ý JUY imzn i.. "rwexwu The North Shore Art league opened a small but distinguished exhibit of works of inetbers in Matz hall of the Winnetka Conununity flouse Wednes- day evening of last week. The public is inviked to attend the exhibit and have tça Sunday af ternoon,- November 39, f rom à o'clock until 7 o'clock. The pictures on -display are of such worth that it is, recommended many take a- vanta-ge of the invitaioni. After the Art institute's chamber of borrors, with its careless and flagrant daubs, Matz hall looks. likç a quiet haven to the art patron. ýOne immedi- ately senses sincerity, a quality lack- ing in the Art institute 'show, and one feels thàt the North Shore Art beague memnbers have.pursued their, art for the love of it, flot for the effect it may produce. Here ýand there one finds im- pressionistic ýand interpretative glimpses of stili li fe or landscape, 'but these are ail in.,excellent taste. 011 is the pre- * f erred medium in the present show, and there is -almost an equal balance of por- I rait, still life and landscape. Priées are posted f or most pictures on. a bulletin, flot alWays indicative of worth, for many modestly p.riced works deserve better value, and anyone so inclined may purchase what appeals to himý There is an added value, in that.the artiss are perhaps personallî known to the pur-ý chaser. Photo by Canion Mrs. Carl W. Stremmel, a blride of this jall, îs the former Ber>ice Cole of Kenihuorth. She and Mr. Stremmtel, who no~w are living zuith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1E. M. Cole of 315 Essex road, have mo- tored to Kansas City, Mo., to spcnd the Thanksgiving holidays «'11h Paai.Peyraud Wo1I ivMr. tremmnels Jather and mothler. A review of any art show is neces- sarily one person's taste, an d there will dowuj. The ruddy1 faces are contrasted. be many pictures appealing to the pub- IyLtheekctric lilue of the shirts. ic which space does flot permit us to )Iany Fine St Lites mention. Glancing over the enitire show* There were so many, vommeudable forthefirt tmewe ereattactd - stili lifes that it la almost too liard to forthefirt ime wéwer atratedtochoose. Here the league members seen) Frank C. Peyraud*s. quiet landscape, to have a sustained excellence.. so îany with.a Dutcb windtnill in daricer toneS different treatnients ot stili lite kept us *silhouetted against a twilightsk faint-. golng from i e anotiier., There .was g a brilliant fruit arrangement witha Iy tinged wjth an orange giow. * Yere one «*ockatoo by MUary Buckins; a dull gold finds the suave strokes of a finished 1treatinent of joilquils 17Y Florence de- artist, the deep sympathy with nature. Beers; ;ýears tuiied about each other, On an o p p o s it e wall is Rudolpli with a flowing, grecn background, by 1pgele' "Tckaee SokyMoutais,"Charlotte Eltel Stefin; Mrs. Frank C. Ingele' '~uckaee mok Moutais,'Peyraud's richly colored Iris; the eontt with the 'Ingerle radiance in color and tones of Mrs. J. W. W. Work's "Pe- the controlled pattern of dark green uniles";4 Winnifred Wilson's Iris and trees in the imniediate fore ground. yeilow flowers in a green vase, witli * interestingly brought Out highl ights ITngerle bas 'the- feeling fbr design 'In v,%ase n background. In tact, il which ennobles bis landscapes. Near of the stnilu ies are weil thought ont the rear of the hall is "The Old Sea and artistically exe.cuted. Clipper," by W. M. Courley. Sails un- Water Colora Citela Eye furied ta the stif beeeh afetiilfn Tw;w erVoo's gRupr n' John M. Frahk's "4A Church at st. Davida," wlth lit Julc'Y-:uùe of bluies a'ldreyd; and Julia Sumear, GriMfth'.4 "Flower Gàrdoni,". and "GIray Day."1 Gordon Hannah had two land- scapes and au 011 ofIris;. Helen B. Rais exhlîed 'a portrait of Betty Pea.rson; Grace M. Haoklns ahowed à painting of peonles; Eleanor B. Hatch was represente wlth a atudy of pettu. Inias and ,"Figure.11ead Hourne, Province Town"; Len.iore Sunlth