The. wonien's play willI b. given tw nlghtu TIhureday and FridaY, Deconio il andIL8 If you do Rot have tickets obtin thiet from a member of tli 74imdoary sooiety. The, Churcb council wili hold Its rog ular December meeting Wednesday ove. alg, December 10. The change fron ¶'hrsayla made bocause of thé Zomen'splay. Bring yoiar oferlng of çlothing, food, or money for UnemàplÔyment and Reliel next Sunday or any day of next week. 47n.-Jeaus Name" hbelp the unfortunate. The Sunday school plans to- brl 1ng ini lits offeringa for the abovre purpose Sun_ day mornlng«. Th 4"aretroublous finies. Flnd a àhurch home.-and experloînce the "peace of- God that passeth ail understanding.", Worship with us! Wilmette .and FPorest avrenuesj * George D. ýAllison, pastor *"A Ciiurch. that Cares" The Sunday morning worship service on. Docembor 7 at Il o'clock wlll ho built arouInd the theme .-Jesus and the Greek 'View of Lifo." this to ho the tliird sermon In a erle. of pre-Christ- nias messages showing the ùiany-sided appeal of the Master. We cordially Invite those In Wilmette *ho have flot yt found a ciiurch horne to worahip ith lus. Ail dopartments of the Church school Meet at 9:30. There is a dlams for every one, ln the famiuly froni the youngest IR the Junlor-Int ermediate depart- -Monte the nieniers of Mrs. Orvis' clasa ;MFl have charge of the opening wor- lp servIce. Members o! the clasa are:ý .tutbSutherland, Aina Gertrude 'Orvis, oVena Arohanibault, V'irginia. Richards, M.rorle Rader, Lois Jane Roberts. JîMeGuthridge. The topic to ho p»ro. qpnted la a.mlssionary one. At 4:830 oclock on Sunbday, Decemnber 7the niembera 'o! the Junior and Senior I Id-Wide Guilds and titeir mothera Wf have a Vemnar r er Îûâint,, .,, um At 4 o'olock On Friday,.December 12, - there will ho a Christinia party at the -church for the, boys and girls of the iChurch achool under iiigh a chool ageê. à The program iwlll ho in charge of thé girls ln Mis. Jones., clame: Alice Dem-_ ciiiShirley .oason, Florence Hansonl, Jane. Bla Yi1ock, Marion Philipa, Mary Gordon, iElanor Williams, Marilyn Kehi. There wll be a nioving picture, "Christ and tie Rich Young Ruler."1 Thefolowing cout mcet.n go are ledueiofown for next, woek: Mouoday at 4 .O'cJOck. thé. Cubs;Tuesiday At' 8 ;0, Girl Scout- Troop 41; Tuesday at - 71, Sea Scout .['roqv 4U; Thur*slay at à:45, Girl Sot TÉOÔp' 3; PThursdayý at 8, Boy Scout Troop S. Choir rehearsals, are vory Important during tus month. Senior, choir at, 8 and the Junior choir. at 7:-15. The Jun- ior choir wIlj. ing in thc service Sun- day morning, Decomber' 7. First Con gregufionmd CharleHaflpck Bca.lo, Interim Ministor James Clair Mead,a Director o! Religions Education c This church wolcomcs ail who wish tt te- worship with us. There la a place ln It for cvoryone, of any age. May the coming Christmas season bring gladness te ail, through worship in some el church every Sunday. SIJNDAY PRLOGRA31 T~he ,nnn -worm s.. Mari-i The Church school wili meet ln lime dèpantments as follows: Primary de- partment (grades 1, 2, 3): 9 :30 te 12 a. m n. Junior departnient (grades 4, 5,, 6). 9 :30 t0 10:45 a. m. Intern2odiate de- part*ment (grades 7 and 8) : 9:-30 to 10 :4& a. ini. Beginnersi' departmcnt (pro- school): 10:45 te 12 a. ni. Hgh sciioni department (ail four years): 12 te 1 P. in. Ste 4ugustine's. muday, ecmber 7, fidli ho the sec- ondý Sundayin Advent., There will hob Hoiy Communion at 8 a. mi., Church Sehools and Bible Classes at 9:45, and Roly. Conimunion with address at il a.: m. Ncxt Sunday, being th 1e first Suniday o! the montii wil ho the Corporatdè ,Communion Sunday for botii the Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. Sixteen teame of, canvassors wili visit as far as Possible the parishioners'and. supporters, of Saint