Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1930, p. 61

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1927 Pontiac coach .. ...... !5 1928 Studebaker coupe .... ..275 1929 Essex sedan........ ..... .... 295 1928 Chevrolet coupe ... ....195 25 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1735ý Benàon, Avet,,cor. Clark St, Used Car Dept.,, 1033 Davis St. ____________________ 48L30ltc ni FOR RENT-ROOMig V-ERY COMFORTABLE ROOM, block Hubbard Woods station. kitchen privileges. ' Ladies preferred. Win- netka 1820 or,1189. 6iLTN3O-]te FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, close to transportation. 1554 Center st. Calil Winnetka 3218. 5ILTlN3Q-Itlp LOjVELY ROOM IN FINE LOCATION. AIso garage, with or without the room11. Phone Glencoe 158. 5ILTlNeo-it PLEASANT RO OM.. BEST LOCATI ON, suitable for youfig mren or .marrie(] couple emnploYed.: Ph. Wilmette 1184. ý51LTN27-tfcý COMFOR TABLE )ROOM, ' BLOCK TO transportation. 722 EIm St, Winnetka. Srd floor., 51L,30-itp F'OR RENT -FURNISHED ROOMýnear transportation. Reasonable. Ph.- Wilmette 2399. 51LTN29-tfc LARGE. SOUTH ROOM FOR ONE OR two aduits. 731 lth St., Wilmette. 51LTN27-tfc LARGE WARM ROOM, 1096 OAKC ST. Gentlemen, preferred- Cali Winnetka 2690. ý51'LTN3-ltp NICBLY FURNISHED WARM ROOM,. close to transportation, for- business ladyi. Phone W1nnitka .2176. 51L30-ltp CENTRAL 'HOTEL, 629 MAIN ST. Roorns by day or weeiç; all outside roomns; steamr heated, hot or col water. 51LT15-tfe 53 BOARD AND ROOM FIRSÉ - CLASS ,ACCOM[MODATIONS 1 an be had. Excellent bLoard. One or twô rooms with àhoWer bath. Veryl 53TN3-ltp s FOR RENT-APARrtAINTS FOR RENT 3 room apartment $30 WALTER P. SMITH & C01 REALTORS 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 56LTN29-ltc 2 AND 3 RM AP'rS. FUEN. OR UN- fur2n. ln Smith Bldg., 503. Chestput. $65 and up. P.Winnetka 1948 or 690. a Ph.56LTN16-tfe FORSpe Buyer and Seller have found.the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LI FE of inestimable value. Many a deal1 involving-hundreds- of- dollars, has been. the resuit -of a Classified ad ýwbich-,çost but a few cents. Classified ads wfll. .be accepted every even4ing until 9. L PF Wednesi ione Wil mette 4300 sday befor. 9 P. M. for -thb. Current L lu.e I s3 wTrD. TrO RENt-FURN. HUES. WANTED-5 OR> 6 ROOAI IfOUSÈ FOR winter months. Give details and price.. Muist be reas. A-89, Box 40, wiîrnette. 63LTN30-1 tn SB FOR mENT-STORES & OFFICES GLENCOE STATE BANK IN SUITES 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS, àuitable for DoctQr, Dentlst, Archi- tect or any business requiring office space. Low rentai. 66LT15-tfe 72 - FOR SALE-HOUSES KENILWORTH To Close Estate HANDSOME 9 ROOM BRICK COL- oial; 1 block, froin lake ; thoroughly modern, 61bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cu garage, perfectly constructed and m excellent econditionfl oh eait ;It lOOXIShl.; $60.000. McGUIRE &ORR 122 Shçridan Road Kenilw9orth ')28, 72LZ-ltc 77 WINTER RESORTS MIAMI THE IDEAL, WINTER RESORT, 89 WTD. TO'UUY-MEiSCELLANKOUS, WANTED -. CLEAN, WHITE RAGS. *10e per lb. 1232 Central Ave.,. WII- mette. 89LTN15-tfp WANTED-2 OLD HOT BLAST PAR- lor stoves, 12 to 18 in.. lire pot. Ph. Wilmette 4691. 89LTN310-1tp 91 MISCELLANKOUB DOLLS REPAIRED A ND ATT1RAC- tlvely dressed. Models now on display at the Corinne shop, 809 Oak St., Wlnnetka. Temporary phone Glencoe 1161. 