Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1930, p. 21

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be neldat xthe Union 'League club on February 21. To Win first bonors a student must survive tbree stages. of conipetition- bis own schôol contest. one of tlhe four divisional contests, and the finals at the club. An etching or so me otber art object to be engraved witb the wini- ner's namie will be awarded to each. of the four, schools, whose. representatives Win the divisional, comtets. Eacb of the four finalists will, receive a bronze miedal. New Trier's. local contest to cboose its representative in the. Union 1eague contest probably Will, be held some- time in january. New Trier will enter theý divisional contest, for scbools in, Cook county,outside the city limits to be held at Morton. High scbool' in Cicero on February 19, two days-befr Journey of "Hitch Hiker" Cut Short ini Keni*lworth John Skrbx*sh, 14, of Cudaby, Wis.,, who admitted that he had 'run away f rom home,' was picked up on Sheri- dan road near Kenilwortb, avenue in Kenilworth ,Sunday afternoon by Officer W. R. 'Sumnner of the Kenil- wortb police force. He was beaded for Butler county, Mo?., .be said, wbere he bas relatives, and was us- ine the «'hitch hike" metbod to get there'. He was re tur ned to bis home at Cudaby. Miss Julia. Crossley bas returned. to Carleton college after spending, the week-end, with ber, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Crpssley, 407 Wasb- i ngton avenue. friends wlo do flot fly southfl or the winter. Mr. Beach has one of our new file feeding shelters hanging only three feet outside of his porch dining room window from wbich wýe watcbed the downy woodpecker, nut-* hatch and cardinal *etting their 'din- ner. of suet, bread, crumbs and grin It is surprising how many. kinds of feathery visitors will remaini through-. out the winter and become very tamie if fed each day f rôm one of our new types of. feeding shelter stations the boys in, ouir Cub trpop are znaking. On Monday at our riegular 4 >. m. meeti'ng in the, Baptist church, we reached ourem rsilmi of six- teen menibers, ,the: naines of whom follow: IEd Ives, Buif Williams, Ben. Bar- availalIc for pivate party re tions on Mondays, Tuesdays, nesdays and, Thursdays. The Louis N. Brenners,,1330'Green- wood avenue, bad as their guests over the holidays Mrs. Brenners sister* a nd family' the .Frank. Sengers of rnkigîîove,. and ber father,, Jnhn Bacbhv of DixOn, 1ILI Miss Mary, Beamn bas been spend- igthe Thanksgiving holidayswih be paet,. Mr. and Mrs.. W. L. Beam, 411 Sheridani road,-and re- turned this week W ber classes at Ward-Belmlont. Here Are Gifts andVle TO MATCH TIE SPI RIT 0F THE SEASON An early selection is always advisable. Like going to churcb early, you get a good seat. Se. the display while complote. Purchases may be made, and c a 11I e d for later.' WATCHES MADE BY MASTER CRAFTSMEN Lii a ccompa nies chase of this: HALLMARK the pur-ý beautifu! pr.oduct. 0ýf artistic. desgn- exquisitety executed- containihg TH RE E quelity dioamonds. Tii. It..t mode in modern jewelry. Our stock includes smrart and 'y attractive pieces that wiII harmonize with any Costume. Brooch........................... $ 5M0 Bracelet .......................... 3.75 movements, Pendant........................ 11.00 HALLM-A« 809 Davis Street, 6vanslon UNI, 1572 PRIDE 0F POSSESSION three *xc excellentc worthy of Mds of a rng rbd-

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