id modereite in price. . .WihEnough Daîties?, JEWELRY WITH A DIFFERENCE,.,. sthe secret ambition of every maid and woman!l Antique effects,. glint of rhine- Stones, -gleam of peari beads, shim mer of cut stones distinguish our notable assortment of rings, bracelets, néecklaces, .brooches and earrings, attractively boxed and priced upward, from$1 FOR PUNCTUALY. . . give bier one of, these dainty wrist watches, gracefully shaped. accurate -and relieble, with, guaranteed movement and.cases, prced et $9.95. A WHIFF,0F HAUNTING SCNT... ewards on. *who presses the-câtch of the Ronson- Pcrlu-Mist. As conivenienit ta carry as a cigarette lighter ... and much more esteici n wmnwilI teli You .. $4.95. ..CARON'S.EXOTIC BELLOOGAIA..lik a breath of * Oriental ý bossoms ... in an exquisite gift viet for festidi- ous womnen is a flattering offering eit $30. DeVilbss *Perfume Atomizers, gracefully shaped, $1 ta $6.95. FOR HER DRESSIN$ TABLE .. . e ten-piece set. of *ivory-backed amber bakelite is charming, If conteins a Il the necessary toilet requisites.. and is only $15. *BAGS FOR EVERY HOUR *. smartly tailored hand- *bagsý in sponsored lathers and new colors offer a wde- selection at ý$2.95: and $4.15.,each. For afternoon one finds black moire or crepe bags arfistically Beauvais eTnbrociered, at $4.95, while for evening there ere per- fectly delectable ones of seed pearîs and Beauvais *embrodery wthchain tops ana bond-etcbed frames -mlhEBLDT-EA51 FORMMRLY ROSENBERGIS .*