La cnaram or,-'wl :hropy depart- 1o, alway,à_are et lin wonlc for inose iniwan,arc uDiiuuu every effort to fling out full hand to those. who need. Thti philanthropy' department ol tht Woman's Catholic club of, Wil. mette has been furthering. arrange. mnenits 'for the Caico hop which, oil Saturday tvennDce mber , ai 8:30 o'cleck, at tht, Woman's.clui will combine ,the informaI fun im- plied in its namn with a purpose thi is, charitable. "A littie bit of calico" te adorr one's costume is. tht ont requiremen! of tht committee and if ont basn"t, a j bit of that. quaint matenial Io Wear tht committet js- selling calica aprons, the proceeda of which wl1 go te charity. Vaudeville skits,' dancing, and a t card, party aré to inject entertain- nment into the evening's f rolic, and thé -proceeds derived froinithe tick- ets will be qiven to tht local board of charaties, Wth which tht department bas been cooperating this winter, as well as to tht club's own charities, which include . beds at St. Vincent's orpbanage, the girls for whorn members are caring, and tht destitute family for whom they are providing. Those in charge of tht afair, are Mrs. George Ludwig, chairman ef * the department, and Mrs. H. Lersch, Mns. A. H. Barry,, Mrs. W. Berming- bain, Mrs. C. Barton, Mrs. C. l3erold, Mrs. J. Budinger, Mrs G. Cummis- Icey, and Ifs. A. Elias. Liât Patronesses for N. U. Alumn2ae Lun7cheon7 Patronesses for tht luncheon meet- j ng of th~e Associate Alumnae of Northwestern univrersity Satunday at 12:30 at the North Short botel, will be: Mrs. Walter DillI Scott, Mrs.ý Arthur M. Long of> Wilmettt, for-: mer dean of woantn; Dean Florence Robnett, lins. Carl R. Latham,« Mrs. William T. Hall, and Mrs. Arthur Andersen. JOInS cen- 9 ter space tfordancing. iEvery act ac ir e Liies 5was received with liberal applause. The next Dudley Crafts The entertainmient- started with the- Watson Sunday at 4:-30 o'clock is exý if Loos, brothers singing and playing pected to draw a large crowd as the 1- their miniature pianoduing the din- lecturer, who becomnes more popular - er. At 9 o'clock the dancing at the club each, time of his appear- i started to the accompaniment of two ance, bas chosen '!Lovely 1England" ýt Cope H1arvey orchestras. Tht dances as* his subjct. The ý lounge is na Fr were- interspersed with solos by Miss longer large ýenougih b accomnmodate -Maud Key Shelton, Chauncey Par- those who corne to hiear Mr. Watson, tsons, and- by the Adolph' 9olm bal- se the. taîki now are held, in the' bail- ]et., Shawnee is strictly a. famnily reem, club and th e mbers have the>-con- A play reading group under1 the fidence that even -tht. gayest. parties direction oôf Mrs. J. C.. Marshall are, conducted se that the' younger mieets next Tuesday. evening at 8 r members- may feel at home. Theo'clock. Satlurday, December 13, is French: cabaret was no exception to tht occasion of a dinner dance, and this, ride. at 4:45 o'clock Sunday, Deceruber .The walis of tht club were covered. 14, Agnes Hope Pillsbury and AIma with large- crayon sketches by a Birmingham, pianiste, will. give twe- group of Chicago and north short :piano solos, and Hugoé Carver, tenor, lartists. They attracted a great deal will sing. . f attention and. made the- place Other events for the month lachadeé rseem like a real Montmartre. To a Christmas party for the juniors, i convey further the idea of that special ping pong teurnament, a play famous French spot, the tables were review by Mrs. Lloyd Faxon, Les covered with large inch-square Esteudiantes' dinner dance and a colored gingham cloths ighted