Jerremas had an lnterentlng aMstil 1fof watermelonia and "N'ude Wltbi Shoos"; Helena ,Clhase Johnson had two water-colora, "Nancy"' suad A Pink Klghtle";, JaeJohnson haît an exhibit; Irznau Keein. had a portrait of J. W. P. Davies, and "'Thorne Applès'; B. S.,XCornblith showed "Flow- ers ln ea CQpper Ketie";.Lila Lotz had a l-andscape; carl Lindeài showed a stiil lite; flueli Mullen was represented wlth "'A Deux"; Cattkertne Murphy ,had a lower sketch and '*Red R-oofe", Walter Murphy gAve a glhrnpi3se q0f Braeslde Woqds ln a sketch; Irwin Myers was presenit With a portrgt; leslieRy Ytond NXaàh had a stunnlng portrait of an equestrienne, and Susan ]lIcli Patteîî had a. sketch of Gloucester, and "Appl Mary B.pouli was in the stilil ite section; Irmia Reisener caught the warmth of sun and shade lu her "Casa del SOl". Irmia Rosénan was rememn- bered for lier vlvld llower arrangement ln a tali vase; Hattie Schultz had a soft Impression of "Singing Tower": Rita Senger was represented Wlth "Amaryllis Lily"1; Vintgn K. Shiopen showed "Autumn nGlow, - Salis ot Ven- bce" and 'Walled An bGarden"; Lillian E. Tanner showed "In the MinRt» and Court was present wlth a landscape: Svbell, Veniiema had a- charni.lng éti lite; Mable WIueeloack showed "Japanese Garden, B3alboa Park. San fliego" nd~ "PowaY Valley, SoutJiArn Californla"~: Tom Wilder exhiblted a sketch of "North Country"; and Mrs. Feuix Bold- enweck was Pýesent 'with a sketch. EmrJ. Baker Victilm of Infantile Paralysie Elmer J Baker 111, 16 vear o ld so.l of'Elmer j Baker Jr,, 547 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka, died.. Tuesday niorn-. ing of infantile paralysis at St. Liuke's C.i~ Millen of iEvanston, secretary,- and Mrs. H.-lHansen ôof Evanstonà, treas- Sue.Tickets can'be procurd f rom any of: the oficers or fromn Mrs. Fred Russell of 222 Woodbine' avenue, Wilnette. Mrs. Claude Burnham of Roalyn road,' Kenilworth. bas. gone to New York to spend Thanksgiving with lier three sons. Mr. and,.Mrs. .Earl L, Workmnan, 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth, enter- tained twelve of their friends at diii-, ner on Wednesday evening. 0o M r. and Mrs G. G. Goodsell and daughter, jean, of Racine were the Thanksgivi*ng guests of the L. S . Torrey family of 1341 Elmwood avenue. I these" times of rapid change, in Radio when last season's radio seema as up-to-date as Iast year's bird's nest, it is certainly strange to hear ayone ttalk about a Iffe-time radijo. The "Rockford Radio," f rom its first inception, bas been designed and engi- neered as no other radio thus far. Every part of it bas been carefully se- lected flot only f rom the Point of view:. Will it serve the purpose? but also, WilI it last? That is why the. base and ail the structural f rame part is of lieavy cast aluniinum, not subject to rust, ero- sion and disintegration. The coul formas are of solid bakelite instead of inipreg-. nated paper. The insulations on ail the wiring is as heavy in proportion as theý wiring in your home. Most manufat- turcirs are getting by, simply by using enaffelied wire. .1 have just pointed out. a f ew things to think about. Then the design: Ail condensera,' transformers, filters, voltage divider and in fact every part is produced consid- erably stronger and with far greater l -Moss and 1 ....cc.. xniu.qc..a portralt film anneqRs.ir s"Witi' BY!rd at the South, One wishes to .mentioù, si the ex-I Di ted In MIlS with, fine. sween- J ibitors, iMoeýfxhall, blut -gnce dnes I Et of' the brush. Onéelcs theJ not perilt.Sfiet ayttalti.' quml iover bonàe, vigorousiY put work there las' urprlslngly good, andin~ at tueir home on. Whanksgiving-REr * AIIUIN T .JJLt A- ng their guests wilI be Mrs. The Life Time Radio may be seen. of the Soverign hotël and Miss and, heard in our new show rom ut 1Stephens1 of the*Allerton hotel 9i9 Main Street, Evýanston, in *te icago. Ridgeview lHotel.-,Adv.ý lng strokg warm>fie