANINO Watch your step on your Holiday Clean-. ing. Evening gowns, full dress suits,. tuxedos, ail corne u n d e r the, "extra charge" classification and the cleaner with "ups" in bis prices is prepared to charge you plenty for everything. but the plainest, of gar:ments.ý A word to the wise is sulicient. Why not line up wîth our many hundreds of',

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