Augustine's next. Sunay fo te annual cnvasi., The vestry are planning the extension of the work of the parish. and arc, thoro- fore, expocting to raise a larger Sum through thé annual- canvass than was noodod iast year. People flot 'Visited noxt S'inday will be calledý on as smon as possible thero-i after, as the canvaAsers plan to com-j plete thoir work Just as quickly as1 possible., .Tuesday, Docember 9, will ho the soc-, ond session of the training classes forI Church school teachers of the dolcesec at the diocesan, hoadquarters In Chi- ý cagp at St. James' ýCathedral .ParishJ Elouse. Some fifteon or twenty o! oui i teachers expeet to driveý down. The Acolytes' Guild o!, young meniy Aras reorganizod at a meeting in the1 church offices on Wedncsday of this week. Presbyterian Churciz Woman's club, Tenth street and Morninig worship, Il a. in. >Junior church, Il a. mi. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. YL~.S. C. E., 5:30 p. mi. Priayor meeting, 8 p. ni., Wodnësday. The Rev.. Merichant S. Bush if the Pimat Presbytorian church o! San Làean- dro, Cal., will preachi at thé niorning worsiiip houm. Sermon topic: -The First Students of Jesus." Junior church at 11 a.. m. under th. able leadership of Mies Dorotýhy Wchner. Benedictus" .......Tochalkowsky Offertory Solo, "Save Me, Mrs. Blackweider adge Poaflude, "Postinde ln B Plat" .. .. West The Choir Rasther Nelson, soprano; Boern elackwelder, contralto; George Allen, tenor; Edward Otis, basa.- - .1 Enma-Roqndis, organat,-anid, Irector., MethdistClurck. Today làs the last day for the. Village Christmas, Fair which laI being hcld In tis church. A chickcn dinner will'bo scrved this evenlng, aftcr which there will ho a fine ontcrtalnment. As a part ýof thîs prograni Mrs. Eulalie Stade, pianist, wiIl play the following selc- tions--"Reficts, dans l'eau" by Debus- sey; «'Tango," by Aibenîz»; *Stoccato" by Vognigch, and "Polonnaise ln A Plat,"' by, Chopin. Mise Virginia Rurtz, reader, will give several -selections. Thon, too, a, minstto! show will ho given by a group of thirty men of the church. The pastor's sermon, themne for noxt: Sunday momning will 'be d'u Inch Break- lng of Brcad." Christmas hymne will be sung by the congieigatiÔn ' and thé ch)oir will roendcer Christmias ~antheins. -The You*ng Msurriod People's group, wliich should ordinarly moeet next-Tues. dayi wiil hold Its Decomber meeting on the evening of Wodnesday, December 17. A brie! Christmas prograrn islboing arraneod. Thé Pljilathea clas, whlch ordinarlly meets on the first Tuesday o! the month, wIll hold its Decomber meeting and Chrilstmas party on Thursday, December 18, at the church. Tiiere will bo no mid-weok service this week, owing to thé rush of holiday engagemnents. The Woman's Home Mlssionary so- :iety, the Woman's Foreign Missionary socloty, and tbe Wonian's Aid Invite ail womoin of thie cburch to attend their oint Christmas luncheonu on Thursday of noxt week, at 1 o'cloek at the church. vira. Edwin Hoît Hughes will givo the devotions;* Mrs. H. R. Sherman will 1Lan!R Mrs .Gilbert àtansell of ýValrtkegan will..give the Christmias reading. Mr$. Kimbeli's class of young women will hold' their rogular social meeting 'hursday evening, at the home ofo! he Vilen girls, 4e? Fifteonth, st.root. The Chuych school Christmas pro- ,ram will be held Sunday, Deemfber 21, it 4:30 p. m. Keep this date, in mimd 1 Tho Church school la tnldn' ir t an &LUEU4v j & Tiuruuay, Deceniber Il:' TheBlue MW OB«-Brds -wIl meet ln the. church -at the Im I I 8:15p. nm, oago,. Thim J-pnIor u1Senior choira w111 rehearsa ho moiithIr "t .3 :0 p. ni. respecuveîy. Trop o.1,BOY Scouts, Wl in eet -S.-t" lie late hrha780pun e14 Ph orf 1939, D'al asalon p 'tb 17 and ca mr hiliday.. .%M. the Rtome " t0 ho gIven -on be .oh given r -the