91LTNSO-2tp PURE MAPLE SYRUP OR MAPLE Sugar sent, to you direct from Wt,-zz consin Woods. Syrup in 1 gai. cans, $5.85; % gal., $3.18. Soft Maple Sugar in 5 lb. pails, $3,25. 1L. BAMFORD ROUTE 1, PLYMOUTI WIS. * 91LT30-Stp VIJsLAGE OF WILMET1TE NOTICIE TO BIIDERS Sealed bids wlll be reeived by the Village Manager of Wilmiette, >Illinois, at his office in the Village Hall, until 10 o'clocek A. M., ýCen1tral Standard Time,. Decemnber lst. 1930, for the removal of Garbage and cumbustible waste in the Village of Wiimette for the Calendar Year 1931. 6 RM. BUNGALOW, H-. W. HEAT, shade aud orchard. $55 a mo. L. B. Andersen, tel êorthbrook 54.2 FINE MODERN 7 BROOMl HOMIC $80. W8.8 $140. Owner on prernises. 1077 Cheriy St., Winn. 2140. 60ILTN28-tfe. want this. piano at $7.00 a nionth?di.1Ywiei 1DOI UIIS egnxii.rsma stor es t For information write te Ray a long-felt need, a truly good collec- Provence. Schwalel', Audîtor, P. O. Box 195. tion of Cbristmas storieg with the real 50 Christmas Pee for ClaIrn Chiago 88TNS-8Ch~ristmas spirit. The covér of the Selected by Florence Hyatt. "The FOR SALE,.MTNNEA POLIS HONEY- book ini itself is enougb to make -f childlike, cbeerful spirit of Christ- welheat control .unit for coal furu- opular.>msi agt ace, almosi new, haif price. Ph.P .maiscut happlly i this clîarun- Glencoe 129L 88LT30-ltp Kti Il hrata*as ding. By Gilk- qÈ- collection of verse.» a book tormn with gay red bilnding, large type, and the pleasing drawigs of. E. B. Benseli." Little. eiskill By Hurbutt. "The amazing adventures ,wbich befel Little 'Heiskell,, the weather vane, wben be camne down from bhis hbigb percb atop the market bouse in. Hagerstown, to spend. Christinas among the villagers." Why the Chinies Rani. By. Alden. One. of thé Most beaiitift4l.'of the Christmas stories, that appeals alike, to. young and old. *HoIIy-Tre, Christmas Stcrie. By Dickens. -These old-fashioned -Christ-*. mnas stories are perennial favorites. Little Christmas Book. By Pylemnan. A. Iile.book of gay stories and poems bv this mnuch-loved writer. Kait and Kristina.,By Bruce. A fan- cif utstory of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. Mis$ Muffet'a Chwistnaas Party.. By Crothers. "A partîy of story-book .and fairly people." Clildreu's Book of Charistmas Stor- i... Edited biy Dickinson. Excellent collection of -tbirty-five short stories by Dickens, Andersen, Susan Cool-" idge 'and many less known authorg, gathei-ed chiefly from periodicals. Valuable for the story-teller, 'as weil as, interesting for children's reading. Christmnas Every Day. -By Howells. Other s tories i the, book are: Tur.' keys Tumning the Tables, the Pump-. kin-Glory, and B3utterfly .Fý!utterbY and Flutteby Iutterfly. ICrsty!s Qaee Chrfistnmas. By Miller. "Chiristmas party. Stories told by eacb of the guests, of the oddest, Most iniserable, or Most agreeable Christ-- mias he ever spent." Charistmas Stories. By Faulkner. A good collection of stories by this wvell known story-teller. 111 *Capturd Saista 'Clas. B Page. Confederate, officer risks bis Mie to. bring presents to, bis babies, bêtwe the lines. Christmnas Cani..e. By Carter'. Plays for boys, and girls. The- plays are fairy tales, or depict Christmas il. ý

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