Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1930, p. 62

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-ccua .. a aori. 8aU £.5 .arV.~, the North Shore Circuit theatre bas plungec headlong into the production of its first offering of the season. "Nlithe Beautiful Cloak Model" has'been announccd as the. play, and in it the Circuit theatre is'bringink to tbe north shore tbe irst. revival of thc old-timemetodrama of the sortthat bas been so popular ii Ho- boken. Every. hocum known. to the setage of 1880-froin the New Yor~c opera bouse to the prairie :tent'sbôw -15 , used to -wring .sympatby for Nellie froni the audience. IEvery ter- rible torture imaginable is. suggested to hasten Nellie's end, until the vil- lain of tbe piece willbardlydare ap- pear for'f ear of the violence of the audience. The scbedule :for 'thé performance of "Nellie" bas been completed. The play will :open in Highland Park at the:Woman's club on Friday, Decem- ber 5.* The second performance will b. on December 6, at irand Art institute, Lake Forest college campus. After the usual week-end rest, the play will resume its circuit with a Tuesday nigbt performance in the Wilmette Woman's club, and Wed- nesday, December 10, is the date set for the Evanston performance. at the Evanston Woman's club. Off.. CLaity Play Thursday, December 11, is an open date on the booking list for the pro- Dnrtk Happy soni Barbara The IBells C Jean Empsoil PIger Waetzman, Nistie TrailBposed G Maj<i * ksarnara Hiwway Dandeilons G TraflaPosed C Emliy Kohl, IEdlth Kohl. Yvonne'Nistie.. Dorothy Etienne Old English Melody TranPoàed ,C *EMIlY Kohi, Edith-kohi, Yvonne NItIE Dream Boat D Major Transposed C J-n EmSipçon. Dorothy Ortegél Frances Ortegel'. Doria Trego Blue BellesPF Major:. Transposed. C -Major Jean -Enpson, Ytosemary Mctian Jets Frances Dahnoke, Doria Trego Saillng F Major ,Transposed, G Major *Jeqn Empson, Rosemary McDanlels Frances ,Dahncke, Doria Trego Clouds David Allison, Evelyn Jacobsen Evangeline Oison, Betty Rennacker TlphA Splnnlng Top Evangeline, Oison. Betty Rennacker Waltà Dý Major, Transposed E Major LuceHocffman,,Geraldine Iloffulian Th-- Ratp G Major Transposed A Major Evangeline Oison,, Luchle Kramîse TjucilIe Hoffman, Geraldine Hoffman The Anvil A Major Transposed E Lajor John Welter, Vivien- Miler Lucee offmnan,' Geraldine Hoffman Lfrlitlyi Row, E Major Transposeýd D Major Vivian Miller, Hope Miller John Welter, Herman Birlauf. The Little Drummer Boy Dorisa Trego, Frances Ortegel2 iJnder the Greenwood Tree Prances Dahncke, Jean Empson Meditation Evelyn Jacobsen, David Alison Poco Allegro «Fvelyn Jacobsen, Evangeline Oison Waltz Luctte Krause, LuceeH-offman Copy Cat Herm~an Birlauf, John Welter Andante Hope Miller, Vivian Miller to whopi they tan look for an audi- ýnï,riegeey'Jan Wson, vaigiie ence. The performance of the eve- Oison, Betty Rennecker ning will be donc at absolute cost, Wavelets ............... rt orgniztio wi p aGenevieve Birlaut.rt and an active Sotfeggîetto................. 1 .Bach fair amount of work sbould be able Albumi Leaf A mio....Koeltng to do mucli for thé furtberancc of its* Florence. St Inberg, D)anniy Weish Etude...................Strabbog favorite entérprise. Busy Fingers rt 'flic regular schedule is resumned Helen ArnesIon,* Ethel'Knecht on December 12, Friday, with :a per- Orzlnal Melodies formncéin he'Cntrl shoo ý adi- Florence Steinberg, Danny Weish formncein he ental cbol adi- Helen Amneson, Ethel Knecht torium, Glencoe., And the closing per- Presentatlon of Prrootion Certific'ates n winnetka, and plan. to gee "NI anp in Glencoe, wvard to an bilar or couwuttee- tainmcnt, witb take the, naines îhrobs aplenty. of this close and -delicate work pro ved i t il difficuit to tell adequately in too much for ber eyesight. Her sister, a brief article of the art in India to- Emma Hess Ingersoli, noW painting day or even a salal part of the work miniatures which are considered some being done by Dr. James Cousins in Dr