the wee. This is where die bird feeding table îs situated, -which, was set up last win- ter, and whichwas 80 popular With the feathered inhabitants of' that part. of the township.:. Dr. Davies Lazear,- chairman of the Bird Feeding committee of the Izaak Walton league, reports >that the work of f eeding the birds for the winter sea- son'bas, already begtin. This ýwork, is of even greater. importance this year than last, because of the recenit grass fire whicb ran through that section of the wôods early this month. The fire., while flot dôing material damage te buildings or tre es,. burned up the grass, weeds, and 'wild flower stalks and most of the seedýs o n whicb tbe'birds depend for a livelihood. Consequently, the feeding table at Walton , adge ismr popular than ever. Dr. Lazear is supplying grain and suet at regular intervals. His commit- tee, consisting of Orville Simpson, Arthur T. Fisher, William Werstéà, J Roy West and Stanley Simpson, will be glad to have visitors to the lodge report to them as te any shortage of food, or any unusual conditions which may need their attention. Tbé committee visits the lodge regu- larly f rom week to week and states that CONSERVATION BONDS The conservation bond issue au- thorizing the issuance of $14,000,000 of bonds for a statewide systemn of forests, recreation grounds and hunt- ing and. fishing ,preserves, secured a majority of ail of the votes cast on the issue at the November election. The measure, however, failed to se- cure a majority of the votes cast for lic is fi [zaak1 'vnaly in zavror ot the n .league program in No Serious Aceçidents Durhg Sippery Speli Despite the fact that W ilmette streets and sidewalks were «icyand treacherous. the latter part of last week, the Wil- mnette police report that there were ne serious'accidents. Several minor, auto- mobile, collisions- occurred 'but no one was hut appst in the 1500 block On Isabella street was knocked: down Saudyafternoon. T'he public workcs deprtmnt ronpty sned severa1l of the' more dangerous intersections. Johni Mathison, RicharÏd Hall. Jame, IingérY, WIlfred Blades, Burrage Par- lwell, CY .MacKinnon, Harry MInor, Johni Grhfhth, Bill Dowen. Howard PogK, Pet- er Glbert.- Bob Hermanson, Harry Hrughes, David -Jasper. BPlhy Kati,, Lýewis Klein, Jack MllIer, John Phtllipu, Donald Vail, Warren Young. Honeorable, Nenuti John Beamn, George Beisonl, VaUghn Bryant, Perry Crawford,.Poster Glgis, Rtobert' Harding, Joseph. Harrison.,Ytob-. et Howard, Bob Johnson, Jaclc Long, REAL ESTATE LOANS Rave ruade. to' ban on North' Shore reaidential proPerty at rea- sonable, rates. Seo unsbon renewals. .Mso mortgagen for mals.. IL G. 1t>aulig & C. le I. onaeBau l'm Pau tri Your better judgment tells you thàt evening dlothes, which in many cases reprosents an investmont of hun- dreds of dollars, shoutd only b. enfrusted fothe. cere of the responsible and efficient. To a cleener who thinica welI ,nough of bis services% to charge a fair price consistent with the service rendered. Our Distilled Naphtha Clea'ning 18 .specially beneficial fo evening clothes. If revives the Ioveliness of luster and colos' of silks and satins. If removes .very fréce* of soit yet so gentl y that if does not harm the most: delicate fabric, in, faci, .v.rything that is Distd Napbtba. is per manentfly benefited and pe- fly ooresF. OUR PRICES: Men's 3-Pioce Business Suifs te the Cook County FrestFrverv system. In' view of general' business conditions the possible narro*~ de- feat of- the state referendum should flot be viewed* as discouraging 4y con- 85c Men's Tu»e Suifs & DRY C 12 10 CENTRAL AVE. irs. 1D. W. '&earn who makes ber homec with her daughter, lirs. R. H. Palenski of 226 Tenth treet, bas gone to Muami, Fla. for the wi4tqr. Wé* pide ormuelveso onabihe- to do .x"eu voit-doega a thargstnds eh. test fyeas a c gae opcew satisfcin j .ortenlmw Pasnte and àcrao »M Gr -em! - Pham 274 a r n, do $1,25 WILMETTE 1800 Valuabke Eveting Clothe s Deserve Distilled NapIhtha > Cleaning.