THIS WEEK, AT A-& P STORES!. -Real bargjains in good'thing$a to eat. Sales atMA &P' arecflot- an everydLy 49ajr, 0o don't fail to take advantage of thfe saving this one offers. Frd î ad Saturday---ecembe 5 and6 NavyBeans Sparkile 5UeR BAND spASH5TTI on Macaroni . Dom estic Sardines Del'Monte T omato Sauce Blue Rose Rice Cream Meal Apple Sauce Coc oanut O O O O ** O L.5C pots.C 5c ur5c L. .5S 2 ~ 5c C 'N loc O O. O O -O Sunsweet Prunes I,0 * ::loc * ~: oc Ho.usehold Needs! WALDORF Paper O O ROLL 5c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Grapefruit. CALIFORNIA Navel Oranges Carrots: Winesap Apples Home Grown Cagbbage' six»S 70 ARND no ACH 5c' suas sua FO ,,1 oc * .. 0*UN 5-c O~ 3 20é3LU. O 3Les. 5c Choice Fresh Meats Genuine Spring4Le of Lam& FREUN' DRESSED Rôastiùg Chickens, Lge. Si*ze- sriall Smoked Hams <WHOLR OR OHANK HAL.F> L.33c L.35c LU 8c. & The Great Atlantic & Pacifié Tea Co. h4IDDLE WESTERN DIVISION