of the finest examples of miniature India as evidenced by 'the exhibit of work exhibited in Chicago. water color paintings on the walls of Mrs. Buelr in recent years lias de- the Shawnee club and in tbe lecture voted her talents to. the painting of given by Dr. Cousints.on last Sunday flowers and, to lecturing ini the schools afternoon', November 23. eo nder the auspices' of the Chicago 'A, large audience of several hun- Art institute. She bas two children dred interested listeners greeted. Dr. wbô,,.are ,following 'in their parents' Cousins when lie gave bis simple,,di- Sfootsteps, both doing prominent work rect, and clear-cÉut description of the both in landscape painting and in the art of India today. Fifteen years ago lecture field. Mrs. Buelir will illustrate~ as * journalist lie was sent to Cal- r ler talk witb lovely miniatures. cut to study an'exhibit ofpitns He discovered fliere a,,new Renais-' Announces Sciries of sance of art whicb had begun in 1900 and whicli so aroused bis interest that Pre-Christmias Sermons lihe became at once an apostle ofthe, Four Advent sermons pointing the new movement. wAy t the Christmas season will fea- K.uOW..0wn Art l'r b Sna oragsrvcsa He began' tn place pictures ever- the Wilmette Parisli Metliodist cliurchl where-in scbools, galleries, wheree termnat-ever lie could flnd'space-so that in- beginin Noembe 30anddia began to'know its-own art througl' îng o sermna, Deeber 1 the efforts of an Irislian, for such Theserons tbepreached by Dr. Cousins i.. Dr. Hlorace G. Smith, the pastor, wl1 Hïe.becamne bonorary art advisrt bearthefollwin tkees:the Maharaja of Mysore and started Sunday, November 3-"'jesus Him- for liim a collection of paintings by self Drew Near-the Advent of the modern Indian artists. Thlese are noiw Christ." liung in a special gallery of one of the Sundav. Peceniber 7-"In the Break- palaces in Mysore wliicb will in tim ing of Bread-the idea. of s'haring." grow into a -large state gallery. > Sunday, December 14-"Behold-. These pictures painted in water colors. wondering inquiry, and inquiring eacb with a story to tell of' legend, woridera!» of, religion or worship, of daily toià Sun , ecebie 21"Asa Utleor some human emotion, are ex- Sunldayecemb o er 21-Asoite quisitely painted, miniature .alzncst in hillpcing t ecie oe size, someý done with brusbes of a tbing."single hair. Restraint and refinement arechcaracteristic of cach one, with Dr. E. F. Tittie to color brilliant yet illusive, transparent Address Congregation and opaque in one. 9 The exhibit included work by Dr. Ernest Fremont Tittle, minister thirty-six artists including the reph- -f the Methodist Episcopal chureli of ews of thie world renowned poet Evanston, will speak on "Internation- Tagore, first.painter of this twcntieth. alism" at the-North Shore Congrega- ceptury easac of paintingin In- tion Israel, -Lincoln and Veron ave- dia, and by tdns- and pupils of nues,ý Glencoe, Friday,'evening, 'No" this schooL of art in bis International. vember*28, at 8:15 o'clock, under the university in Bengal. Other, works auspices of' the Men's Club of the were done by Indian women, onie an, Congregation. Tbe promises to be a Indian Christian, one a euddliist, on' highly enliglitening talk as Dr. Tittie a Mohamimedan and one an "untoucli- is considered an autliority on this sul» able." ject. In an ini at - t-rx*p-.- 1, n tu lisrO. Çôusins fojinded what are andsine a Mar Bcm, augitc ofMr. andJ calleàs wômen's "Homes ( f Service" ama of 1880 Mrs. Walter Beani, 411 Sheridan road, for vocational, training to !,ring- 1those who Kenilwortb, returned' last Fr-iday froin Braliman women out of their bomnes. ty look for- Ward Belmont school in Nashville. teaching theni ail sorts of applied ning's enter- to spend the week-end with ber par- arts for whicb thcy arc, paid. picce- and heart- ents. Mary returncd to, scbool on work prices and in tliis way are -able* Monday, to carn rmoney. si

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