Besides his widow, Mrs. Sophie Eggert, he is survived by nine chiU- dren-five sons and four daughters. The sons are: Henry M. Eggert of Kenjlworth, A. J., Fred M. and H. J. Eggert,. al of Evanston, and Wil- liam C. Eggert of Sacramento, -Cal. Thé daughters are: Mrs.. -Herman Scherer, 'M 'rs. -Robert. Burger and, Mrs. Anna Raschker, ail of Evans. ton, and Mrs..Ira B. Grbson 'of Sacra- mnento, Cal. The .funeral, services were held 'ruesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at ai funeral chapel 'in, Glenview,. and burial, took place aet the Glenv iew cemetery. Sister of. Paul Rensch, Taken by Death Nov. 29 Mrs. Otto Krueckeberg, sister oi Paul Rensch .of Minmette, president ofth enc Frproof Warehouse, died at her home, 8116 Kilpatrick ave' nue, Niles Center, Iast Saturday rnorning. Besides ber husband, -she pis survived by lier mother, Mrs. Em- ma Rensch. of Niles Center, and two brothers, Paul Rensch of Wilmette and Alfred, Rensch 'of Chicago. The funeral services, held. Tuesday after- noon at 2, o'clock at ber late re si- Niles Center; were under the. a uspices of the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Krueckeberg was a meini- ber.' The Rev. E. G. Cryer, district superintendent of the Free Methodist church for the Chicago district and a distant relative of M rs. K'rueckeberg. afficiated. Burial took. place at Me- mnorial Park cemetery., Mrs., Maud- B. Neville Dies at Residence Here Mrs. Maud Bickford Neville, wife *of 'Allan Neville, died at her borne, 22Linden avenue Wednesday, No- Vember 26,, at -the age ofý 66 years., She had, suffered- with leukemnia, and had been -confined to ber bed for several', weeks prior to bier deatb. 'Mrs. Neville ives bomn at Lancaster,. Ohio. She bad been a resident of Chicago tbirty-eig7ht years befor.e I Mrs. Cora Elsie Winkler, 1014 Elmwood avenue, died last Saturday at St., Francis' hospital in Evanston. Mrs. Winkler had been in the hos- pital about a week. Her bhealth, had been failing for some time.. She wvas about 58 years old. One daughter, Mrs. Fredda Elsie Davison of Cbi- cago, survives ber. The funeral servý- ices were beld Monday aftemnoon, December 1, at 1:30 e'clock at a f uno- eral chapel at 3419 N. Clark. street, Chiicago, with burial at -Forest Home' cemetery, Art Supervisor Ie 'Called. Homeby Father's, Death Miss Frances: Donnelly,, art super- visor in the Wilmette Public schools, was calledà to ber, home at Fargo.- N. D., last week by the death of ber father. Tbe Ifuneral services werc held on Sunday afternoon. Miss Donnelly expected to be. back ini Wilmette Tursday of this week. RADIOLA and VICTOR The Finest ini Radio and Radio-Phionograph Combinations Th One Christ mas Gift Thot lu Enjoy.d Throughout the Yoar Your neighbor, can botter serve you throughout the. year than any l"Ioop' store. Our prices and ternis are the same -but *harets a&<iffeence it, that extra measure of service we believe you are entilec to. for, -Sem*i-Ann.ual Event Dresses as .Iow e as $500. Hats as $5.0 Coats--urtrimmed as Iow as $11..0 952 Spanish Court WiImette 46740Nls 51 MAIN. STREET Wilimetstu 32 PAUL A. RENSCH WiIm.lte WILMBTTE, ILL.I cLi ilJ as 10' W*.