'va"O1as-t .onoIs» er@ cft-0mw.obitu- *~UOt~~oeWUkf8BtSor otkr aftatr nlaIr ld wI11 b rte According to State Auditor Oscar Nel- sobn in Illinois is ."in a sound condition." lan support of this statement he cites, the fact, Ouer Banks On that the most récent' SudBssbank cahl "showed that. the reservýes of ýth banks 'of the state as a, whole are about. 20 percent of: the, deposit liabilities, and the cash and, liquid ýsecurities are 50 percent of the deposit lîabilities~"e-Pven a somewhat superficial consideration of tbis relation between reserveè.s, securities, and deposit liabilities must convince the most cautious investigator that our banks are on a sound basis. Another fact that indicates confidence in local banks and that indirectly. will also increase" confidence ini these same banks is the fact that the 1930 Christmas savings * dpostsare over $4,000 more than those of the year precéding, the gross total for t1his Ch ristmas being over $200,000. The knowledge of this soundness' and of the growing confidence added to the satisfaction that cornies from being served efficiently and, courteously is âdequate reason for gratitude to our. north shor batiks. Individuals in, the big city té, the so'uth are. largely, responsible for the, victories being gained almost daily against noted, public. enemies. Men. ike Judges Lyle and McGoorty, to sbop and mail early. We are proné to Mail Christmas put off until tomor- row what we should Gi>'ts Early do today. In order that our. friends, the, local post-office workers, .shall not beý drowned m'ia sudden flood 'of, holiday mail, we' ougbt even now to begin to makeý out out Cbristmas lists and uy.we h 1)uying is niost. advantageous to ail con- cerned. We are told by the postal authorities t1ia-tU, ail intended for- friJends across the seas miust be'on its way much more thàn a week before .Christmas in, order that it shouldflot arrive after Christmas: Day. Even gilfts that are, to be sent within our own country might weII be mailed -on tîc llth or l8th. A belated Christmas' gift is like goQd uews that cômes too late to bc fully appreciated. 0f course it's welcom~e, but if it had only arrived a littie earlier! So, shop early, mail early,,wrap your gifts securely, and address tbem fully and Iegibly. The late' superintenaent of our high school, Frederick. E. Clerk, ivas a staunch and consistent believer in athletics for health; flot athletics A thietics For . for competition pri- for the ends of ex- ploitation and commie rcial izat ion. To us Fred Clerk's ideal for athletics seenis the one big object., We do not suppose, that there ever wvi1I be an,,end.-to the danger that no.con- fronts high school and college athletics.. Money will always be available to support competitive athlet*ics. It is a highly popu- lar phase of athletics. There wilI neyer Thus quotes Doc Hughes, the World Book Man, who crashed through this week with that promised Havana in consideration of having crashed the linc with some copy a few weeks ago. We're glad now that we d.idn't5 talce the nickle instead, because Doc's selection is soméwbat more expensive aid, as.'usual, An excellent. taste. The Havana wgs encased in a. tidy box together wvath a ilock of otheir Havanas for com.pany. -The container was opened, With no little* trepida-, tion, for we have, learned, to be wiary, of prize pack- ages f réo1 onou racketeer (flot Doc) f riends. Our first impulse was to, await the arrivai of> Fil. Ossifer so that in case something should happen we would have escaped with nothinig more serious ýthan -a nervous sbock. We thought, too, of irying it -out on. Gin, the Type-Eating Terrier, whao oly recently attempted.a suicidai leap, out of the Wilniette Chain- ber of Conunerce' second story. window. But we summoned courage, pried, open- the parcel, and, Io, discovered the treasore concerning which Doc waked poetic,' or is it poetical. All of, which portends a fat Chris tmas Never bas the deluge of gifts. started so soon, and this is a lean year, too. To be sure, my <lears, we,'re not hinting. Incidentally, Doc's- principal dlaimi to distinc tion as, a poet is couched in the following immortal ies: "r/sure mas a girl in the mosintains Who was so slsy and nceis, S/su olways dressd in tihe dark,. Becouse thse- uuntains pegak." And now, kiddies, if. you're real nice, Doc promises other equally brilliant jewel.s. Kenilworth this w~kf orinally issued a declarationl of f Èeedom -for dogdom. Off Come, the bothersome inuzzles by officiai order, and the panting constabu- lary is enjoying a well deserved rest. TLJRKEY 'HASH "And me the queeiî n. old, a very ers. What they have >.Otbers nMay $*yin However, as the happy Yu days draw nearer the past wi forgotten, and Santa Claus 'w and supr.eme,- Tide hoi-' be entirely reign sole As far as- we have been able to determiine there county highway engineèrs have labelled Lake ave- nue, Wilmette, as the "QT" road. But then, per- haps we sbould continue our investigation. -MIQUE. i -And