CHURÇ.H -SHERMAN QmUR. BOOK S EC T-10 N SATU RDAY MOVEMBER 29 At 2:30 p MOI Paul R.Leack author of THAT MAN DAW E S In. writing this life o f Evansto's mot distin- guished citizen, Mr, Leach has had access to wouici be disappointed in the Sphinx and the Pyramids. 1 wasn't. Yet I arn grateful to you, for my not being was probably due to the fact that '1 haci been warned it wouldn't ail be exactly like the pictures youa!ways see of it. You told me that the poor Sphinx.sits down -in a hollow so that at flrst. you almost fook over her head. And -that the.,.debris of the exavtigwork going oQn is ve ry cluttering. It is. But: just the same when we rode up on our camels' I feit al the thrills that mymost child- ish hopes1 had. anticipated. The re they stood, ageless as the Aesert which stretched beyond,. or 30o it seemed, with the fami liar contours, at least, of a long held picture.. In spite of my. caniel's jerky ridiculous gait, I approached them with rever-, ence in My beart. We spent -an hour of the late af- t ernoon with themn, and theni pushed on to our night's, caffping ground. Such camping! Tents that Cleopatra herseif could flot have spurned. A dining tent that was more nearly a banquet hall. Our cooks, seeuiing. to wish to justify their -number, had ready for us a tea of staggering pro-. portions. Almost immediately, or after we had spent an .hour trying to get lost1 in the desert, they spread a seven1 course dinner -before us. Wine, spe- cial Egyptian cigarettes, perfect çerv- ice. It struck oddly on our American idea of camping out, but it fitted in, too, with a sort of dream idea of a night spent in.the' desert. After dinner, .we soinehow mounted1 our surly beasts, and went at a ileck-1 racking trot b ack toward the Pyra-1 mids. The' chief reason of our expe- caniels, in a rather awe-struck ring and gazed into her enigmatical face. Our drago-man toI4 us strange tales of things that have happened here. The. camel-drivers sent up some rock- ets.beforerher, then, at last we tirned, and filed back across the desert' to- -ward our campfire. Next day we had a grand day of sight-seeing, and. *shopping. in Cairo. In the evening we went to see the whirling dervishes., They are, amaz- ing.ý. The rôoon was hot .and, cro'wded -a circulae place especially buit for whirling., We stood about for a long time ini awësome silence, while to the shrill notes of, music the dervishes tried to "g1et re.ligion." They. made. slight.swaying movements, their eyes. Yclosed, until al at once, one of them. a sort of leader, unste.adily rose. One of our party ýsaid 'sepulclirally, "We're. off P.' and we had to smother hysterical. giggles, 'behind our hands. Today after anôther extremelv in- teresting trip by train We saw our dear Columbus, newly painted and beaurtiful, awiting us in the harbor. The largest ship ever to go through the Canal. We scrambled on board, hot and dusty and grat-eful and. she, bands playing and flags waving, was like an indulgent parent welcoming us home! Maxine Kelling,ý daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelling, is home for a week from Mt. St. Mary's academy at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Kellitig were hosts Thursday to eighteeii niembers of their famiiiy for Thanks- giving dinner. at their home, 1112 Greenwood avenue. D ixIE F LYERk Route to '1 K -41 a Feeliag <8dit As W O.H. M M" u wrotsg "l'as ~.g W. aul fouiIt a&y sei es, aMd Raymond-Whiko" h the a . ... .... The "Canthi", masaeu ft im great Cuuuard fleet, hma b.... .iny~1 chat4oed for a parly of "400" eau. geulaipeope Who wf ah I.o uulsothe ideruum... flue bora e ofe". thng... jet -the uha1 o revey Nadlehu, Gibraltar, Aies, th.e R& viera (ai Nices for the CanivuI>,, Mnt Crlo, TeaisNuples, Capri, Adieu., C.m»tutuplp, the Ruaiy Lmnd, Cir., Taormna, TouIouu, ete. et... Oply 6ý5 day., but every day worth aun os dluary year of your life... Aftethe ernise, continue yoeur travala threuýh Eurp... resurua i.ter ou hourd amy Cumrd steauuulup, no extra ehauge BOOK SEICTION THI1RD FL OR L.Bt.I. - -I __ C. & ST. L. 'Yi7t~1i