The Hallowe'en parties given each yeurt the Stolp ani Howard gymna-, suums. are supported -by -subscriptions f rom civic organizations since the bud- get -of the. Playground and Recreation Board does flot cover items of enter- taiunent. Teuu Wilm-tte organizations contributcd to the f und tbis year and the contributions added to-tue $37.80 balance kt f rom the 1929 parties cový- ered the expens of ti year. Other arrangements, than that of subocriptions. are being contemplated by the Playground and Recreation Board Whereby the parties can be financed dùring 1931, thus relieving the necessity of making appeals to, the varions or-, Sganizations. Acomplete statement of the -1930 parties, follows: Balance froin 1929 $37.80 Recelpte ln 1930 to December Il 1930. Sept. 33 Logan-Howard P.. Ti. A. $10.,00 Oct. 6 Central-Laurel P. T. A. 10.00 Oct. 10 Wotwaii'a Club of W»imette 10.00 Oct. 16 Chamber of Commerce .15.00 ct. 24 Ain. Leglon ,Auxlllary .1.00 Oct. 29 Rotary Club 25.00 Oèt. 29 Catholic Woman's Club 10.00 Nov. 6 Optimist Club 25.00 Nov. 6 Catbollo Daugh- ter.. of Anm. 5.00 Nov. 29 Village of Wil- mette 18.86 Sale of extra -apples 1.40 $140.261 ture $45.00 cordienins 223.00 Ivertielng 3.30 » apple. 327.50 air rental .28.00 ayage 6.00 les 23.26 0- douglinuts 32.50 scellaneous .60 Total expenditume i*178.06 $178.06 N. U.* Swimmers Exhibit ýWare tw Bôost Charities Northwestern univtirsityirs swim-ý TNT (14) Olive -Billirnia Marion Iverqt Jean Munro Dorothy Volir Marjorie Palg Kathlyn Welt DOIYs 4231 ack Gladys Johnson. ;on Dorothy Taylorý Hazel Itoli nian Rhea Kol trson Beryl Lundberg ter Dorothy 'Bersch Margaret Castor Jans. referee Som (22) Anna Kristoff Helen, Hunter Agnes Costello Cl4ama !Klstoff MaseZopp Paùline Garrityr Jans, Catherine Allez Marie Meyer Mary 'Marg. O'Shea Jeanette Schaeffer margaret Inoffmani Sylvia Keil XÈYZ (1ls) Rôsetta Connelly Elizabeth, i6ftman DorothyI Kummer Lillian Hein Mary Keusch Vivian Qulgleyý refere Schultz& Nord (62) Eva Bemndsten SAlice, Nord L craldine Weber Vera Johnson Ethel Keenor Elizabeth Clifford Florence Clifford reterce Preshinen Il (4) Brownies (72) Eulala flarkem Mareella Kummer Esther Pinkowski ELsie Patersorn Loretta Sturi1 Mary Lauer E9lsabelle PIttPatrick Mary June Miller Mary France$ Schwali Lorraine. O'Shea Mary 'De Marco ]Billy Hicks Riggles, meferee Wisonsfin (71) Village Cleaners (3) Ane tempel Violet Mussatto Rita Weber Pauline Schultz Eliza~beth Faber Lena~ Mussatto Katherine Didier Sally Speith Helen Deinlein Dorothy Boyington Mary Ifoffinan Clara Thornïpnon Rlggles, referee 'leam Standings Won Lost Pet. Brownies ......... ......3 0 1000 Schultz' & Nord.*..........3 0 1000 Som ...............3 0 1000 Wisconsin........3 Q 1000 DOD'u.........2 1 666 Chicagoô ......i 2 33" Village Cleaners,... -......1 2 33ki Preshmen il........... 0, 000 Ohio....................O0 3 000t ýxyz ........... 3 000 3IEN'S BASKETBALJ Wolff- (A League) Woffrifs (12, Bruins Il 13l' Jn& re~.fere ý,, re&iul-uu j kilim, 7:30 p.n. Wornn'ê Bàsketbail. Freshinen 1 vs. Wisconsin. Stoip gymnasium. Me'a Volleyball. Baptist vs. Howard P. T. A. Howard gymnnas- Juin. Men'a Volleyball. Preebyterianvs. Hoffman Florins. Howard gym- »aali. 8:15 p.m. Women's Basketball. Chicago vs. Freshmeen Il. Stolp, gymnaelum. Men's Volleyball. Gym Clamse1 vs. Village Cleaners. Howard gymnas- luim. Men'a Volleyball. -Methodist %-s. Gym Cla8 IL Howard gymnasium. 9:05 p.mi. Womenis Basketball. SOM vs. Schultz & Nord. Stolp 7 p.m. Grainnar Sohool Oirls gymnnium clan. Ho*ard gymnas-, ium. 7:30 ,P.m. Men's Horseshoes. Howard school attie. .Women'a lDasketball. Village Cleaners vs. Ohio. Stolp gymnasium. 