Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1930, p. 14

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io are -eceived MAC says HE knows a young GIRL whq caught a 210 'Pound -fish et SHEBOYGAN Lae LAST éuînùmer but SHE'S discoverod NOW that ho can't KEEP her on his PRESENT salaryl BUT honustly, ladies, YOUR husbands DONT need to drag DOWN a big salary QualltyFrs In our modemi meat départ- maent. w. offer housewives the hlghest quality choice firesh meats at .very-day Iow pri:es. Photo by DuBola Studio Ur. and MHrs. W illi a.m Clyde Ste ffy of> the Sovereign hotel an- nonethé engagement0/ t h ei r dauglaure, Nâncy M&a', tbCornelius Peter Van SchaacIk, Jr., son of Cornelijus P. Van Schaacle of 614 Linden a ve n ue, Wilmnette. Mis Ste ffy is a graduate of the Starrett Scizool for Girls. Mr. Van Schaack attended the Universit4y of mlinois and is off iiated wcith the Sigma Nu fraternity. The tuedding w4ll take place in the spring. Supprirt at the * Postmaster Sbantz is hopeful ou.f cm- ploying ail of these men during thf, holiday period. Mary Crane Chapter, Holds Work Meeti*ng Mm X .H. Schmidt of Chicago ,vas hostesa to teEvanston South tbEd chapter of tbe Mary Crane'league.,on Tbursday,,December 4, for. an afternon wmork rmeet*ng. '1This cbapter is-contrih- uting supplies of tablelinen:and towel- in g to the Mary Crane Nursery school at Hull bouse. The league:is cooperat- ing witb thé National College. of Edtz- cation 'in the.-support of this NurserN sebool wbich is contributing Iargely t'O the health and happiness ýof sixty ehýil- dren of the->HuIlibouse neighborhood. Thesupport 'of Mary. Crane is an all- college pro>ect as faculty, college stul- dents and parents and chlldren ofth College Cbildren's school and the MarN, Crane League of the college unite their efforts to bring cheer and comfort a<id -educational advantages to these Hul bouse children and their families. Mrs. Charles M. Burlingamie, 812 Greenleaf avenue, with ber two chul- dren, Mary Katbryn and Bob, wifl spend the week-end with ber sister and mnother in Canbridze. Ohio. YOU can buy loacis 0F dandy nice PRACTICAL gifts HERE this sao -AND stili have, PLENTY left to RE-PAPER the KITCHEN and keep, Chiokens SMALL MILK-FED FOWL 2S' . For your cofvemleDce we have 110w opened a &hop and display roouu at this address. Flowers for Christmnas 1199-91 WILUMETE AVE. 1 100-07 CEN11RAL AVE. 84*-50 LINDEt4 AVR. aie MAIN $7. Avenue FLOISTSWilm.tt On the uew cernent roui ,ocks est etRidge Roui i I

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