and Opposi. Indien Hf411 v rIKIV,!u PR-KING SPACE To maie'a gifidistiicgjpe requirus mai umure .Why wrr about those unexneeted dllen-V ---- -- Why abo toprepare for that luncheon, dinner or card party at home? You mnay fittingIy entertain any Ill a te Tavern. Here you wi'l Ibfind the service and quiet.of your, own dining r. Here, if you wbsh,' you may bavé a Private Dining Room. ~I4 (I4îmugeo Ciatwern TeIephose J innpet ka 1617 Wheii in town lunch or dine at <9oo' North Michigan~ Avenue waow>, uiraugî udcare . Hure uay bu laa aith prce. ceuter merghamdisu" chicu and o rginda aricer 0, li'inng v i u a ib . Silver and COPPer luster, $1.oo and Up. Hadcolored engravings -of old. London, framed, $3,.5o and $5.00. attractively Early American çPlint-bottom, Iadder-back char,$8o each. Copper warmingpan, $20-.o. Bedside or work table with two drawers and two drop leaVeS, $20.00.' Needie point Table mats and purser., $5.00 and up. Orders-for fine cabimiet rupairs are fivitîed Q021 e T4e>.nuWimetka 3#70 152 Center Street Wiwwet&. 3mS MnS. GUY STUMAR ALEY in charge 1' ,West of .Ir Il ~