witlF Christmas party for litte children. candlts. Tht murals were done by Mis-, Emig Feitts to HaVe Mary Carman, Miss Phebt Hedrick, Quiet Wipdding Dec. 27 and-A. R. Carman. They were as- sisted by Lucille Qastlt, Charlotte The wedding of Miss Emily Gary Dodge, Francis Brennan, Stewart - lntress of Hubbard Woods to Rob- Bilers, Basil Brown, George Brom- irt Stocking, son of Mrs. William A. berg, Stewart Thompson, J. S. Ford, Stocking, Jr., of Ithaca, N. Y., will Mrs. F. Moran, Mr. Babbitt, Dr. take place at noon, Saturday, De- Lasater, Mr. *4owell and Mr. and ceniben 27, at the Calvin Fentres Mrs. Lindeni. home at 939 Green Bay. road. Tht Owing to illness, John Dwightý ceremony wîll be a 'Simple one, wit- Sample, opera star, was unable te 1 nessed only by and a few bhis engagement at the club Sunday, friends. Mrs.,Burwell Dodd of New and Frank Bennett and bis company Yor (Mary Fentress) is now visit- of~~~~~~~ ~~ ieenagqatt addesfrrî g her parents and will reniain over opera and a ftw negro spirituals for ttolayfrhesitrswdng. the unusually large assemblage of Followig the service Mr. Sýocking and bis bride will motoe south, and members and guests. They gave a w ea h aePai lb <k very excellent performance. Mr ilb theLkPacdluae Sample will bt at Shawnee later in Placid, FIa., after tht first of tht- tht season. 'vear. On Sunday afternoon, DecemberT &G ètfHn r le uaiiQui, uaugiiit r>îoit * mu a auimrs James Kent Calhoun of Glencoe, and Carl A. Gode, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cari A. Gode of Kenilworth. The service was the, home of the bride's parents last Saturday afternoon, at 5:30 o'clocc. the Rev., Di H. Cornel officited., Asparagus. f.eras and white roses were used iit decorating the rooms, and light came f rom white- tapers., While Mrs. Dwight C. Orcett played the- wedding >march on a reed organ, the wvedding. party, came. slowly down the. stairs toward. the alcove. Missà Marion Bo.rn, the bridesmaid, wor a gown of beige lace and car-ý rieda sheaf of pink roses. -Audrey Caihoun, the bride's sister, acted a% a* flower girl, wearing, a pink chiffon dress and. carrying a basket filled with pink rosebuds.*.î Miss Calhoùn wore a- white satin gown trimmed with rose point Duch- esse lace. Ilea veil was trimmed with a band of the' samne lace and pearls, and lier bouquet was of white roses andi lilies of the valley. William Lane of Wilmette served as best mian. About forty relatives attended the- service andl were guests at the wed- ding. dinner which followed. Mr. and Mrs. Gode, Jr., left on Monday for a motor trip to Florida. They expect to return shortly be- fore Christmas, making their home at 4602 Grove street, Nles Center. Luncheon Closes Clans Mns. John Boylston of 1302 Chest- iiut avenue has been o>ptning her home Wednesday mornings for ten weeks for tht meetings of tht parli.i- mentary law class conducted by Mrs. Maurice H. Tieber. Last Wednes- day, marking tht closing of the course, Mns. Boylston tntertained the twenty members at luncheon follow- ing the class. session. During. the luncheon an after-dinner speech was required of each. guest and later inl tht afternoon thty aIl played bridge-. Have Box Paty TO HAVE TEX I meet Northwestern aluninae of Mortar :emben Board are 'te have a tea at 4 o'clock er, 105 Sundày at the Alpha Phi. chaptqr house'in, Evanston. Mn. and Mars. Gordon Buck of 947 Elm street, Winnetka- cntertained thefr imimediate familles at a dinnen Party on Thanksgiving day. lins. Buck was Mise Barbara Laing of Wilmette. before berý marriage last August. *Greenl'- bers of -of m-