8:15 p.m. Womnen's Basketball. DOD's, vs. XYZ. Stolp gymnaslurn. 8.130, p.m, Business Girls Gymnas- luin class. Howard gyminasium.-, 9:05 'p.M. Womees, Basketball. TNT vs. Brownies Wedneuilay, Deeuiber 10 7 P. m. Men's Basketball. Wolff - Griffis vs. Preabyterian. Howard gymnasium. Men's Basketball. Methoôdist vs. Bruine Il. StolP gymnaslim. S 8:00 pan. Men's Basketball. Schultz & Nord vs. State Bank. Howard gymnasium. Men' Basketball. East Siders vs. St. JosePh. StolP gymnastuin. 9 p.m. Men's Baslçetball. Hornes vs. Bruins I. H!oward gymnasiuin. Men's Jasketball. Roasters vs. Hollisters. Stolp gymnaïium. Thars<a., D1tebew il 7 p.m. Junior Basketball league. ,Bruins IV va. Roasters. Stolp gyin- nasuuni. 7:30 p.M. Men's Horsesboes. Bruiine vs. DPW. Howard school attic. Men's Horseshoe. lfFs vs. Ly- man's Texacos. Howard sehool attic. Men's Horseshoes. Hornes vm. Ridge Confectionery. Howard schnol attic. Meeting. Playground-Recreation Board. 914 Central Avenue. 8 p.m. Gyrnnaé ium clase .for wom- en. Howard echool gynaskiumj. Junior Basketball league. Eatst Siders va. Irish. Stolp gymnaslumT. 9 p.M. Junior Basketball league. Junior A. C. va. Bruine V. Stoilp gymnasium. Covode and Billy Wil- style . swnlul*rs, are rmei froun the 1929 1rhe rest of the team 6màbres ai~d ftservet Br1un i............ 0 4 Prebytrla ........ 4 MEN'S BÂSXW1'DALL (B League) East Sidlers (22) Roffinan' Ed Mooney Ray Mi .ohn CYNeil Don Tom Oberineter James M~ Rpb Meter, A iu Rt v *ruins III ......... ..3. i -667 0 Hollisters ............ 2 1 667 04ast Siders...........i1 2 333 Roasters .............. 1 2 333 1 SCF's................0. 3 000 Lyman's Texacos .0 3 0004 n MNS VOLlRyBÂLL1 e HoWfman Florints II,-, Gym Clasa Il4 n 1,1> 4 3 n :Ray ioan AI T1Ucker1 Team Standings Woh Lost .. . . . . . . .3 0 m Floristo I ..'... 3 0 lass.j[.. ........ 1 2 Cleaneis......i1 2 1 P. T.A ........i1 2 laRs il ..........1 .2 et............1 2 n Floriets l11.... I 2: Trier, High echool in its opening bas- ketbalt game -of the season tonight with Maine Township High scbool of Des Plaines were announced this week by Coach Clyde Grater. These Iineuips are: heavyweight- Frank Church'and Paul Jones, f or- wards,- Frank Gordon, center; and Col in Finlayson and Robert Gordon, guards; ligbtweights-Jack Heitmail and John Borine, forwards; Clyde Warble, center, and Felux Balak and- R'oy Wvest, guards. The two Gordon boys,' who are due to start, for 'New Trier, in the heavyweigbt game, bail f ront Fondl du, Lac, Wis.,. where they played last year on the team that won the Wis- consin high, school basketball ùhiam- pionship.- Church and. Jones, for- wards,, and, Finlayson, guard, other s tarters named for the beavyweight teaim in tonight's battle, were memn-. bers of New Trier's'Suburban league lightweight cbampionship team last year. The games will be played a t the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium and wilI start at 7 :30 o'clock. Defer Action on Request> for Municipal Golf Links Ini a recent communication to the Wilmette Village board Nat M. Kahni, 1510 Highland avenue, sug- gested that the Village acquire and. maintain a municipal golf course. On recommendation of Trustee Er- nest Cý Cazel, chairman of the streets and alleys coinmittee, the board decided, on Tuesday night Io: take no action on the. matter at. present pet. 1000 1000 333 333 333 333 Lawrence Welàss Tony Schlnlem William Schinler .ferry Schneider G. W. Gathercoal, Joe Converse Art Seddon Warren Pifer AI Christie refere