j we1 IOur I CILEANUNG SERV14CE fOR YOUR CHOICE HOLIIDAY ATTIRE And bere's a cleaning service that pays particular attention to Dresa, Suits, filmyi silks and dainty chiffons. Send us men's druss suits, topcoats, dies, scarfs and spats; women's suits, gowns, neckwear, scarfs and the many other dress accessories. You'I1 be dehighted with the quality of our work. S~CHULTZ &NORID Cleanrar to the Discriminaing 1152 Central- Avenue, Wilmete, Phones 320-321 Fvaniron Phone- Grernleaf-6660 as a as tree, a symI 'rn WC W thing ii Wha tever fr our conçlusioni tgke, we. truist. that they will lead juite away, from tbe wasteful and needless-slaughter of the large mnd costly tree that touche&s the ceiling and'.that even the largest glass.bailsý and other. garishi "ornamenits" canniot relieve from mediocrity, and. [rom which thé' endless strings of colored lights offer:no relief. 'In a season of pitiful 'poverty that requires national Irelief this big indoor tree would seem the &ist thing to bd struck off the X'mas li.st as wasteful, ostenitatious and flot beautiful. The large living out-door tre glowing with. ligbts- is. quite another mater ýand turns- the entire inorth shore into a Xmas dreamof beâ'uty* to be recalled long after with a thrill of loy. The very difeiee of color schenies for lighting adds mticb to hie general effect and one can bard- ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Andrew Hiurter. formerly manager of Moffett Studios, again assumes the mianagement, asur- ing you of the samne art and skili which Iias made the Moffett 1 Studio nationally fanious. Your valuc-à patronage Is. soliited. ANLYREW-HURTER Successor. to TELEPHONU 8TATIR 018 at the base from deep bitte through lighter blues to one blazing white iight at the top that shone out trium- pliant through the siight te tell the story of the Christ child and the Star.. The Uàviug Tv. then utay well be the starting point 'for this year'sý Xmas Tree and at, once we, have left behind the idea of. wasteful sl4ughter of our pine woods, so much preached against *by ailltrue conscrvationists. *We prophcesy -that in.'a 'very short* time the large te.n or twelve -f oot Christmas- tree that now sweeps thie ceiling-,of man 1 a wc'il.lighted porch room, *v- ,e erner.n eliren liTe, will be as unpopular as the Audiboni society made the wcaring .of the Bird of Paradise plume se many, years ago.. Even its.greatest admirer could fliot face, the popular 'disapproval of its use or live down the fact that the mother bird had met, her death while guarding hier young, for at no other. time was she in fuli plumage Or stili enough te be snared. In much the, sanie way wc Imust believe-will conie the passing of the miglhty Christma,; tree for private homes however real the need remains for the municipal, trec, fornied now of many trees. Today the home may have instea<l a living tree, carefully balled arid wrapped, te appear the nigbt before Xmas in the living room readv for its Xmas freight (or fruit) of gifts ami as soon after as the family can spare it, to be môved into a permnanet place ini the outdoor planting and iii- to the place-dijg now with the first thaw, and with the loose earth well covered with leaves .toeJceep it sof t for filling in. Can you think of a 'nicer close to ,a beautiful Christmas afternoon thail te make a family ceremonial of es- corting the littie tree to its pèrmian- ent home in the shrubbery? Pure, home- is always time it i" ýet oif de- 2050 W. RAILROAD AVE., E-VANSTON orth and Morton A. Mergentemi. ., of Wlnnetka, who were awarded ýarvard college scholarships, and rank Gilchrist of Wjlmette, who was wardcd a John H~arvard scholarshii). lchrist and Vail wcre graduated. oum New Trier in 1928 and Mergen- chum .i1929. 3029 - 137 -~80