It Is Holiday Time Ail1 Over the Hosts Pretty hngs fromEveryhe AH Christmas lists can be fifled, .xpédienfIy and satisfacçforiIy bore.: Ev.rything is in reidi- ness--.very department permeales, the. spirit..of Yulfide-ever y s alesperson iscager fo offer helpfulý suggetos should you b. undeided as to what, to give fo.sômeone on your gift list. GIFTS FOR, MEN Ifyou wouldplease and satisfyý mnannish proferenàcet,., choose such 'desirabie gifts as these and make if à practical Christ- mas for him. Neckwear M u ffle rS Spats, Handerchiefs Sets with Pocket Book and Key Holder to Match e I F T s s E L E c T E D It was fortunate for us to find suçli a complet. assortment of necicaces- indiM-dually boxed-which we could sil so r.asonably. You wîil want several neclacs ... some to com- plement the frocks in your ward- robe . . . others to keep for la.m.rgency gifts." And, out of 144 p.eces nô ptwo are elikel Ea'ch necilace. $ 1.00. Are not disappoinfing on Chrislm. s Mornîng. 588 or 589' 1:148 Wilmett. Ave.