I There's. Noth *ng 50 Warming as MILK When the children a re playing out-of-doors these chilly dayu--they noed extra nourishment to keep them heahthy and warm - SANTI:BROS. MiIk in theanswer - Let the lKiddies drink, lots of it. SANTI ]BROS. DAIRY Ptuteurixed MiIk anid Cream-Rutter and Eggs Phones Glencoe 606-Highland Park 1581 e tenden, j:my Oln, Kauc*olpfl bey- fried, Jonathan Dix. Billy Taylor, Warren Knauier, John Deacon, Tomi Keith, David,;Lockétt, Victor Faul- stick, Carl Buehiler, AndyKuby, Billy VanArsdale and Norman Bemis.. Caf eteria at Howard School Operating Now The Howard school cafeteria. is now open for the benefit of those pu- pils, who live a. long distance f rom the school or for those whose parents ex- pect to bè away for,'the day.. Lowel F., Todd, principal 'of *the school, stated this week that the cafeteria is not mun for profit, but rnerely to be of service to both pupils and par- ents. The cafeteria cannet conveint ienitly handle a large number of pu- puls, and those who can go. home for* lunch have- been advised to do so wheneirer- posesible. The cafeteria is of special service in case of stormyý weather. IS ASSISTANTMANAGER Barton Smith bas been named as- sistant manager of debate at New Trier High scbool to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Elmer Baker. THAT FROZEN GAS UNE During this intensely cold weather, the .motorist who knows that his car miIl "start. right off" in the morning, or after. he has le t it parked for an hôtir or two, is indeed fortunate. Hie does not need to 'worry about it, nor pay a garage for towing it and thaw- ing it out. Every cold day the garages. are full of cars whose2 owners were not so fortunate, and it. is a. common, thinig to see the old tow truck hauling sorne unfortunate for a mile ýor so until his motor "takes hold.'" *A great deal of this can be avoided if you will bring your car. into our Xavier cnurtn at 10 O'CIOcI<, was per- formed by the Rev. Mr. Shevlin. The bride was gowned in ivory -Ratin, white her ivory colored tulle veil was f astened with orange blos- soms. She carried a large bouquet of white sweet peas, roses, and liles of thé valley.z Mrs. Elmer Leiderof' Wilmetté, her siste, as matron of bonor, wore powder blue crepe; and Mrs. joseph' Fshback, sistér of the groom, as bridesmnaid, wore pale .gtezn> crepe... Tbe best man for Mr. Welter was George Weiland of Evanston. Albert VerHalen, brother, of the bride,ý served as usher.- The ceremony was, followed by'a weddingý breakfast and, reception at the bride's home., After a honeymoon south Mr. and Mrs. Welter will make their home ,t 832 Reba place, Evanston., Among the out of town guests %NlIo came 'to attend theý marriage were Mrs . Mary"Welter, Mrs. George Wel- ter and her daughter, -katherine, aIt of Port Washington, Wtis., Mr. and and Mrs. Dan jenkins, and their soli, Robert, of Waukçgan;, Mr. and Mrs. Frank VerHalen of La Grange,. and. Mrs. George Verflalen and heý- daughter, Mildred,> of Chicago. Sears Defending World'S -Record for SalIe of Seals Up to Tuesday afternoon of tlii-s week pupils of the joseph 'Sears school ini Kenilworth, who hold thie wouid's record for per capita sa]i- of Christmas seals,. bas, sold $507.57 j Worth of the seals. The sale of thie seals in Kenilworth will continue up to Friday, December 19, when thie school closes for the Christmas va- cation. Last year a total of. $1,478.12 worth of seals was.sôld by the Joseplh Sears pupils. Up, to Tuesday after-,, noon M iss, Edith M. Stryker's rooi 11, composed of seventh. and eightli grade boys,. had sold the large-zt ainount of seals, $129.67 worthi. Mr,. j M. K. Foreman's sixth grade rooni was second with a total of $123.5(, whjlè Miss Elizabeth Allen's room, composed of seventh and eighth grade girls, was thIýrd with $52.71. nair. Mattremss and Springé Made to orde H. G. LINDWALL Higb.gt Grade, Upbola:ermng oait OkStreetEtbI 1W~~Jp~ 145 j! U come RIC-MT eB^CKeINTO ,kF "DOSE 1-rb 1LO P-n