Prosperity 'Is,.Money .InCi.rculatýio.n The difference befwetn Prosperity and hard ime i $1 00 per week per ca pifa. If every Aeia aeere spenf an 'lexfra' 15 cenfs per day if would furnish capitfal fo employ I1,0008000',workers at a daily wage of $6.25. CONFIDECE"'IN TH'E'FUTU'RE * DEMANDS 'ACTION TODAY Inactive dollars are keeping goods on dlealers' shelve's, factories on'part lime schedules and, fhousands of pofenfial, buyers ouf of work. Reporfs indicafe.a' $700,000,000 gain in, accounfs fhe, fvisfhaIf cf193.0i. Federal Réserve bak& report a gain cf $1 .494,000,000 in deposifs. savings. sysfem- Hesïfancy fo bu-y is refarding and guaranfee fufure, pro sperify. business.- BUY NOW (111i 1-11111